The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Always interesting to watch these events.

Never seen Trump like this before though, he’s gone into a serious and sensible statesman persona. He really is on his best behaviour. Looks like he’s trying so hard to appear “regal”.
Aside from slagging off the mayor of London and the news?
Based on some of the comments here regarding the coverage I assume this is a big deal in the UK? Don't get the sense many people here in the states give a shit about his visit. I know I can't be arsed to watch coverage of it. Get to see the cnut enough as it is.

Not really, it's mildly newsworthy only because of the controversy around Trump and the call to protest it.

Think if Putin did a state visit to the White House.
Well I guess if the Queen was to visit the US that would be dotted all over too... Where as we wouldn't give a toss about that.

I won't be caring either way as it won't affect me.
Sort of I guess but visits of world leaders to the white house dont seem to get that much attention either. Not by the people anyway. Might be an arrogance thing I guess : "oh look another Arse licker who wants to meet POTUS. Next." Putin might get more attention now if only bc of the obvious but other than that some times it feels like there is not much relevance to world leaders coming here.
"Gee, honey, look at this sketch by Leonard O. Davinky."
Tbf the past presidents are being too clasy. Trump actually imo represents what majority of everyday americans.

We'd be naive to think obama reflects americans more than trump actually does

I'm sure he does, but a fecking president shouldn't just be mirroring image of his voters:lol:
That's not how it works over here. If we don't respect the person it doesn't matter what there position is.

It's the same dickheads and arseholes who refuse to respect the majority of the Brexit vote in the UK who also refuse to respect the result of the voters in the US Presidential election.

I'm sure they'd be stampeding over each other and trampling each other to death to have lunch with Putin and Yung Fat Wun and many other dictators.
It's the same dickheads and arseholes who refuse to respect the majority of the Brexit vote in the UK who also refuse to respect the result of US Presidential election.

I'm sure they'd be stampeding over each other and trampling each other to death to have lunch with Putin and Yung Fat Wun and many other dictators.
You're a funny guy.
Respect the office is such a silly statement. Feck the office, without the person in the seat it means nothing. Respect the office feck.
I have no problems with Trump coming over, he is the leader of an ally and we have had worse people come over but respecting the office is ridiculous. When I was younger and we had a state visit from Japan, I remember quite vividly the protest there of people having the backs to the Japanese leader because of the Japanese treatment to POWs during WW2.

Is this real?

Few days ago I did my ESTA application (approved already), and yep, they ask that shit, but it is voluntary to answer.

No way I'm giving them my Twitter handle. I have way too many followers that speak in weird foreign languages. I would get flagged right away hahahah.
Been watching Sky news for this guys visit to London. The people they have to dug up to be positive on Trump :lol:

No shame whatsoever.

So I kept it on the 2nd screen all day. Today they were no better than Fox News. Usually they aren't this bad (when I've watched them) but today one truly got the feeling that they are scared that one of Trumps "aides" is watching.

This is a taste of what state TV in oppressive regimes must be like.
So I kept it on the 2nd screen all day. Today they were no better than Fox News. Usually they aren't this bad (when I've watched them) but today one truly got the feeling that they are scared that one of Trumps "aides" is watching.

This is a taste of what state TV in oppressive regimes must be like.
Are you serious? He’s had some awfully bad press on Sky today. They’ve had people on who have really criticised him. He’s really been mocked at times.

Is this real?

I last did the ESTA application before Christmas ahead of a trip to New York. Gave them most of my social media information. Have fun enjoying my yearly activity of thanking people I haven't seen in years for wishing me a happy birthday.
Just happened to switch the news on, brilliant watch it's all so fecking awkward :lol:
Are you serious? He’s had some awfully bad press on Sky today. They’ve had people on who have really criticised him. He’s really been mocked at times.
Oh yeah I heard all that, but not once without an instant reply of lies, whataboutism or deflection. There was someone there to defend him for every criticism mentioned, even on birtherism, never mind climate change or his trade policy. I must have heard that the US economy is in the best shape "ever" 15 times across the afternoon though.

Fox News doesn't spare him from all criticism either. But they do always have someone there to explain why it isn't his fault though...
Oh yeah I heard all that, but not once without an instant reply of lies, whataboutism or deflection. There was someone there to defend him for every criticism mentioned, even on birtherism, never mind climate change or his trade policy. I must have heard that the US economy is in the best shape "ever" 15 times across the afternoon though.

Fox News doesn't spare him from all criticism either. But they do always have someone there to explain why it isn't his fault though...
Heck, I feel like we were watching different channels. Never heard anything about the economy. Still it’s good to hear they were showing both sides.


Makes a change from McDonalds on silver trays.
Heck, I feel like we were watching different channels. Never heard anything about the economy. Still it’s good to hear they were showing both sides.
I was watching their stream on youtube. Might be slightly different, they don't show commercials.

I see no point in showing "both sides" of birtherism, neither of climate change. Frankly I find it disrespectful towards my intellect and an embarrassment to the human kind.
Twitter is annoying today in relation to Trump.

My news feed is full of the same people that voted Brexit and retweet everything by Piers Morgan coming out in support of Trump. At least they’re consistent. I just feel like they support Trump because they feel like that’s what they should be doing as people that hate liberals rather than judging him on his merits (or lack thereof). I feel like I can critically analyse words and actions of people I do support as well as those I don’t, but feel like that sometimes gets the good guys more flack than they need because they other side are 100% against, 100% of the time.

Sick of it.
I was watching their stream on youtube. Might be slightly different, they don't show commercials.

I see no point in showing "both sides" of birtherism, neither of climate change. Frankly I find it disrespectful towards my intellect and an embarrassment to the human kind.
Always helps to hear both sides, even if it’s only so you can dismiss one as totally ridiculous and embarrassing.
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