Quite possibly the emergency given the damning, impeachable Buzzfeed story and approaching Cohen testimony.
It’s such a “look over here” attempt if I’ve ever seen oneQuite possibly the emergency given the damning, impeachable Buzzfeed story and approaching Cohen testimony.
No, you can’t indict a sitting evangelical preacher.Please tell me this means Falwell Jr could face a potential charge of sorts.
Isn't this the plot from Sicario 2?
Pretty sure there is no such thing
Of course there is such a thing.
there is no such thing as mexican dna. its like saying you have USA dna.
I dont have to as its mostly a gimmick.You should tell those ancestry DNA firms.
I dont have to as its mostly a gimmick.
I dont have to as its mostly a gimmick.
since we are all a buzz wuth buzz feed these days
Turns out you are right. They are just guesstimating out of the samples they have, and only isolated groups of people like the Eskimos can be identified 100%.
$20 to send a single brick to Pelosi? Methinks someone is dipping into that money for themselves. Surely not though...This is going to go well, first a gofundme and now something actually authorised by "President" Trump himself > https://www.buildtheborderwall.com
Yep, also the fact that he’s probably going stir crazy - it must be his longest stint at the Northern Mar a Lago without an escape South!In other words, it's an excuse to be onscreen again.
man is swindling his own base
Just so amazing
man is swindling his own base
Just so amazing
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/18/government-shutdown-republicans-trump-truthIt was Ronald Reagan’s administration that once spoke of “starving the beast” of the federal government to achieve his desired policy outcomes. The idea was simple: deprive the government of tax revenue, reduce its ability to function, and cut spending on as many programs as possible. Nothing domestically should be spared: Medicare, Medicaid, social security, housing programs and welfare.
"Enough fentanyl entered to kill every American"
Is that really from him? That's a new escalation and the sort of language dictators use to defend drastic measures.
I dont have to as its mostly a gimmick.
since we are all a buzz wuth buzz feed these days
He's predictable but you cant blame him on the Buzzfeed debacle.
His 'fake news narrative' has just got more stronger for him and his base.Bad news.
Why? Buzzfeed have stood by their reporting and nobody has disproved any of the Steele Dossier either. Trump hasn't denied any of the reports regarding Cohen, if anything he's made matters worse with his angry and threatening Tweets.
The only people who will agree with his constant Fake News narrative are those cult members who are drinking his kool aid. That's the only people he ever speaks to, as anyone else just watches and listens like the rest of us, if in amusement and half in complete despair and horror.
Because his base are ignorant and simple-minded.The finer details of this Buzzfeed article and the later SC statement will mean jackshit to them and he's going to lap it all up.
Its not that I agree with him.Its the fact its given his base even more reason to question the left media outlets,generally down to their own blind loyalty to the Orange one and thier own stupidity.