The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Would pay good money just to be in the room with him if he loses in November. Dislike Biden as much as the next guy but the Schadenfreude I would feel...

Wow. Try to make some sense of that bullshit :lol: He's clearly not sleeping properly and is now rage Tweeting in the early hours of the morning. Batshit...

His projecting is so transparent:

"have copied (no imagination) the concept of an ad from Ronald Reagan, “Morning in America”,"

I like how RINO now means those Republicans who favour limited government, low taxes but also possess a brain and can demonstrate independent thought.

Where as the real GOP are those that show up to a Trump rally and chant lock her up.

Hell of a deal the GOP made. It's a ticking clock too, their demo isn't getting any bigger. All the gerrymandering and voter suppression in the world can only carry you so far.
I like how RINO now means those Republicans who favour limited government, low taxes but also possess a brain and can demonstrate independent thought.

Where as the real GOP are those that show up to a Trump rally and chant lock her up.

Hell of a deal the GOP made. It's a ticking clock too, their demo isn't getting any bigger. All the gerrymandering and voter suppression in the world can only carry you so far.

Is it? Are they in any way committed to it long term? If their current strategy fails they can always go with someone who promises to "mend".
Is it? Are they in any way committed to it long term? If their current strategy fails they can always go with someone who promises to "mend".
We'll see - they've not been close to a popular vote win for almost two decades. Texas is the real risk - if that goes their path really looks bleak, even with all the tiny states.
I like how RINO now means those Republicans who favour limited government, low taxes but also possess a brain and can demonstrate independent thought.

Where as the real GOP are those that show up to a Trump rally and chant lock her up.

Hell of a deal the GOP made. It's a ticking clock too, their demo isn't getting any bigger. All the gerrymandering and voter suppression in the world can only carry you so far.

Don't worry, they'll just cheat if they look like they're about to lose.
Repubs will never let Texas go. They will cheat to keep it.
Yeah, probably true. Introduce a new law the day before an election that if the polling office can't pronounce your name correctly in 3 tries, your vote doesn't count.
This is the ad that prompted his tweets:

Way too easy to rip apart. All the republicans have to do is now point fingers back that most Corona cases happen to be in democratic run states.

So far am not really impressed by the blue ads to be honest.
Way too easy to rip apart. All the republicans have to do is now point fingers back that most Corona cases happen to be in democratic run states.

So far am not really impressed by the blue ads to be honest.
That would then be turned back for lack of government support. And so on and so forth.
I think the ad is a bit pointless: the virus is not something created by Trump, a lot of countries have been hit hard(er) by it, thousands of people would be dying no matter who was president, the issue is whether it could have been less. And try to blame him for a declining economy? When his side are the ones who are pushing hard to open up against scientific advice? It probably takes 2 minutes to write a "debunked" article for that, it's so easy to deflect it.
Imho people should focus their attacks on Trump downplaying the danger every step of the way with fake confidence, some of his insane/dangerous advice (bleach, chloroquine) or where tens of millions of small business aid ended up.
Their right to ignorance. They celebrate it, it's really quite astounding.
A woman I work with was literally in tears one day last summer because of her mounting medical bills and not earning enough to support her family. That same evening she told me she supports Trump because the economy is doing so well and everyone seems a lot happier since he was elected. I love the lady but you just can't fix stupid.
New York Times said:
Pence says White House looking to wind down Coronavirus taskforce as death toll passes 70,000
Trump, today:
“We did everything right, but now it’s time to go back to work.”
Associated Press said:
Ousted vaccine expert files whistleblower complaint
Dr Rick Bright, the former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority who says he was demoted for refusing to promote hydroxychloroquine, has officially filed his whistleblower complaint with the office of special counsel.
Murder Inc.:
Donald Trump said:
“There is no great win, one way or the other, but I will tell you where there is a win, we are going to build a country. I did it once, two months ago we had the best economy in the history of the world, but we are going to do it again and that’s what we’re starting … it’s going to happen pretty fast.”
“Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can – but the question is, towards what end, ultimately?” said Republican Chris Christie.
“They’ve decided in a very utilitarian kind of way that the political damage from a collapsed economy is greater than the political damage from losing as many as 90,000 more Americans just in June,” said Rick Wilson, a former Republican strategist. “We’re witnessing the full-scale application of a kind of grisly realpolitik that is a clear willingness to trade lives for the Dow Jones.”
This is Spar(ta):

'Donald Trump, speaking in Arizona, said it’s time to reopen businesses. “Will some people be affected? Yes. Will some people be affected badly? Yes. But we have to get our country open and we have to get it open soon,” he said.

“I’m viewing our great citizens of this country to a certain extent and to a large extent as warriors.“'
He's probably sensing that Fauci is not prepared to play ball and is probably outliving his usefulness. Surely even Trump can't be that dumb?
Why not? He can just wave away any connections made between his feck ups and the rising death toll. It's a strategy that's worked for him so far.
Is it really too much to hope for that he'd shake some hands in Arizona? Particularly those he's been so supportive, with regards to marching for re-opening?
Is it really too much to hope for that he'd shake some hands in Arizona? Particularly those he's been so supportive, with regards to marching for re-opening?
Unfortunately, the virus itself seems to be disgusted with him and wants to get nowhere near. He's already been around and shaken hands with those infected.
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