The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I have never seen a liar like this.

This is what happens to people who live in a reality that exists only in their mind. They can never be wrong because it would cause the entire edifice of their being to crumble and they would suffer complete mental obliteration.
And Schumer still calls him a good friend.

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. If the GOP wasn’t as far right as it is today, Schumer would be a Republican now. He’s a pre-Reagan era Republican.
This is what happens to people who live in a reality that exists only in their mind. They can never be wrong because it would cause the entire edifice of their being to crumble and they would suffer complete mental obliteration.
He lies like there is no one listening. He has no regard for things he has said before.
As an outside observer I actually think he will get his wall
It's "only"
There is around 150million tax payers in America

So what is it $40 per tax payer

It will probably take at least 4 years to build

So basically less than a dollar a month

That's probably worth opening up the government it's self in terms of getting the dollar level raised by not being in shutdown

Plus it's going through take a couple of years to get the full land access and planning permission so the Dems are not actually giving away anything in reality

I'm sure they know this but it's now basically a politically charged pisibg contest and I can't see trump backing down
If you were to break it down like this to the average American they would have a shit fit. I don't think you get how much people hate paying for government things in this country. If you were to tell them it cost them 40 dollars a month as if it were some tax people would be up in arms - particularly because the immediate benefit to the individual is zero.

While Trump’s fretting about his border wall in the interests of national security the rest of the country’s national security is going to pot.

Perhaps I am looking at this the wrong way but the conspiracy theorist in me sees the words national security threat in that quote and wonders where that comes from.
Justice Ginsburg's best friend was Justice Scalia, and Scalia was actually worse than Turtleface.

I'll politely disagree with this. I believe Cocaine Mitch is easily worse.

The thing about Scalia that I can respect is that at least he was true to what he genuinely believed - principles of limited government. He followed his principles even if it led him to a liberal view like Navarette v California
When Scalia and Clarence Thomas differed in their opinions Scalia was almost always following his principles of limited government and literal text whereas Thomas was also siding with the conservatives and Republicans. Thomas has no principles of jurisprudence. He rules for whatever benefits the most conservative side.

IMO Justices like Thomas are far, far more dangerous than one like Scalia. Even if you disagree with his principles at least you know Scalia has principles. Thomas has none outside cold partisan loyalty to the most conservative side. Thomas' type of person is far worse for Democracy than Scalia. Cocaine Mitch is like Thomas. All he cares about is partisanship and amoral conservative propaganda. At least Scalia put his principle of limited government /textualism above partisanship unlike Thomas or Cocaine Mitch. I'd much rather have three Scalias than Thomas, Alito and Gorsuck.

The conservative justice’s most brilliant—and surprisingly progressive—moments on the bench.

Scalia Was Almost Never The Most Conservative Justice On The Supreme Court
Surely the Dems are missing out on a humanitarian/political move here? If each Dem came out saying they were donating their entire salary to some unpaid Feds from their constituency till the Shutdown ended, their share of the blame will significantly be reduced? Better still, ask their donors to chip in, too. Soros wouldn't mind.
I find the notion of "stopping the inflow of drugs", hilariously naive. As long as the overwhelming demand for drugs exists, the inflow of drugs will exist.
Our coveted capitalism at its finest.

You can construct a giant burning wall with a vacuum moat and laser turrets. Someone will somehow succeeid in smuggling the good stuff past it.

And I know more about burning walls with vacuum moats and laser turrets than anyone, so trust me.

Nonono, everyone knows all the drugs that comes into the US gets smuggled over the southern border by masked men, carrying knapsacks full of heroin and cannabis. What kind of moron would smuggle large volumes in say planes, cargo containers and trucks? Same with the illegals. Everyone knows no one ever takes any kind of transportation, they are all on foot so a burning laser wall would therefore be 100% effective in those circumstances.
If you were to break it down like this to the average American they would have a shit fit. I don't think you get how much people hate paying for government things in this country. If you were to tell them it cost them 40 dollars a month as if it were some tax people would be up in arms - particularly because the immediate benefit to the individual is zero.
I'm saying it's less than a dollar a month
The fall in the dollar value since the shutdown probably costs them more as the USA is a net imorter

Saw this last night before I went to bed, 408 likes in 9 hours is a pathetic return for someone who thrives off infamy and being a cnut. I think Jacob's time is finally up. (Thankfully)
Its almost the longest shutdown in history -- I guess Trump has kept his promise in one way.

He has brought back some manufacturing back to the country -- albeit a (manufactured) national crisis.

How much more of this do we have to endure? He's clearly unfit to be allowed out without supervision yet he's still allowed to run the most powerful country and military in the world.
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