The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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the more I read about America, big parts of it seem like 3rd world for the ordinary person. I don't see anything in the policies so far that's going to benefit the 'little guy' but is going to benefit big corporations. Sad! I guess that's what to be expected when you give the presidency to a business man with no morals or scruples
They cannot just blurt this lot out, trump has been trying to de-legitimize any channels that this will come from, the media and the intelligence community. What this means is that if they, today, come out and say he is a traitor in the pay of russia, around 38% of the US will not believe them. That is how civil war starts.

I've said it before, from an outsider, it looks to me like Trump administration/Republican smokey men are trying to troll so much that it will erupt into civil violence. Then they will be able to do whatever the hell they want under the pretence of making the country secure

Other countries have see attempted coups before.. it does make me wonder if we'd ever seen an attempt like that in the USA or are all military people sworn to the president no matter what
I've said it before, from an outsider, it looks to me like Trump administration/Republican smokey men are trying to troll so much that it will erupt into civil violence. Then they will be able to do whatever the hell they want under the pretence of making the country secure

Other countries have see attempted coups before.. it does make me wonder if we'd ever seen an attempt like that in the USA or are all military people sworn to the president no matter what

Trumps looking after the military, he's not that daft.
the more I read about America, big parts of it seem like 3rd world for the ordinary person. I don't see anything in the policies so far that's going to benefit the 'little guy' but is going to benefit big corporations. Sad! I guess that's what to be expected when you give the presidency to a business man with no morals or scruples

The common Kool-Aid fed to Americans these days is that they're still #1 in healthcare, education, technology, etc. The reality is that even 3rd world and developing nations have caught up to America over the past 20 years. They're African countries with better healthcare systems. They're Caribbean countries with better education curriculums; simply because their politicians have put these things as top priority. I saw a Republican congressman trying to stupidly convince someone that people from Canada, Sweden, Denmark, etc leave these countries to get healthcare in the US. Clearly he's still living in that "America is that shining light on the Hill" bubble.
Is this their new conspiracy line. Like fake news. "Deep state" = institutional obstructions.
Farage was parroting it earlier as well, after his meeting with Assange.
The common Kool-Aid fed to Americans these days is that they're still #1 in healthcare, education, technology, etc. The reality is that even 3rd world and developing nations have caught up to America over the past 20 years. They're African countries with better healthcare systems. They're Caribbean countries with better education curriculums; simply because their politicians have put these things as top priority. I saw a Republican congressman trying to stupidly convince someone that people from Canada, Sweden, Denmark, etc leave these countries to get healthcare in the US. Clearly he's still living in that "America is that shining light on the Hill" bubble.
I actually know a few examples of people coming here. But they are not coming for the healthcare system. They are coming to get access to specific doctors or procedures.
I actually know a few examples of people coming here. But they are not coming for the healthcare system. They are coming to get access to specific doctors or procedures.

Can't speak for all, but the ones I have heard about are usually quite wealthy people also. So it is just a case of the wealthy being able to pick and chose where they get very specific treatments or procedures. Nothing to really hold up as proof of how good a system is or is not.
The salt in the headline...

Trump celebrates as US adds 235,000 jobs in administration's first full month

Economic trends behind best month in three years spring from Obama era, but Trump seems quick to claim credit
The salt in the headline...

Trump celebrates as US adds 235,000 jobs in administration's first full month

Economic trends behind best month in three years spring from Obama era, but Trump seems quick to claim credit
So it must be just 43.3% unemployed. He will have a hard job getting it under 5% like Obama.
Can't speak for all, but the ones I have heard about are usually quite wealthy people also. So it is just a case of the wealthy being able to pick and chose where they get very specific treatments or procedures. Nothing to really hold up as proof of how good a system is or is not.
Yep. Precisely that in my examples.
The common Kool-Aid fed to Americans these days is that they're still #1 in healthcare, education, technology, etc. The reality is that even 3rd world and developing nations have caught up to America over the past 20 years. They're African countries with better healthcare systems. They're Caribbean countries with better education curriculums; simply because their politicians have put these things as top priority. I saw a Republican congressman trying to stupidly convince someone that people from Canada, Sweden, Denmark, etc leave these countries to get healthcare in the US. Clearly he's still living in that "America is that shining light on the Hill" bubble.
I saw that yesterday and was shouting at the screen for them not to let him get away with that statement and Ali Velshi didn't let me down. The worst part was at the end he asked the Ohio representative to come back with an example of anywhere in the world a free market healthcare system works and the guy just shouts out Medicaid, unfecking believable.
I have been apprehensive about the next few years but it really hit home this morning. My wife is currently in discussions with her colleagues about this new health bill. Her company employed around 200 people back in 2011/2012 due to the ACA's Medicare expansion, they are service and care providers for people on all ends of the spectrum. Those jobs will be eliminated over the next two years if this travesty is implemented. Job killing Obamacare my arse.
WHY DO CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS HATE EVERYONE. They discriminate against everyone not earning over $500,000 a year and lie to the gullible to get elected.

I agree, but it's a fact that the recovery has continued and the stock market is looking very good, and this is apparently when this admin is in crisis or whatever. IMO jobs will make or break him, if this continues he's on his way to re-election.
I don't see how it continues. Already below 5% unemployment which is near historical low. The question in my mind is will dumbwits forget it got below 5% under Obama and thank Trump.
I actually know a few examples of people coming here. But they are not coming for the healthcare system. They are coming to get access to specific doctors or procedures.

I know of a few Irish kids who have gone to the US for treatment, most commonly because the specific cancer drugs and specific consultants in the US are not available in our country. However, the parents basically have to raise the money themselves to pay for it.
The question in my mind is will dumbwits forget it got below 5% under Obama and thank Trump.

Of course some will, that's inevitable, but as far as they are concerned Obama didn't help anyway because the vast majority of jobs he created weren't in the right areas so it really is as if it never happened. The record low unemployment and high job growth may as well be in Thailand for all the majority of Trump supporters care, but like with ObamaCare they will probably work it out when it's too late. If unemployment rises again to say 8 or 9% then I think an awful lot of people will realise who was responsible for the turnaround, recovery and stability since the bank crisis caused a near worldwide recession.
I know of a few Irish kids who have gone to the US for treatment, most commonly because the specific cancer drugs and specific consultants in the US are not available in our country. However, the parents basically have to raise the money themselves to pay for it.

It's the most advanced health care in the world, if you can pay
I agree, but it's a fact that the recovery has continued and the stock market is looking very good, and this is apparently when this admin is in crisis or whatever. IMO jobs will make or break him, if this continues he's on his way to re-election.

As a stock market analyst, may I just say: please ignore the stock market. As far as politics, yes continued jobs strength (I've heard of evidence of undersupply of labor for almost 12 months now) is good for his chances.
I agree, but it's a fact that the recovery has continued and the stock market is looking very good, and this is apparently when this admin is in crisis or whatever. IMO jobs will make or break him, if this continues he's on his way to re-election.

It likely does hinge on this. He hasn't started his protectionist policies yet and hasn't started his mass infrastructure spending and tax cuts. If he follows through on all of those the economy should grow and jobs and pay should rise in theory. Because he'll need to borrow bucketloads it'll eventually crash but likely not before the next election.
It likely does hinge on this. He hasn't started his protectionist policies yet and hasn't started his mass infrastructure spending and tax cuts. If he follows through on all of those the economy should grow and jobs and pay should rise in theory. Because he'll need to borrow bucketloads it'll eventually crash but likely not before the next election.

The effects of a huge spending bill will take a long time for people to start seeing the effects of it.
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