The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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One party knows lower voter turnout is good for them so one party is dedicated to making it as hard as possible for some people to vote.
Oops in charge of errr. Is it Energy?


Tillerson may be very dangerous.

I still remember Trump saying Bill Clinton told him to run??

You could not make this up.

Bill probably meant it as a joke but Trump with his ego took it seriously.

Trump's new US envoy to Israel seeks Jerusalem base - BBC News
Image copyright AP
Image caption Donald Trump had promised during the presidential campaign to move the embassy to Jerusalem
US President-elect Donald Trump has chosen lawyer David Friedman to serve as America's ambassador to Israel.

The 57-year-old advised Mr Trump on US-Israel issues during the campaign.

A statement by Mr Trump's transition team said Mr Friedman's "strong relationships in Israel will form the foundation of his diplomatic mission".

Mr Friedman said he looked forward to working "from the US Embassy in Israel's eternal capital, Jerusalem", a move that will anger the Palestinians.

The status of Jerusalem is one of the most contentious issues between Israel and the Palestinians.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war and considers the entire city its indivisible capital; Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

The United Nations does not recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and the US embassy has been located in Tel Aviv for decades.

But Mr Trump had promised during the presidential campaign to move it to Jerusalem, one of several overtures he made to Israel.

J Street, a liberal pro-Israel group based in Washington, said it was "vehemently" opposed to the nomination of Mr Friedman.

"As someone who has been a leading American friend of the settlement movement, who lacks any diplomatic or policy credentials and who has attacked liberal Jews who support two states as 'worse than kapos', Friedman should be beyond the pale for senators considering who should represent the United States in Israel."

Kapos were Jewish prisoners in Nazi camps in World War II who the SS put in charge of other inmates. They have been viewed by some as complicit in the brutal treatment of other prisoners.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has not enjoyed warm relations with Democratic President Barack Obama, has welcomed Mr Trump's election.


We'll have to agree to disagree regarding Obama, when asked what effect it will have he has no obligation other than to be honest. He said it would not suit America if Britain left the EU and as such that could damage the trade relations. You don't think the Britons have a right to know what economic effect leaving the EU could have?

I assume you have similar disdain for Nigel Farage taking it upon himself to represent Briton giving pro-Trump speeches during the election?

So you do admit that Russia want Trump as president? For what reasons?

Obama's actions were done with intent to influence the Brexit vote that couldn't have been clearer, it was an unusual intervention for a foreign leader to take.

You also can't call out the right of Britains to know here and then discount Americans right to know about the leaks. Just because the message may not have suited the cause you and i believe in doesnt mean the messenger should be questioned. Nor does the intent of the hackers matter as long as they're only providing freedom to information.

There was enough dirt on Trump coming out day after day, even if this conspiracy that Wikileaks withheld stories on Trump was true its laughable to think it would have affected the election substantially.

What's clear is the Dems are quite committed to spin this election defeat as one wrongly lost. They've already started their next campaign and they'll weaponise this issue as much as they can.
Yes, Fox news' senior analyst has probably the most believable version of events.
Power and Persuasion
Bernie Sanders’s nationally televised town hall spotlighted the type of politics we need to beat Trump.

The view from Sparks on immigration driving down wages was mirrored by many who voted for Brexit. Many times i've had conversations with Security guards blaming Nigerians and construction workers blaming Polish ,Chinese workers for driving down wages. Personally i think this as more to do with the Government ,but why not let them blame johnny foreigner .
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That's an absurd appointment to be fair. If i recall correctly she's the one that described Europe as too far gone to Islam and that the refugees were pouring in to spread their jihad? Or words to that affect.
Why is anyone shocked at how this is all turning out? The moron elect is exactly that, a fecking moron. Worse, he's a very unsecure, petulant, nasty, vindictive moron. Due to his narcissism and being a sociopath he only cares about himself, he couldn't give a shit about anyone else. As predicted every "promise" he made are now being discarded. In one of his pathetic acceptance rallies this (or maybe last week) the crowd started chanting "Lock her up" when he mentioned Hillary, and his response? He turned around and said "nah, that sounded good before the election, it doesn't matter now" basically mocking the people who voted him in, yet most were too star struck or too dim to understand what he was saying, because if they did they would have rioted, and yet only a few bothered booing. That right there just shows how little anyone actually listened to anything he said other than a few taglines or catchphrases.

None of this should be a surprise, Tony Schwarz, the author of The Art of The Deal laid all of this out for months before the election. He made it perfectly clear what type of moron the President Elect is, how insecure and nasty he is, how vengeful, how ignorant, how obtuse, how he has a ridiculously small attention span and how he never listens to anyone but himself. This was backed up and corroborated by countless more people who know the moron personally and some intimately, yet all this was ignored by many because they were smeared as liars. Just like all the women who accused him of sexual assault, they were treated so horribly, it was disgusting, especially in a day and age where sexual assault is rarely reported due to fears of not being listened to or called a liar. Yet it was ok for him to parade the women who accused Bill Clinton before the final debate? He turned it in to a TV show and fought on his terms and he won. Now people are shocked he is giving jobs to everyone who donated big to his campaign? Or people who he owes money/has business dealings with? People are also shocked he's upsetting all the people and countries he slagged off in his campaign Wow! shock horror!

I firmly believe like with the recent Embassy in Jerusalem comment, that he's too thick and ignorant to understand the ramifications of such comments or actions. I also believe he doesn't give a shit either way about the Palestinians because they haven't got the money or influence that Israel has. As with anything. the moron elect is only looking out for himself and he's just thinking how much he can profit from this at home in the USA, he may have had a chat with his son in law, but I doubt it goes further than that really. He clearly hasn't thought how this will play on a world stage OR how it could go wrong. He just doesn't think that far ahead, and as we have all been told, he doesn't attend his intelligence briefings because as he said in the election "Only I can fix ISIS, only I know what to do in the middle East, I know more than the Generals" and "I am the smartest man I know" When asked where he got his info from he said he reads a lot, when it's been said by many people that know him that he never reads anything aside from stuff written about him. Yet people are confident in him doing the right thing and him sorting things out? It's laughable, and very, very sad.

The moron elect didn't WIN the election, he lied and conned his way to it and he had lots of help too. Yes, his opponent was awful and flawed, but that's not the point, she lost, that's done now. The point we are left with is the man who won lied, cheated and conned his way to the White House AND with outside interference. He is going back on nearly every promise, he is now doing exactly what he accused his rival of, and to be honest, he's done that all the way through. He has projected HIS failings and indiscretions on to others from the beginning. This draining the swamp may actually be the final straw though, people are starting to wake up and realise. His mocking them at rallies, him employing bankers and oil giant execs, even the most convinced are now starting to see. His arrogance will be his downfall, the only questions are how much damage will they all cause before it comes to an end? And how will it end? Will the people finally work it out and stand up against it? Or will it take impeachment and criminal acts that lead to charges and convictions? Or much worse, with wars? Whichever and whatever, it will all come crashing down on him and I can only hope that he doesn't take the rest of us with him.
In Soviet RedCafe, books read you.
Is Obama's press conference today just a normal one he does before he departs for vacation at Christmas? People on Twitter and Reddit are getting excited over it.
WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006.

You also say Julian assange is not a journalist?

Julian Paul Assange (born 3 July 1971) is an Australian computer programmer, publisher and journalist. He is editor-in-chief of the organisation WikiLeaks, which he founded in 2006. He has won numerous accolades for journalism, including the Sam Adams Award and Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.

What on earth are you talking about?

How has he won so many Journalist awards?
He is a publisher, not a journalist. I can't give two fecks about Wikipedia articles. Also, you somehow did not comment on the supposedly unbiased comments he made?
He is a publisher, not a journalist. I can't give two fecks about Wikipedia articles. Also, you somehow did not comment on the supposedly unbiased comments he made?

It is perfectly feasible to be a publisher and a journalist and other things too.

Is there really any point conversing when you can't even accept the most basic of information? **Rhetorical question** to those concerned.

I don't give two fecks to debate with someone who cant accept a renowned award winning Journalist is a journalist.

Have a good day.
Your desire to try and claim the high ground and then run away as soon as possible is tiresome.

I'm not claiming anything but i refuse to continue debate that is clearly going in circles.

If you think replying all last night to be rewarded with the same ignorance to the information is running away then so be it.

if you are tired of it as you say you could always ignore it.

It's not as if you have even entered into the debate other than to critique me.

Either comment on the substance of the posts or ignore them.
It is perfectly feasible to be a publisher and a journalist and other things too.

Is there really any point conversing when you can't even accept the most basic of information? **Rhetorical question** to those concerned.

I don't give two fecks to debate with someone who cant accept a renowned award winning Journalist is a journalist.

Have a good day.
To me, someone showing as much bias as him, cannot even claim to be a journalist. That's my opinion. Good day to you too.
Not Trump related, but NC seems pretty crazy right now.
That's all the proof I need to conclude that Ronald Reagan unduly influenced Trump's election.
nah it was the economy... wait, apparently it wasn't. I'm still waiting to hear the solid reason(s). Sorry @RedDream I don't buy into honest/sincere/lack of message. As I said, Trump is neither honest nor sincere and Hillary did have a message. It was perhaps drowned out by the consistent leaks from t̶h̶e̶ ̶4̶0̶0̶l̶b̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶e̶n̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶b̶a̶s̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ Russia.
It was all on her website but that is asking the voter to actually read. If you can't put what you want to say on a cheap Chinese baseball cap then you don't have a plan apparently.
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