The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I believe we are moments away with this WWE tie in for one man to step up to the plate.

Welcome Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

Anyone remotely surprised that the new acting AG bloke has been convicted for fraud?

I'm not even surprised he used to sell jacuzzis.

At this point they're not even hiding that they hire criminals. America, you're done.
Anyone remotely surprised that the new acting AG bloke has been convicted for fraud?

I'm not even surprised he used to sell jacuzzis.

At this point they're not even hiding that they hire criminals. America, you're done.
Trump likes them because they are crooks like him.
Anyone remotely surprised that the new acting AG bloke has been convicted for fraud?

I'm not even surprised he used to sell jacuzzis.

At this point they're not even hiding that they hire criminals. America, you're done.
Really! Criminals can be appointed to the post of AG? That can’t be right, surely!

Can they be appointed to other governmental posts? (President jumps to mind).
You know, I’m just not getting this at all. If it’s an unconstitutional appointment then how can it be a valid appointment. To me there is no AG atm if it’s not legit.

This is the mire they're in at the moment. Cant do anything that validates his appointment and can't run anything through him in case he invalidates it
This is the mire they're in at the moment. Cant do anything that validates his appointment and can't run anything through him in case he invalidates it
How can he invalidate it if he’s not a legit appointment? If Trump appointed me as acting AG would they let me stay in that position? Could I invalidate indictments?
How can he invalidate it if he’s not a legit appointment? If Trump appointed me as acting AG would they let me stay in that position? Could I invalidate indictments?
How it needs to be determined that it is an invalid appointment? Fox News (yes, them) said that it is not a legal appointment cause only a deputy AG, someone who has senate confirmation can be appointed as acting AG, unless the senate is in recession (which is not). However, I guess that the way to determine that the appointment is anti-constitutional is for this to go into the supreme court. With Ginsburg fighting for her life, even if Roberts somehow sides with the left side of the court, it would be a 4-4 deadlock.
That constitution needs rewriting so that it is clear what is and is not valid/legal. (Not while Trump’s president though). The whole setup now is a complete shambles.
Just forget about changing the constitution, for ... approximately forever. No state will voluntarily relinquish it's power.
It’s the power of the President that concerns me. How can they let a twerp like that be so untouchable. Really beggars belief.
The so called Founding fathers created the electoral college expressly for that purpose. A high level filter for unfit candidates. Look how that turned out...
The US Constitution will continue to hold the country back from meaningful progress probably forever but at the very least for the next several generations and humans will have probably killed the planet before any real opportunity arrives.

The fact that the States with the smallest populations would have to agree to give up their enormously disproportionate amounts of power means it's never going to happen.
Almost expected three options to be listed at the end of that last tweet:

A. No, there's nothing better.
B. Yes, there is something better.
X. genes.
Er...the weather would be the same for the generals. Poor excuse.
Given all his bleating about NFL players not respecting the anthem and flag, it's all the more galling when he makes a decision like that.

Doubly so when his supporters won't say shit.
Don't forget, folks, he 'loves our military'.
That’s the site of an infamous battle for the US in WWI. It’s not quite the beaches of Normandy, but still highly significant.

“Retreat? Hell, we just got here!”

From Winston Churchill’s grandson.

People think Donald Trump doesn't care about criticism, but I am 100% sure he is going to take that comment very personally. He might not respond (oh boy I hope he does), but he'll be seething.

I'd say there's at least a 20% chance Trump directly insults Winston Churchill in any reply, and about the same chance he says Britain needed to be saved by the US.
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