Red Dreams
Full Member
Why "Rock Star" is "racist"?
Obama was smart and eloquent, but an ineffective president who did very little to nothing for the majority of voters. The only good thing was Obamacare. Beyond that, he basically helped the Wall Street billionaires, not the 90%. He did great for himself and right after the end of his presidency he went on vacation with Branson.
Disillusionment with Obama and his empty slogans ("yes we can"... we can what?) is one of the main reasons that we got such a terrible president as Trump. Trump is the worst president ever. However, there are reasons why we got here, and Obama (and the Clintons) are parts of the problem.
'Rock Star' is a code phrase for an entertainer. That is the best black people can be to Republicans.
So where have you been during his presidency?
He took an economy in deep recession. The worst since the 30s. And saved the motor industry. The bailout helped the banks. Sure. But it saved the economy.
Only Obamacare?

yeah sure. The same Obamacare the idiotic GOP tried to repeal numerous times and for which they are going to pay for tomorrow.
Because people love Obamacare..the first step to single payer.
Trump was Clinton and the DNCs fault And the fault of the GOP feilding shitty candidates.
the rest of the garbage you posted is FOX BS.