The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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A fate worse than death for a man like that. Let's not kid ourselves about his money though, if all his debts were called in he would be so far in the red. He lives on debt and leverage with a healthy dose of over estimating the value of his properties and brand. I have a $130,000 line of credit through various institutions and a $370,000 mortgage. That doesn't mean I am worth half a mil, he is the kind of guy that counts this as his wealth and let's not forget he values his brand alone at three billion.
I agree though, I would love to see him torn to pieces and a lesson learned by the electorate but the sad thing is the guy will still say it in public that he is winning, such a fecking loser, can't believe someone like him got so far. I would rather trust the future of my family to my dog then to him.

His brand is worth comfortably more than that, post Nov 8.
The point is Health Insurance industry is the only industry that adds zero value.
In fact its legalized Rape.

Single payer is the obvious solution. But if we are going to keep it private, the public option was a minimum to keep Health Insurance companies honest.
The preference would be a non-profit model similar to Germany.Switzerland.

It is not that easy with the German insurance system. If you earn more than 4350 EUR/month as an employee (than your employer has to pay a similar part of the premium to what he would do in the public insurance), if you are a public servant or if you are self-employed you can choose between the public insurances or to get insured in a private insurance. The premium for the public insurance is between 14.9 and 16.4 % of your gross wage - about 7.3 % of the premium paid by the employer, the rest of the employee. Injured are the employee, his wife and all their kids if they do not have a job in which they earn more than 400 EUR/month.

As said in some cases you can choose the private insurance path. Fine if you are the 25 year old man without health problems and kids as the private insurance premium is not calculated depending on income but on your private risk - and the private insurances offer a better coverage and little priviledges with the doctors as they pay more for the provided services. But it is very difficult to get back into the public system, your (future) wife and kids have to be insured in the private insurance system, too - and in the past the insurance companies have calculated the future risks into the premiums too low so that a lot of the older people who are privately insured have to pay massive premiums now that they are 50, 60, 70... - actually the premium rises in the private insurance in Germany since 2000 for sure aren't lower than they are in the graph on the last page of the US - the low interest annual interests in the recent years for the age reserve (that was calculated differently 20 or 30 years ago) adds to that.

I do not want to get too deep into the details - I just tried to give you an overview about the system in Germany. It is not without problems either. Especially when it is about the private insurances. The newer policies already are calculated differently as the rules got stricter - but the policies made from the 70s to the start of 2000 weren't.
Am I wrong in thinking that in England you can have private insurance but you still have to pay NI contributions? There is no opt-out.
Here we go......Big News.

Breaking News....CNN is reporting that the Russians apparently have information compromising Trump.

CNN saying Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him.

Got there before me.
Here we go......Big News.

Breaking News....CNN is reporting that the Russians apparently have information compromising Trump.

The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.

Really hope they're not falling for another 'Curveball' type situation. Although the background of this one seems to inspire a lot more creditibility. (Or CNN might be talking out their asses)
Really hope they're not falling for another 'Curveball' type situation. Although the background of this one seems to inspire a lot more creditibility. (Or CNN might be talking out their asses)

Turn on CNN - Diabolical stuff
The raw memos on which the synopsis is based were prepared by the former MI6 agent, who was posted in Russia in the 1990s and now runs a private intelligence gathering firm. His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN. Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton.

This doesn't sound too good.
7 decades as the leading power, and still they seem to be outplayed at the spy game by the brits (a retired one at that!)... :lol:

Also, looks like we're back in the 19th century Great Game! Britain v Russia, now over influence in the US!
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With "someone" hacking both the Democrats and the Republicans, yet only leaking Democract data the obvious suspicion is that they're simply colluding with Trump but you've got to wonder whether they also have unearthed some serious dirt on Trump himself and are using it as leverage. He's an absolute prime target even without running for President and you can guarentue he's got some nasty skeletons hidden somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they targeted him years ago knowing he planned to run at some point.

It was obvious to anyone with half a brain so I'll use it as proof I've got at least half a brain, which is a start.
7 decades as the leading power, and still they seem to be outplayed at the spy game by the brits (a retired one at that!)... :lol:

Also, looks like we're back in the 19th century Great Game! Britain v Russia, now over influence in the US!
Lying brits... totally overrated country and Hillary flunkies... straight to the top of the nuke list
Cannot remember a presidential nominee going into office with such low credibility. Can't see how he lasts the four years.
Here's a summary of what just happened:

Something about cnn and lying media getting classified reports that are lies...LIES...something something treason... something something crooked hillary... blah blah I'm making ivanka head of the intelligence services and executing anybody who briefed against me with f35 raptors which by the way will now be built on budget... ON BUDGET by the way
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