The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump gets larger protests in the UK than the US? Laughable. Well done on a baby blimp, that's definitely not a huge waste of money. Yall have a queen, i would be much more embarrassed by that.

Why can't Americans calm the feck down when it comes to anyone challenging them at anything?
May's face when Trump was asked about the NHS was priceless. Otherwise one has to admit he was uncharacteristically coherent in that press conference. Maybe FOX detox is doing him good?
The NHS thing surely has to be a wake up call for the Brexit supporters in the UK?

It'd be ironic if Boris becomes PM and ends up giving the NHS away after posing with that big red bus during the Brexit Referendum.
Wasn’t the NHS involved in the TTIP that the EU negotiated with the US?

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The NHS thing surely has to be a wake up call for the Brexit supporters in the UK?

It'd be ironic if Boris becomes PM and ends up giving the NHS away after posing with that big red bus during the Brexit Referendum.

It’s quite sad how it’s come to this. And it has the potential to get a whole lot worse.
Trump gets larger protests in the UK than the US? Laughable. Well done on a baby blimp, that's definitely not a huge waste of money. Yall have a queen, i would be much more embarrassed by that.

Having a dwarf tossing competition decide who is the head of state would be less embarrassing than Trump.

Absolutely nobody comes out of this little exchange looking good...

True, that doesn't look great. Worth remembering what Trump supporters are effectively supporting though when looking at clips like that.

Having a dwarf tossing competition decide who is the head of state would be less embarrassing than Trump.

True, that doesn't look great. Worth remembering what Trump supporters are effectively supporting though when looking at clips like that.

I'll take trump over a monarchy any time. I love that our family of racists is over in bonnie England visiting your family of racists.

The Trumps are like skint actors auditioning for a Dynasty remake.
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