The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Viewed from this side of the 'pond' it seems in political terms Trump is a massive target to hit, yet the Democrats seem unable to lay a glove on him. They also seem to be making little headway in denting his credibility with his supporter base, why is this, are we missing something over here?

Majority of his supporters have the IQ and critical reasoning ability of a household cat.
At this point they should just put cameras in the oval office and Livestream it everyday. The reality show presidency.
All these tariff's and are going to bite him in the arse, and end up just hurting his own people. All he seems to be doing is trying to bully his way into getting his way, yet never looks at the eventual consequences
All these tariff's and are going to bite him in the arse, and end up just hurting his own people. All he seems to be doing is trying to bully his way into getting his way, yet never looks at the eventual consequences

You can say that about anyone. I disagree with Trump on a few things but think it's a hard world to negotiate anything in because there's so much invested interests. The Mexican people will look to their government to do what's best by them and so it's possible it will work.

Look we ourselves (the UK) a democracy and are yet still in the EU. That should tell you something and it's crazier over their. So time will tell.
All these tariff's and are going to bite him in the arse, and end up just hurting his own people. All he seems to be doing is trying to bully his way into getting his way, yet never looks at the eventual consequences

Just wait. There'll be a tipping point where all these tarrifs blow up inflating their prices and we're having a global meltdown
Like most thing Trump related it’s to distract. Distract from Mueller’s statement and distract from the release of Flynn info today. He wants to give the news outlets something else outrageous to cover and like good little servants they cover it for him. If there is opposition to it from his band of followers he’ll dump it. If they love it he’ll do it. That’s how he rolls.

What he really should be saying is how dreadful it was that Russia interfered in the elections and how he is implementing measures to ensure that it never happens again. But he doesn’t say anything about that. He only tweets to stress that he didn’t know anything about it.

The media really needs to learn how to combat him instead of doing his bidding. They could start by asking Barr who gave him the authority to overrule Mueller and to add to that they could call for Barr’s impeachment.
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Like most thing Trump related it’s to distract. Distract from Mueller’s statement and distract from the release of Flynn info today. He wants to give the news outlets something else outrageous to cover and like good little servants they cover it for him. If there is opposition to it from his band of followers he’ll dump it. If they love it he’ll do it. That’s how he rolls.

What he really should be saying is how dreadful it was that Russia interfered in the elections and how he is implementing measures to ensure that it never happens again. But he doesn’t say anything about that. He only tweets to stress that he didn’t know anything about it.

The media really needs to learn how to combat him instead of doing his bidding. They could start by asking Barr who gave him the authority to overrule Mueller and to add to that they could call for Barr’s impeachment.

Yes, the media seem to keep pitching to him at the right height and speed, mind you the Democrats are as bad, I thought our opposition was poor in the UK, but in the US the democrats seem to be in that uncomfortable position of being unable to find their own ar** with both hands, when it comes to backing Trump up
Yes, the media seem to keep pitching to him at the right height and speed, mind you the Democrats are as bad, I thought our opposition was poor in the UK, but in the US the democrats seem to be in that uncomfortable position of being unable to find their own ar** with both hands, when it comes to backing Trump up
The UK media would have destroyed Trump before he even won the primary. So would opposition parties. So would the people.
The US media does seem frighteningly useless and naive. The Dems are the same. As for the population...well maybe things are different because it’s such a large country. That’s all I can come up with.
The UK media would have destroyed Trump before he even won the primary. So would opposition parties. So would the people.

Trump wouldn't be able to get away with the outright lies and attacks on the press like he does in the USA. He goes on about libel laws but the thing is, he would suffer from them more than anyone else as the onus would be on him to prove the press were lying when they report on his bullshit.

Still, three of the UK's biggest media outlets are controlled by Murdoch who controls Fox News. He's help swing and dictate elections here for years, he often plays all sides against each other until he sees public opinion change or they become useless to him. He could and certainly would bring Trump down if he wanted to. It's quite possible it could happen too.
The UK media would have destroyed Trump before he even won the primary. So would opposition parties. So would the people.
The US media does seem frighteningly useless and naive. The Dems are the same. As for the population...well maybe things are different because it’s such a large country. That’s all I can come up with.

Counterpoint: Brexit.

I don't know why ... But this trump fella (the one that the IC says putin helped get elected) is really a big fan of giving Russia geopolitical wins. I mean....on a plate :lol:

But I'm sure there is a rational reason to all of these countless gifts in kind to putin and Russia even after they made a mockery of the US elections . :lol:

I don't know why ... But this trump fella (the one that the IC says putin helped get elected) is really a big fan of giving Russia geopolitical wins. I mean....on a plate :lol:

But I'm sure there is a rational reason to all of these countless gifts in kind to putin and Russia even after they made a mockery of the US elections . :lol:

Let's not forget Saudi too. Another country he's said to owe big money too. It's all about the money for Donald. He really doesn't get nor give a feck about anything or anyone else.
Let's not forget Saudi too. Another country he's said to owe big money too. It's all about the money for Donald. He really doesn't get nor give a feck about anything or anyone else.
i could write a book on the trump russia saudi middle east love triangle. Saudi part in all of this doesnt get the attention it deserves
All these tariff's and are going to bite him in the arse, and end up just hurting his own people. All he seems to be doing is trying to bully his way into getting his way, yet never looks at the eventual consequences
It's one of the things he can do with relative ease from the oval office. A lot of the stuff he would like to do need support from the Senate/Congress, which he is unable to get. It's why he needs to use the farcical excuse of national security when taxing nappies.

And he'll still get re-elected and the GOP won't do a thing.
Yeah they will. They'll start a war

Is this real?

Hardly a surprise? Would be more surprised if they didn't already know what social media you are actually using (at least US based) and only are using this to check whether you are lying.
Hardly a surprise? Would be more surprised if they didn't already know what social media you are actually using (at least US based) and only are using this to check whether you are lying.

Exactly. Plus yeah baby, this is what I was preparing for. Only on Facebook which is clean your honour. I shunned twitter, Reddit and all the other garbage. Need to take my kids for Disneyland trip in a year or two and being a brown British Muslim no way was I going to make it harder than it already is.
This is about Trump's vanity, incredibly enough - he doesn't want critics to be allowed into the country.
Hardly a surprise? Would be more surprised if they didn't already know what social media you are actually using (at least US based) and only are using this to check whether you are lying.

I think you're overestimating them. Unless they've got you under active surveillance, they're not going to know everything about you.
Me, me, me...
Guardian said:
On Boris Johnson, Trump said: “I like him. I have always liked him. I don’t know that he is going to be chosen, but I think he is a very good guy, a very talented person. He has been very positive about me and our country.”

Trump said other candidates had approached him in a bid to secure his endorsement: “Other people have asked me for an endorsement, too. I have been asked for endorsements.

“I could help anybody if I endorse them. I mean, we’ve had endorsement where they have gone up for 40, 50 points at a shot.”
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