The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I agree, but it's a fact that the recovery has continued and the stock market is looking very good, and this is apparently when this admin is in crisis or whatever. IMO jobs will make or break him, if this continues he's on his way to re-election.

No, him being a fecking moron tied up to the neck with Russia will break him.
This will get more and more scrutiny in the coming weeks. Time for the congressional committee to subpoena his taxes.

That guy's only a week behind Rachel Maddow's expose on the property purchase. Was listed around $46M and suddenly this guy pays Trump $95M. I thought it was odd when it happened but now it looks very sketchy.

I enjoyed her analysis of this, was 2 weeks ago and very common news I thought? Also the one she did last weeks about the dodgy Trump hotel in Azerbaijan?
I enjoyed her analysis of this, was 2 weeks ago and very common news I thought? Also the one she did last weeks about the dodgy Trump hotel in Azerbaijan?

She's had quite a few of late. My only pause is that she has pushed some bullshit in the past without providing the full story (Marissa Alexander for example) and has later admitted some mistakes from previous segments. Like any person that falls to the far side of a political spectrum, she'll pursue that which falls in line with her vision and the viewing base, granted she's nowhere near as bad as Hannity. Though I tend to believe there's a lot of blatant and obvious crap going on in the whole Trump campaign to administration.
There might not be anything dodgy about it. From what I read recently (in a book on cinema) this kind of over-priced purchase, bulldozing, and then building a ridiculously palatial new house has been a growing trend for years.
That guy's only a week behind Rachel Maddow's expose on the property purchase. Was listed around $46M and suddenly this guy pays Trump $95M. I thought it was odd when it happened but now it looks very sketchy.

Trump organisation is a laundering machine.
There might not be anything dodgy about it. From what I read recently (in a book on cinema) this kind of over-priced purchase, bulldozing, and then building a ridiculously palatial new house has been a growing trend for years.
And then they want to build a wall. Thanks Baz.
Maddow is all over the Flynn foreign agent stuff tonight. Pence appears to be lying his ass off when asked about it. I can't imagine Flynn would not reveal his concurrent foreign lobbying during the vetting process by the Trump team, which was apparently headed by Pence.

Or Flynn is one treacherous snake. There are plenty of officers in the military that I label "star hunters" in that his/her goal is general officer, and he/she will step on, screw over, squash anyone and everyone in the path to that star.
Maddow is all over the Flynn foreign agent stuff tonight. Pence appears to be lying his ass off when asked about it. I can't imagine Flynn would not reveal his concurrent foreign lobbying during the vetting process by the Trump team, which was apparently headed by Pence.

Or Flynn is one treacherous snake.
any links?

Well this could be interesting re: Manafort...

"You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly," Andrea Manafort allegedly wrote of her father in March 2015 in an angry series of texts to her sister, Jessica, about her father's personal and professional life.

"Remember when there were all those deaths taking place. A while back. About a year ago. Revolts and what not," reads another text in reference to the bloodshed in Kiev.

"Do you know whose strategy that was to cause that, to send those people out and get them slaughtered."

"He has no moral or legal compass," Andrea allegedly wrote about her father earlier as part of the same conversation.

The messages were obtained from a hacker website that in February posted four years' worth of texts, consisting of 300,000 messages, apparently taken from Andrea Manafort's iPhone.
I don't think CNN should be publishing that.
They published this one too..
In the same 2015 conversation with her sister, Andrea allegedly suggests to Jessica that their father used covert methods to send messages to Ukraine.
"I was there when it happened. I saw him on his shady email," she allegedly wrote. "They don't write emails. They log on and write in the drafts So it's never transmitted over any servers."
That's pretty nifty
They published this one too..

That's pretty nifty
I find that part considerably more justifiable for publication. The rest, makes me feel differently.

I think you need a pretty high bar when deciding what to publish from someone not (as far as I know) seeking the public eye but merely related to someone in it.

Declaration of interest - I have a parent in the public eye and I would be distraught if the not always entirely serious/thought through texts I send to friends, and indeed my sibling, were used against them.
They published this one too..

That's pretty nifty

How would they work it? Do they all have access to the server? You're really all in trusting your collaborators then, and lose deniability of being aware. If it's that they perhaps share a password to their part of the server (face to face perhaps), then again you're trusting the other person not to screw you. Seems a hacker's dream surely.
I find that part considerably more justifiable for publication. The rest, makes me feel differently.

I think you need a pretty high bar when deciding what to publish from someone not (as far as I know) seeking the public eye but merely related to someone in it.

Declaration of interest - I have a parent in the public eye and I would be distraught if the not always entirely serious/thought through texts I send to friends, and indeed my sibling, were used against them.

There is an invasion of privacy aspect but given it relates to someone in the Trump circle and what it pertains I'd say it's worthy of being published. Clearly Manafort is an extremely dangerous and dodgy individual with links to Russia and he was part of the Trump campaign.
How would they work it? Do they all have access to the server? You're really all in trusting your collaborators then, and lose deniability of being aware. If it's that they perhaps share a password to their part of the server (face to face perhaps), then again you're trusting the other person not to screw you. Seems a hacker's dream surely.
That's what I imagined it to be.

At a predetermined time, log in, write a draft, then log out. Then the other guy does the same.

If a hacker gets in, as long as you didn't use any names, it just looks like a weird convo with yourself.
There is an invasion of privacy aspect but given it relates to someone in the Trump circle and what it pertains I'd say it's worthy of being published. Clearly Manafort is an extremely dangerous and dodgy individual with links to Russia and he was part of the Trump campaign.
I'm not sure all of what CNN included in that article was worthy of such.
That's standard practice apparently, just occurring later (and with far less organisation) than normal.

Yeah, Obama gave the attorneys from the previous administration a few months notice to delegate responsibilities and ensure continuity in important prosecutions. For example, El Chapo's case was being handled by the US attorney in the Eastern District of New York, who's been terminated by this order with no heads up.
Yeah, Obama gave the attorneys from the previous administration a few months notice to delegate responsibilities and ensure continuity in important prosecutions. For example, El Chapo's case was being handled by the US attorney in the Eastern District of New York, who's been terminated by this order with no heads up.

Lovely. Built that wall and dismantle that prosecution.
I can't stand Maddow's long winded presentations. In this case, its entirely plausible Pence, who was extremely busy with a lot of things, didn't know about Flynn's status
Yeah, Obama gave the attorneys from the previous administration a few months notice to delegate responsibilities and ensure continuity in important prosecutions. For example, El Chapo's case was being handled by the US attorney in the Eastern District of New York, who's been terminated by this order with no heads up.
Gah, the incompetence is maddening.
I watched the segment live last night thinking I may find out something interesting. Then quickly realized why I don't watch her show. Its basically self-reinforcing groupthink for people that don't like Trump. Not much balanced journalism in there.
It's a million times better than CNN's "no you" "no you" - ad bread - *BREAKING NEWS ALERT WITH WOLF BLITZER* - "We don't know anything yet but stick around until we do", *countdown to nothing flashes on the screen* - ad bread - "no you" "no you".
It's a million times better than CNN's "no you" "no you" - ad bread - *BREAKING NEWS ALERT WITH WOLF BLITZER* - "We don't know anything yet but stick around until we do", *countdown to nothing flashes on the screen* - ad bread - "no you" "no you".

Yeah that breaking news nonsense on CNN is annoying as well. But at least they try to balance their coverage with pundits from both sides arguing about the issues. MSNBC's evening lineup is just for people who don't want to think and prefer being spoonfed content containing conclusions they already agree with.
I can't stand Maddow's long winded presentations. In this case, its entirely plausible Pence, who was extremely busy with a lot of things, didn't know about Flynn's status

How does one claim to not know? Its not some far wrung position he got complacent while filling in, Flynn was nominated for one of the more prominent positions. It falls in the spectrum between gross incompetence and knowledgeable malice no matter how you swing it, which is basically the two things the Trump admin seems to be swing between.
How does one claim to not know? Its not some far wrung position he got complacent while filling in, Flynn was nominated for one of the more prominent positions. It falls in the spectrum between gross incompetence and knowledgeable malice no matter how you swing it, which is basically the two things the Trump admin seems to be swing between.

It's just one of many instances where these so called investigative shows are under such intense pressure to generate content where they are incentivized to fabricate drama out of a nothing story.

Flynn lied to Pence. Pence went on TV to defend Flynn. The information was later revealed to be false and Trump sacked Flynn.

Maddow is just inventing conspiratorial crap for her easily led flock in order to fill her nightly segment.
It's just one of many instances where these so called investigative shows are under such intense pressure to generate content where they are incentivized to fabricate drama out of a nothing story.

Flynn lied to Pence. Pence went on TV to defend Flynn. The information was later revealed to be false and Trump sacked Flynn.

Maddow is just inventing conspiratorial crap for her easily led flock in order to fill her nightly segment.
Do you really believe that though? How do you explain the multiple people claiming to have informed the white house, including Mike Pence, before the story broke?
Do you really believe that though? How do you explain the multiple people claiming to have informed the white house, including Mike Pence, before the story broke?

Informing the White House is not tantamount to informing Trump and Pence. It could've been conveyed to Bannon or Priebus, who were both incompetent and/or extremely busy dealing with a flurry of other things to be able to prioritize what was and wasn't important. This is moreso a case of Maddow needed to fill a segment with her own narrative than something legitimate imo.

Also, the segment smacked of a thinly veiled attempt by Maddow, who is LGBT, going after Pence because of his anti-LGBT views.
Informing the White House is not tantamount to informing Trump and Pence. It could've been conveyed to Bannon or Priebus, who were both incompetent and/or extremely busy dealing with a flurry of other things to be able to prioritize what was and wasn't important. This is moreso a case of Maddow needed to fill a segment with her own narrative than something legitimate imo.

Also, the segment smacked of a thinly veiled attempt by Maddow, who is LGBT, going after Pence because of his anti-LGBT views.
Multiple outlets have run every aspect of the story, including about Flynn's lawyers.
Informing the White House is not tantamount to informing Trump and Pence. It could've been conveyed to Bannon or Priebus, who were both incompetent and/or extremely busy dealing with a flurry of other things to be able to prioritize what was and wasn't important. This is moreso a case of Maddow needed to fill a segment with her own narrative than something legitimate imo.

Also, the segment smacked of a thinly veiled attempt by Maddow, who is LGBT, going after Pence because of his anti-LGBT views.

That's a bit of a reach, Pence was incharge of the Trump transition team so the blame for not properly vetting candidates and investigating their possible conflicts of interest falls squarely on his shoulders.
That's a bit of a reach, Pence was incharge of the Trump transition team so the blame for not properly vetting candidates and investigating their possible conflicts of interest falls squarely on his shoulders.

If major news outlets are running it, and Congress sent notice to the transition team, and Flynn lawyers came to the transition team about it, and Pence, as head of the transition team, still didn't know... then what the hell is he doing?
Redstate is even talking about this...
Did They Even Vet Him? Trump Admin Claims Ignorance of Mike Flynn’s Turkey Lobbying

Also, Rep. Elijah Cummings says he wrote Pence directly.
“In addition to being in the press, I warned the Vice President directly three months ago about the conflicts created by Lt. General Flynn’s company lobbying on behalf of Turkish interests,” Cummings said.
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