The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ehh ? No they weren't. They are just playing politics just like the GOP did last year. The bit about Trump being under investigation is yet another political ploy. It has zero legal or procedural credibility.

Oh yeah, no doubt they're playing politics and I'm not going to argue they're perfect, but their obstructionism has been nowhere near that of the Republicans who refused to grant Garland a hearing, and fought against pretty much anything Obama did purely because it was Obama.
The Republicans shut down the government and got rewarded at the ballot box, they blocked the barest of gun control measures after children were massacred and got rewarded at the ballot box, they blocked a Supreme court appointment for 15 months and were again rewarded at the ballot box, they nominated a corrupt demagogic sex-pest as their nominee and got fecking rewarded at the ballot box. Skeptical they'd be worried about arcane procedural rules trashing their reputation with the public at this point.

hard to argue with any of that
That's what they will be dealing with by the time the mid terms are front and center next year and he would have a much more difficult time with any SCOTUS pick that attempts to replace a left leaning judge.

Why? If anything, it is going to be easier, given the high likelihood of the Republicans winning further seats in the upcoming Senate elections. And those are certainly not going to be seats held by moderates.
The GOP is in absolute control regarding SCOTUS picks for years to come, and they are not the ones to squander their opportunities in favor of compromise.
If things go badly, a 7-2 majority by the end of Trumps first term is far from being an unrealistic scenario
Ultimately good governance is always about compromise and someone has to be the grown up in the room here.

Unfortunately, the Republican party isn't interested in "good governance", but solely in power. And, if they have learned anything it's that obstruction and FUD spreading can take you far in that regard.
Why? If anything, it is going to be easier, given the high likelihood of the Republicans winning further seats in the upcoming Senate elections. And those are certainly not going to be seats held by moderates.
The GOP is in absolute control regarding SCOTUS picks for years to come, and they are not the ones to squander their opportunities in favor of compromise.
If things go badly, a 7-2 majority by the end of Trumps first term is far from being an unrealistic scenario

That's why a filibuster is important. Nominating a nutjob SCOTUS would put the Trump under a lot of pressure to make the 60 votes, so he may instead be incentivized to pick a more moderate one. Instead, the Dems have opted to play politics for no reason whatsoever and in the process undercut their leverage for the rest of Trump's time in office.
Unfortunately, the Republican party isn't interested in "good governance", but solely in power. And, if they have learned anything it's that obstruction and FUD spreading can take you far in that regard.

Actually both parties are fighting for power and doing whatever they can to retain it. The more you take one side of the other, the longer you are incentivizing the gridlock to continue.
Let's follow the basic logic. Assad doesn't do anything without Putin's blessing. Russia has technical capability to have defended Syria against those missiles. But he is outraged... outraged at the US strike. Oh, and the missiles didn't take out any air strips which is the main point of this sort of strike.
That's why a filibuster is important. Nominating a nutjob SCOTUS would put the Trump under a lot of pressure to make the 60 votes, so he may instead be incentivized to pick a more moderate one. Instead, the Dems have opted to play politics for no reason whatsoever and in the process undercut their leverage for the rest of Trump's time in office.

I don't see your point. There's nothing that suggests the GOP wouldn't have gone nuclear the next time, assuming Gorsuch(who is a certified right winger) wasn't blocked. Also, an upcoming 60 seat majority for the GOP isn't exactly unlikely.
I don't see your point. There's nothing that suggests the GOP wouldn't have gone nuclear the next time, assuming Gorsuch(who is a certified right winger) wasn't blocked. Also, an upcoming 60 seat majority for the GOP isn't exactly unlikely.

Even if that were true, you want to preserve it for a nominee that actually warrants both parties going far enough to where they are willing to blow it up. Gorsuch isn't that nominee, as he's generally quite moderate by GOP standards. All the Dems have done now is play a political game that has failed. They get absolutely nothing for their efforts and have now provided Trump with an easy glide path to whatever future nominee he wants.
There are still the legislative filibuster . Reid nuked the filibuster for judicial appointments except SCOTUS because the GOP wouldn't accept any of them. McConnell finished the job now.

It's just a pretty dumb procedural move in all honesty, especially in a legislative body like the Senate where CA and WY have the same representation.

Hopefully they wont go after the legislative filibuster as that would be worse.

Sorry, I meant that option if withheld would just be used the next time around to the same effect.

Not using that stalemate decider now would just allow the GoP to use it for the next SCOTUS without much debate, in contrast to Raoul's opinion that it might be useful if the GoP is on thin ice by then as though it might make a difference-which I don't buy as being highly feasible.

Just gotta hope no other supreme court vacancies come up till the the next election.
60-70% of 'the public' wanted Garland to have a hearing, the political backlash to that is sitting in the WH tweeting right now.

Very strange of you to be in 'told-you-so' mode when everyone knew what they'd do. Whether this turns out to be a good or bad thing in the long term remains to be seen.

Exactly, that should end the discussion.
Hopefully they wont go after the legislative filibuster as that would be worse.

Just gotta hope no other supreme court vacancies come up till the the next election.

Every scientist losing their job should work on Ginsburg-prolonging therapy for the next 4 years.
Personally, I'd never trust a someone as my chief of staff that couldn't get the 'i before e' rule correct in his own name.

It would be a massive shakeup if true, since Bannon is basically last prominent populist/nationalists left over from the campaign. Basically, it would mean that Trump has jettisoned that entire philosophy that was successful for him during the campaign and is slowly orienting towards a professional governance posture.
You have to wonder who in the WH is leaking stuff to Cernovich (Not even a real journalist). He is linked to people in the alt-right movement, so could be Bannon.

The guy was the first to reveal the Susan Rice unmasking story and he posted before everyone else about the strikes on Syria.

Isn't there a case to be made whether he violated national security by revealing a upcoming mission/attack in a foreign country?
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Intelligence must be really strong for Trump to have reversed his position and now wants Assad removed/punished.

Breitbart/Infowars and others have been peddling this notion/disinformation campaign that it was the rebels who caused this chemical attack to frame Assad, so wonder how they would react if Trump's administration takes this action.

Interesting article on the Bannon / Kushner relationship.

Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘amazing person I admire’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back
Donald Trump’s two closest aides are fighting “nonstop” and often “face-to-face,” officials say — and it’s even uglier in private. I admire-and-globalist-behind-his-back.html

Ivanka's probably into black guys.
@Raoul I just don't see where you are coming from on this. If the current GOP senators were normal people I'd agree with you. They are not. With this current crop I believe the filibuster on the next pick would have been worthless.
Don't you just love how for everything he does as president there's a polarising tweet from his past criticising the very thing he's just done. I'd Imagine if tomorrow he got attacked by a wild goose & his trousers fell down in the melee I bet in 2012 or something he will have tweeted "Only fat losers pants fall down when they get attacked by geese."
Don't you just love how for everything he does as president there's a polarising tweet from his past criticising the very thing he's just done. I'd Imagine if tomorrow he got attacked by a wild goose & his trousers fell down in the melee I bet in 2012 or something he will have tweeted "Only fat losers pants fall down when they get attacked by geese."
Don't you just love how for everything he does as president there's a polarising tweet from his past criticising the very thing he's just done. I'd Imagine if tomorrow he got attacked by a wild goose & his trousers fell down in the melee I bet in 2012 or something he will have tweeted "Only fat losers pants fall down when they get attacked by geese."
It is really quite hilarious.

Quite bleak that it isn't a massive story in itself when you think about it, though
Don't you just love how for everything he does as president there's a polarising tweet from his past criticising the very thing he's just done. I'd Imagine if tomorrow he got attacked by a wild goose & his trousers fell down in the melee I bet in 2012 or something he will have tweeted "Only fat losers pants fall down when they get attacked by geese."
It's not just Trump either. Several Republicans have Tweets that contradict previous Tweets, sometimes in the space of a few months or even less.
This weird argument about 'Shouldn't have allowed GOP to go nuclear' is crazy as feck. GOP just got rid of the 60 vote margin when their nominee could have been filibustered. Why the hell would you fold now and retain the filibuster option for the next time when the GOP can do the same and get rid of the majority vote next time?

It was only horrible choices for Dems and they chose a path that at least energizes their base.
This weird argument about 'Shouldn't have allowed GOP to go nuclear' is crazy as feck. GOP just got rid of the 60 vote margin when their nominee could have been filibustered. Why the hell would you fold now and retain the filibuster option for the next time when the GOP can do the same and get rid of the majority vote next time?

It was only horrible choices for Dems and they chose a path that at least energizes their base.

The Democrats could have held their nose this time around and then in the midterms gain enough seats, so they could stop the GOP going nuclear, providing no other judge dies/retires until after nov 2018.
The Democrats could have held their nose this time around and then in the midterms gain enough seats, so they could stop the GOP going nuclear, providing no other judge dies/retires until after nov 2018.
Senate seats up for re-election in 2018 are extremely unfavourable for the Dems so it won't happen, but also in that situation it would work out perfectly for them without a filibuster, either demand a proper moderate be put on or sit tight and wait for 2020.
This got buried with all that's going on today

Lets see if Trump takes credit :)


Okay it's not funny but in terms of Trump having been bragging for stuff he didn't earn, kind of funny.
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