The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The way he keeps stressing 'early' gives away the whole thing.
Reporter: "Have you seen the letter that was written by her husband begging Twitter to delete your tweets, talking about how hard it's been for his family, for him?"

President Trump: "Yeah, I have but I'm sure that ultimately they want to get to the bottom of it."

President Trump’s reelection campaign accused Twitter of “political bias” after it added fact-checks to two of his tweets regarding mail-in voting in California.

“We always knew that Silicon Valley would pull out all the stops to obstruct and interfere with President Trump getting his message through to voters. Partnering with the biased fake news media ‘fact checkers’ is only a smoke screen Twitter is using to try to lend their obvious political tactics some false credibility,” said Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager.
That's exactly what the hoax network 5G newspapers want me to believe...
I'm sure he raised one finger to the skies when he'd typed that last sentence.
Twitter - a platform heavily criticised for allowing absolute nut jobs to post all sorts of abuse and bullshit, is restricting free speech.... Yes of course.

In the big scheme of things this will have feck all impact, I'd say about 99% of Trump supporters on Twitter are bots any way, so calm down Donnie, pop a few more pills, switch to OAN and have a wank.
I'm sure he raised one finger to the skies when he'd typed that last sentence.

People on his campaign email list are being sent instructions on how to do mail in voting.
because (as we all know) it's got nothing to do with fraud or even the potential for fraud. All they care about is people not voting. The more people vote, the less likely it is for a republican to win.

So the focus should be how great a job Trump has done in saving 1.9 million lives.

He really has a unique way of viewing reality.

This was always going to be his play to his base, could see it from that first press conference where he started acknowledging it even existed.

No virus. No deaths. Everything is fine. It's on a boat.
Next day.
It could kill all of us, literally, people-saying it could kill more than all of us. Without me, we'd all - and I mean more than that - be dead, right now. We wouldn't be here. We'd be, well you know, because of the virus - very bad. China.
This is the foreign policy win he’s planning for the election if he can’t visit the Korean DMZ or find an Iranian to bomb again.
because (as we all know) it's got nothing to do with fraud or even the potential for fraud. All they care about is people not voting. The more people vote, the less likely it is for a republican to win.

If that's literally what happen you gotta take a long hard look at Democrats.

If all they got to do is turn up and they can't even bother to do so then they probably deserve donald trump shoved on their face.

Somebody is bigly pissed :lol:

If Twitter bans him, there is no way he would win the election. He owns everything to social media. As ridiculous he is there, somehow he has managed to make a God-status for his followers.

Small victories.....

Any win against Ari from Planet of the Apes is a large victory.

What do we reckon this is? I reckon it was probably more of a Big Mac burp than anything.


So the focus should be how great a job Trump has done in saving 1.9 million lives.

He really has a unique way of viewing reality.

I think I’m on solid ground here, but no sensible estimates were 2 million. It was one of his ‘numbers don’t matter and big numbers are more impressive’ rants a month ago.

Something like: “They predicted deaths of 500k to a million. The worst case scenario as high as 1.5 million. So you can say 2 million. You can say 2 million. 2 million deaths”.
What's his endgame here? Sanction a media organisation and force them to do what he says? I'm going to guess this is highly illegal and will therefore happen and then he ignored by turtleneck.
If Twitter bans him, there is no way he would win the election. He owns everything to social media. As ridiculous he is there, somehow he has managed to make a God-status for his followers.

What a glorious day that would be, if twitter banned him. Wouldn’t happen, because Trump effectively saved Twitter from irrelevance back in 2015/2016 but it would go a long way to shutting him up and I don’t think there would be much that he could do about it...

Trump would probably just tweet from the official White House channels... but still, the impact would be huge!
They won’t ban him - he is now one of the most well known and quoted twitter users in the world. He is bringing them in a lot of money so they will be hesitant to apply any sorts of sanctions. You have seen it’s taken years just to start fact checking his obvious bullshit.
Surely even his fans have noticed a subtle theme in Trump's reactions to people & organisations, a theme that should really make them question his objectivity? Example:

ME: 'Trump is great.'
TRUMP'S RESPONSE: 'Steve is an amazing success story! Every word he writes is true (unlike the fake news media)!'

ME: 'Trump is bad.'
TRUMP'S RESPONSE: 'Steve is a TERRIBLE failure! Every word he writes is false (just like the fake news media)!'
Surely even his fans have noticed a subtle theme in Trump's reactions to people & organisations, a theme that should really make them question his objectivity? Example:

ME: 'Trump is great.'
TRUMP'S RESPONSE: 'Steve is an amazing success story! Every word he writes is true (unlike the fake news media)!'

ME: 'Trump is bad.'
TRUMP'S RESPONSE: 'Steve is a TERRIBLE failure! Every word he writes is false (just like the fake news media)!'

Don’t give them too much credit.
As with 99% of QANON believers, I strongly suspect that Trump fans know it's practically all nonsense and they don't care so long as they get to experience that strange, spite-driven & self-revealing thrill of hurting the libs. And their desire for that experience is extremely revealing - it's of the same malignant mindset as the bully/rogue cop/rapist who says: "I'm going to f*ck you up, and you'll like it...because I said so."

As melodramatic and far-fetched as that probably sounds, it's one of the few occasions on which I believe my thinking's correct. And that saddens me greatly.
As with 99% of QANON believers, I strongly suspect that Trump fans know it's practically all nonsense and they don't care so long as they get to experience that strange, spite-driven & self-revealing thrill of hurting the libs. And their desire for that experience is extremely revealing - it's of the same malignant mindset as the bully/rogue cop/rapist who says: "I'm going to f*ck you up, and you'll like it...because I said so."

As melodramatic and far-fetched as that probably sounds, it's one of the few occasions on which I believe my thinking's correct. And that saddens me greatly.

Sadly I think they’re not as self-aware as you think, judging from the ones I talk to anyway. They seem to genuinely have fallen down a rabbit hole of crazy nonsense where even the stupidest things end up being believed because of 10 other crazy things that supposedly all fit together. So a Glenn Beck chalkboard basically, which is where I suspect a lot of this crap started.
Celebrating job losses in his own country, classy.

On a side note, that sucks. I love The Atlantic, have been a subscriber for a while. Best journalism out there for me, really, really good stuff. Also feels like the kind of property that has an audience who'd be willing to pay, so even sadder in a way.

Trump and his ilk definitely want a world where pop-up ads and click-bait articles are the only way for the media to survive.
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