The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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On a side note, that sucks. I love The Atlantic, have been a subscriber for a while. Best journalism out there for me, really, really good stuff. Also feels like the kind of property that has an audience who'd be willing to pay, so even sadder in a way.

Trump and his ilk definitely want a world where pop-up ads and click-bait articles are the only way for the media to survive.

The Altantic is the pride of American magazines that should be celebrated for a 160 year history with people like Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson etc contributing towards it. It will be a sad day if the Murdock brand of tabloid journalism outlives that.
Sadly I think they’re not as self-aware as you think, judging from the ones I talk to anyway.
It's the tiniest mercy and consolation to conclude that this is preferable to the grim scenario I outlayed.
This was always going to be his play to his base, could see it from that first press conference where he started acknowledging it even existed.

No virus. No deaths. Everything is fine. It's on a boat.
Next day.
It could kill all of us, literally, people-saying it could kill more than all of us. Without me, we'd all - and I mean more than that - be dead, right now. We wouldn't be here. We'd be, well you know, because of the virus - very bad. China.
It's like he was in the room.
Also, was shocked to see Fox News actually running the story about the to the comments section! My dear God. There are so many human beings that just need to be erased. I might come around to team Coronavirus.
I like how the cult is trying to say that Trump is being censored and that Twitter is violating his free speech. They are a private company that can do as they please with their own platform, and all they did was to put a fecking link in a couple of his tweets. No consoring, no forcing him to delete them, just a link saying he's wrong which of course is true.
I like how the cult is trying to say that Trump is being censored and that Twitter is violating his free speech. They are a private company that can do as they please with their own platform, and all they did was to put a fecking link in a couple of his tweets. No consoring, no forcing him to delete them, just a link saying he's wrong which of course is true.
And the link itself doesn't even say that. Just makes it sound like what Trump is saying is true and to click to find out more - only once you click it, you see what Trump said is bollocks.
I like Twitter but here's a snapshot of its unusual priorities:

One can't get a 'Cummings' hashtag trending because of it's apparent link
A President can accuse someone of murder and doesn't get reprimanded.
I like how the cult is trying to say that Trump is being censored and that Twitter is violating his free speech. They are a private company that can do as they please with their own platform, and all they did was to put a fecking link in a couple of his tweets. No consoring, no forcing him to delete them, just a link saying he's wrong which of course is true.

“We’d rather you not point out that he’s lying to us”
Trump said:
Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices.
If this were true, we wouldn't be reading that twit.
If this were true, we wouldn't be reading that twit.
and this wouldn't be in the trending section

More from the suppressed voice of the people:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Twitter has now shown that everything we have been saying about them (and their other compatriots) is correct. Big action to follow!

I'm actually surprised that he managed to spell 'their' correctly.
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Seriously, can a President actually do anything like that to a private business? Pretty sure he thinks the Presidency is one big The Apprentice show and literally everything in America is next on the Episode of who's fired.
Seriously, can a President actually do anything like that to a private business? Pretty sure he thinks the Presidency is one big The Apprentice show and literally everything in America is next on the Episode of who's fired.
He won't do a fecking thing. If he cracked down on social media it would be his base that would be left out. Same with libel laws, the idiot would love some form of that for here but he is too fecking self absorbed to realize he and his dirty family would be fecking ruined if that happened.
Seriously, can a President actually do anything like that to a private business? Pretty sure he thinks the Presidency is one big The Apprentice show and literally everything in America is next on the Episode of who's fired.

I don't know about the exact US laws, but as far as I know you aren't allowed for example to segregate. So government can actually involve themselves in business decisions. And it is also a fairly interesting topic to discuss about how much and when should government be allowed to tell business owners what to do and when they are crossing a line.
I don't know about the exact US laws, but as far as I know you aren't allowed for example to segregate. So government can actually involve themselves in business decisions. And it is also a fairly interesting topic to discuss about how much and when should government be allowed to tell business owners what to do and when they are crossing a line.

That's like talking about business law to a gangster.

Trump does what he wants. He already broke all the rules and laws and norms and there is literally no one stopping him.
They didn’t even silence him or out any regulations on him, they just warned people that it might be false and showed people vetted sources to make up their own mind. As a private company that is there prerogative.

In response he is threatening to impose regulations on them that will likely impact their first amendment rights.
Twitter should respond by saying they’ve taken his comments on board and removed all Russian bot accounts.

His followers and likes/responses would half.
Even Trump's favourite pollster can not save him at the moment.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Jack Posobiec of OANN for Wednesday shows that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 30% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 47% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Twitter should respond by saying they’ve taken his comments on board and removed all Russian bot accounts.

His followers and likes/responses would half.
That's been checked already. 74% of his followers are bots, I think.
That's been checked already. 74% of his followers are bots, I think.

His numbers have been going up at a ridiculous level the last few months. I worked it out that he was gaining around 100k followers a day, sometimes 150k

He was always hovering around the 50 million mark, now he's at 80m. He cannot handle not being the most popular person on Twitter.

His likes have more than quadrupled recently too. I presume that's down to lockdown and more people being online, plus the extra 20/30m followers being mainly bots are adding likes as well.
So the US have finally hit the 100k death toll as expected before 1 Jun as Trump demands guarantees that he can hold his rallies in packed arenas. He's not even bothering with the COVID stuff anymore. It's all about making himself look good for November.
So the US have finally hit the 100k death toll as expected before 1 Jun as Trump demands guarantees that he can hold his rallies in packed arenas. He's not even bothering with the COVID stuff anymore. It's all about making himself look good for November.
His supporters would be A-Okay with that, too. From a local news station asking folks about youth sports leagues getting started back up...

His supporters would be A-Okay with that, too. From a local news station asking folks about youth sports leagues getting started back up...

Feel there's plenty of those people around here too. They just can't grasp the concept of community spread, and how that effects the vulnerable. They think they're just making the choice for themselves.

Why did you highlight their names with a crayon though?
So the US have finally hit the 100k death toll as expected before 1 Jun as Trump demands guarantees that he can hold his rallies in packed arenas. He's not even bothering with the COVID stuff anymore. It's all about making himself look good for November.
And that’s in part because red state governors at his behest have been cooking the books. We’re most likely 20-40% above that 100k number.
His supporters would be A-Okay with that, too. From a local news station asking folks about youth sports leagues getting started back up...

Its just parochial people. They cant see anything beyond their direct contacts. Everything else is conceptual which is just too brain-achy and ''too different'' to think of.
So its the I don't know and I don't care approach.
So, the 'logic' of that first Facebook comment is:

1)'I don't like government control, so I'll do what the government tells me to & get back to normal living. I made an independent choice.'
2) 'People who make an independent choice, and don't act under government control, are wrong. And terrible. And weak.'

I don't know about the exact US laws, but as far as I know you aren't allowed for example to segregate. So government can actually involve themselves in business decisions. And it is also a fairly interesting topic to discuss about how much and when should government be allowed to tell business owners what to do and when they are crossing a line.

Well... umm

Can there be such a thing as too much freedom? Is this very American* thing the cause of some people's rebellion against the virus & its health & safety necessities/regulations? Maybe it isn't simply a case of Trumpian infectious madness, or related vested financial interests, inspiring these rebellions.

As much as it's almost always a mistake to generalise peoples, it could be - as I believe Carolina Red once hinted at in a discussion about gun control - that Americans in particular have a special sense of personal freedom unlike the folks of other nations; a sense that outsiders don't 'get'. This is, arguably, a historical element that is ingrained. To label it 'entitlement' might be an error (one I've been guilty of on occasion).

*Obviously, 'too much freedom' doesn't apply to all American citizens, sadly.
So, the 'logic' of that first Facebook comment is:

1)'I don't like government control, so I'll do what the government tells me to & get back to normal living. I made an independent choice.'
2) 'People who make an independent choice, and don't act under government control, are wrong. And terrible. And weak.'


I like Top Fan's brilliant comment 'can't keep not living for fear". A true gentleman and scholar right there. Carolina is lucky to know such a genius.
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