I've long read those studies and if you can't poke holes in them then you've long relinquished your ability to be an independent thinker, which seems the case with most of this forum. Most of you guys sound like CNN journalists ffs.
Holes to be poked, wrong target group(haven't heard anyone claim it's going to take anyone off their deathbed). Then wrong concoction, sometimes not the whole mixture of drugs is used. Isn't it funny how it's potentially extremely harmful and fatal yet no one seems to prove that?
Someone asked about studies showing positive results.
Guessing you can pretty much pick holes in that too. I get it, that doctor is a nutjob a deserves all the focus, why? That doesn't make any sense. Why not read what someone like Dr Hirsch published.
Take it a man like him can be respected? No?
I'd like to reiterate I'm not saying it works or doesn't, that I don't know. From the conflicting findings the science behind it is struggling to find that out for whatever reason. However being staunch on one side at this point seems ridiculous, a point that's flown over the heads of many on here.
Of course plenty of research is being done yet at this point, the strategy is a 'go home and hope for the best' strategy. If worst comes to worst, come back and we'll try some treatments. That makes me very uncomfortable. Some hope is simply better than none.