The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What an utter disgrace Trump is. He's barely mentioned the dead, as no doubt he believes they were Democrat voters.
I really want to believe he understands why one was confirmed by Senate and the other wasn't.
I really want to believe he understands why one was confirmed by Senate and the other wasn't.

As I said a few of days ago, I used to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was being disingenuous with the bullshit he comes out with and that it was a part of a brilliant strategy.

Nope, he’s a fecking retard.
Just seen this idiot repeatedly calling the place Pleasure instead of Paradise, before being corrected and going "well, Paradise yes, haha".

Then when he moves on he's jovially talking about how Norway clean their forests and don't have these problems, all in a manner that doesn't suggest a load of people have just died, and that he's made cuts to the organisation that are meant to do this.

He's an absolute blundering idiot that doesn't even have the intelligence to present himself to the public in a proper manner.
I simply cannot get shocked anymore. Did not think it was possible , but a certain saturation point has been reached . Whatever he spouts, I fully expect him to outdo himself in the next several days. Also, I think it's apparent that he is intentionally guaranteeing the constant coverage of himself in the media that way. That prick loves to see himself in the news each evening.

Trump backlash from this 3 months ago:

Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs,” McRaven wrote. “A good leader tries to embody the best qualities of his or her organization. A good leader sets the example for others to follow. A good leader always puts the welfare of others before himself or herself.”

“Your leadership, however, has shown little of these qualities,” McRaven added. “Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation.”
The Admirall wins hands down I’d say. (CIA’s job to look for OB anyway but I suppose Trump’s too dumb to know that.)

Probably something like this.

Just seen this idiot repeatedly calling the place Pleasure instead of Paradise, before being corrected and going "well, Paradise yes, haha".

Then when he moves on he's jovially talking about how Norway clean their forests and don't have these problems, all in a manner that doesn't suggest a load of people have just died, and that he's made cuts to the organisation that are meant to do this.

He's an absolute blundering idiot that doesn't even have the intelligence to present himself to the public in a proper manner.

He's a sociopath, he cannot convey empathy for other people whatsoever.

He's also a narcissist so he doesn't care that he can't either because only he matters.

Oh and unfathomably dumb. It's been unchecked his entire life because he's never dealt with the consequences of his stupidity until right now and even then it's 50/50 as to whether he'll ever have to face up to it.

Has anyone got the full Trump interview with Wallace? I've watched a lot of it but I wanna know if I've missed anything else. It's insane, he's insane, Wallace actually did object to certain things but at this point we need a bloody screen with the evidence of all of his lies up next to him whenever he's interviewed so he can be refuted on the spot. Even then that might not be enough.
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He's a sociopath, he cannot convey empathy for other people whatsoever.

He's also a narcissist so he doesn't care that he can't either because only he matters.

Oh and unfathomably dumb. It's been unchecked his entire life because he's never dealt with the consequences of his stupidity until right now and even then it's 50/50 as to whether he'll ever have to face up to it.

Has anyone got the full Trump interview with Wallace? I've watched a lot of it but I wanna know if I've missed anything else. It's insane, he's insane, Wallace actually did object to certain things but at this point we need a bloody screen with the evidence of all of his lies up next to him whenever he's interviewed so he can be refuted on the spot. Even then that might not be enough.

Sadly he represents a good chunk of america. And not by means of deceptions either. They know exactly what they chose for
We can all laugh at his Schitt joke but out in the real world, there are a lot of people who completely buy into every one of the lies and then they will start questioning why Mueller wasn't confirmed.

The problem (the way I see it) is that people emphasize on the wrong part of his tweets - why bother making fun of "Schitt" when you can drive home the point that as a president, he has no idea of what is the right procedure etc.
Edit: with just that one tweet, he has given his base more doubts about Muller while the liberals are busy making fun of and/or criticizing him about that single word "Schitt".
Sadly he represents a good chunk of america. And not by means of deceptions either. They know exactly what they chose for

America is still a belligerent teenager. What it'll take for them to grow out of it and become mature adults I'm not sure though.
America is still a belligerent teenager. What it'll take for them to grow out of it and become mature adults I'm not sure though.

When i was little, naively i believe in american dreams. I always had a high notion of americans and their justice system, many times I've dreamed of living there (legally), how i can make a comfortable living, how i can feel safe about living.

Fast forward to today I've getting scared of that nation as a whole, despise them for what they're doing around the world creating conflicts and becoming a puppet master to almost every conflicts on earth, and upon learning more about their judicial system where even an honest average Joe can somehow end up in prison and how even getting a lawsuit can barkrupt you overnight. The racist issue I thought it was bad in indonesia turns out worst in america.

Are they a belligerent tennager? Or are they the big bad bully we mistakenly sees as the big brother? For so long me as outsider thinks that the western society as more superior in terms of civil rights and equality champion, turns out i find that they're more racist than most in developing countries they deemed as backwards. Maybe the majority of the right wing aren't being represented before when most politicans thinks and campaign behind the political correctness of equality. Trump has opened the pandora box. And not only in america, he has shown the world that you can win by playing in the dark side.
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