The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Funny thing is the twitter account that they want details on is mainly posting gifs. They're not even posting stories/claims like the other well known "insider" accounts are doing.
Maybe they think it actually is someone in the West Wing (for once).
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.

Simply removing bad people does not help anyone, it often makes it worse.

With syria, ISIS is entrenched in the country, remove assad and we create an ISIS state on the border of europe. trump wont have to deal with that fallout, but we will.

Its a horrifying situation there, but I am not sure we can actually make it any better long term.
The hypothetical coalition would end up fighting Assad and ISIS both. There's no way ISIS could resist attacking and then it would give justification for expanding the scope of the mission.
What the...

Somebody's looking for leakers
Maybe they think it actually is someone in the West Wing (for once).

But they're not posting anything damning from what i've seen.

You could maybe understand the WH doing this if it involved the "roguepotusstaff" account, but the optics look really bad on this one.
I presume you know that it mean Cuckservative, a slur on right wing people?

That's how it started as a slur but it's basically become widespread in its usage among the alt-right for anyone who's remotely more left/liberal than they are.
But they're not posting anything damning from what i've seen.

You could maybe understand the WH doing this if it involved the "roguepotusstaff" account, but the optics look really bad on this one.

Have you checked back to early March because I believe from one of the earlier tweets the request for information was made Mid-March so maybe there is something from then, or they had suspicions/a reason to be concerned early on.
Haven't seen KellyAnne in ages. Hearing her and Bannon are on the out at the moment. Priebus not far behind.


This actually tops the delusion of Bendtner when he said he was one of the best strikers in the world, which up until now has been by far the greatest sign of a man being delusional that I've ever come across.
I'm 100% certain that Trump actually believes this as well. This isn't something he says to rally the Trumpsters or to take a jab at someone, he truly believes he's done well because he wouldn't nor couldn't acknowledge his faults and failures even if they were shoved down his throat.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that we're all in some real version of the Truman show and we're just being tested on how much BS we can take over a given period of time. I refuse to believe that this circus that is the current government of the most powerful nation on earth can be this incompetent, arrogant, inhumane, childish and downright stupid. Also, I haven't seen Ed Harris in years...
Haven't seen KellyAnne in ages. Hearing her and Bannon are on the out at the moment. Priebus not far behind.
I had genuinely forgotten her existence.
What's Melania up to these days? Still chilling out at Trump Tower?
Have you checked back to early March because I believe from one of the earlier tweets the request for information was made Mid-March so maybe there is something from then, or they had suspicions/a reason to be concerned early on.

Just done some digging and found that the account leaked some documents on Feb 23.

The incriminating tweets have been removed from the account, which was what made me baffled why this twitter account was being targeted by the WH as the user mostly tweets gifs.

It makes sense now.
Haven't seen KellyAnne in ages. Hearing her and Bannon are on the out at the moment. Priebus not far behind.
Are you saying that, by the end of the first 100 days, we may have the WH chief of staff, WH deputy chief of staff, chief strategist, adviser to the president and national security adviser all OUT? Is that a record?
Are you saying that, by the end of the first 100 days, we may have the WH chief of staff, WH deputy chief of staff, chief strategist, adviser to the president and national security adviser all OUT? Is that a record?

I'm hearing there may be sweeping changes as early as next week. Not sure if that means each of the people I listed will be gone, but its pretty clear that the old campaign people who swept into their jobs on Trump's coat tails are slowly losing their influence in favor of Kushner, Ivanka, Gary Cohn, and the rest of the New York team.
I'm hearing there may be sweeping changes as early as next week. Not sure if that means each of the people I listed will be gone, but its pretty clear that the old campaign people who swept into their jobs on Trump's coat tails are slowly losing their influence in favor of Kushner, Ivanka, Gary Cohn, and the rest of the New York team.
I see.

I'm afraid that the New York Team= Trump Family in this case.
I see.

I'm afraid that the New York Team= Trump Family in this case.

I'm completely fine with that, as they are generally more progressive and sensible in contrast to dangerous ideologues like Bannon. If Trump wants any hope of successful Presidency then he has to get rid of the amateurs (Bannon, Conway et al) and bring on a few professionals on his team to compliment his inner circle of family advisors.
I'm completely fine with that, as they are generally more progressive and sensible in contrast to dangerous ideologues like Bannon. If Trump wants any hope of successful Presidency then he has to get rid of the amateurs (Bannon, Conway et al) and bring on a few professionals on his team to compliment his inner circle of family advisors.
I want Bannon and the Lying Kellyanne out, but I don't want a family business. There are many qualified people out there that have a last name other than TRUMP. See, almost all democrats and some republicans opposed having Flynn, Bannon and Conway in the administration, and yet they were hired. Now they may end being out, but it would be a mistake to replace controversial figures with other controversial figures (family members). Just hire good people for God's sake without creating controversies.
I want Bannon and the Lying Kellyanne out, but I don't want a family business. There are many qualified people out there that have a last name other than TRUMP. See, almost all democrats and some republicans opposed having Flynn, Bannon and Conway in the administration, and yet they were hired. Now they may end being out, but it would be a mistake to replace controversial figures with other controversial figures (family members). Just hire good people for God's sake without creating controversies.
This is Trump. He thrives on it.
Here it begins.

Twitler spoke to reporters but due to technical restrictions, no live broadcasting possible.

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Preet's first public appearance since he got the boot

edit: after watching 20 mins wouldn't be at all surprised if he has political ambitions. He's very smooth in front of the camera.
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