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Irwin what the feck are you on about? If you are coming from a right wing perspective on this then you have some fecking cheek.
Why? For speaking in a left-wing echo chamber you mean?
Irwin what the feck are you on about? If you are coming from a right wing perspective on this then you have some fecking cheek.
How do you know those emails are real?Pulitzer has a political agenda. I prefer to use actual e-mails showing collusion with the DNC as evidence of their reliability.
It's fecking wiki leaks that has destroyed their reputation, they have become a vessel for an authoritarian regime and if Assange doesn't take a stand on the horrible things Putin is involved with then impartiality is dead with wiki leaks.
Why? For speaking in a left-wing echo chamber you mean?
As opposed to you're chamber where the majority think Obama is the anti Christ and one in five believe he was responsible for sept 11 happening. feck that buddy.Why? For speaking in a left-wing echo chamber you mean?
There is no dedicated pure channel for the left like the right does. Clinton was attacked by the minute by Fox etc when it became clear she was going to be the front runner. The left doesnt have a Fox News or it would have gotten its message out better.
it used to be MSNBC - but, no one watched it even then...and it's not as lefty anymoreThere is no dedicated pure channel for the left like the right does. Clinton was attacked by the minute by Fox etc when it became clear she was going to be the front runner. The left doesnt have a Fox News or it would have gotten its message out better.
You serious? Fox is the only network which isn't constantly pushing an anti-Trump agenda.
I understand that people are passionate about this because the stakes are so high but I strongly believe you guys are living inside a reality fabricated by the mainstream media.
it used to be MSNBC - but, no one watched it even then...and it's not as lefty anymore![]()
You serious? Fox is the only network which isn't constantly pushing an anti-Trump agenda.
I understand that people are passionate about this because the stakes are so high but I strongly believe you guys are living inside a reality fabricated by the mainstream media.
Hey...Fox had Alan Colmes for Hannity to beat up onNah not really, you still had Joe Scarborough there.
Al Jazeera or independent broadcasts like Democracy Now are fairly left wing. Although MSNBC was always crap and barely even left used to be MSNBC - but, no one watched it even then...and it's not as lefty anymore![]()
Sound just like an alt right reddit zombie. Good luck lad, enjoy this upcoming train wreck the all powerful liberal media wasnt powerful enough to stop.
You serious? Fox is the only network which isn't constantly pushing an anti-Trump agenda.
I understand that people are passionate about this because the stakes are so high but I strongly believe you guys are living inside a reality fabricated by the mainstream media.
Al Jazeera are left wing except when it comes to the muslim world and that's when they become downright evil. Their reporting is beyond the pale.Al Jazeera or independent broadcasts like Democracy Now are fairly left wing. Although MSNBC was always crap and barely even left wing.
Yeah, that's true. But left in relation to western outlets (about western issues). It's a bit more nuanced in Muslim world, and widely hated by many.Al Jazeera are left wing except when it comes to the muslim world and that's when they become downright evil. Their reporting is beyond the pale.
Trumps team had Bossie ffs, a guy who has made a living making up lies about the Clintons. You are right though, MSNBC who the right hate is chocked full of right leaning people.There is no purely dedicated ideological network or channel for the left like the right has. Clinton was attacked by the minute for the last three years by Fox etc when it became clear she was going to be the front runner. The left doesnt have a Fox News or it would have gotten its message out better.
Not nearly enough critical thinking in this thread, loads of confirmation bias..
Expecting Hulk Hogan, Penn & Teller, and Howard Stern at some point....
Trumps team had Bossie ffs, a guy who has made a living making up lies about the Clintons. You are right though, MSNBC who the right hate is chocked full of right leaning people.
Starting with Joe Scousborough and his ventriloquist doll then a full day of grilling Democrates with false equivalence while bending over for republicans and taking those talking points right up the arse with no arguments. We end the day with a shower from Chris Mathews, some nice dinner conversation with Chris Hayes and then on to the only people with balls on that fecking network, Maddow and Lawrence. I'm also enjoying Brian Williams and my milf of choice Nicole Wallace.
If I owned that place I would put Maddow on in the morning, tell Joe and Mika to feck off to am radio. Keep Melvin/Mitchell/Hall/the beautiful Mrs Jackson until 4pm and then the two Christophers until 7pm followed by Lawrence until 9pm then two hours of Williams.
Network policy, all facts checked live on air and all talking points shut down for proper answers and accountability.
Republican Climate Terrorism said:NOAM CHOMSKY: The Paris conference had the goal of establishing verifiable commitments to do something about the worst problem that humans have ever faced—the likely destruction of the possibility for organized human life. They couldn’t do that. They could only reach a nonverifiable commitment—promises, but not fixed by treaty and a real commitment. And the reason was that the Republican Congress in the United States would not accept binding commitments. So they were left with something much weaker and looser.
The Morocco conference intended to carry this forward by putting teeth in that loose, vague agreement. The conference opened on November 7th, normal way. November 8th, the World Meteorological Organization presented an assessment of the current state of what’s called the Anthropocene, the new geological epoch that is marked by radical human modification, destruction of the environment that sustains life. November 9th, the conference basically ceased. The question that was left was whether it would be possible to carry forward this global effort to deal with the highly critical problem of environmental catastrophe, if the leader of the free world, the richest and most powerful country in history, would pull out completely, as appeared to be the case. That’s the stated goal of the president-elect, who regards climate change as a hoax and whose policy, if he pursues it, is to maximize the use of fossil fuels, end environmental regulations, dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency—established by Richard Nixon, which is a measure of where politics has shifted to the right in the past generation—and, in other ways, accelerate the race to destruction. Well, that was essentially the end of the Marrakech conference. It terminated without any issue. So that might signal the end of the world, even if not quite in the intended sense.
And, in fact, what happened in Marrakech was a quite astounding spectacle. The hope of the world for saving us from this impending disaster was China—authoritarian, harsh China. That’s where hopes were placed. At the same time, the leader of the free world, the richest, most powerful country in history, was acting in such a way as to doom the hopes to total disaster. It’s an astonishing spectacle. And it’s no less astounding that it received almost no comment. You can—something to think about.
Well, the effects are quite real. COP 21, the Paris negotiations, could not reach a verifiable treaty because of the refusal of the Republican Congress to accept binding commitments. The follow-up conference, COP 22, ended without any issue. We will soon see, in the not very distant future, even more dangerous, horrifying consequences of this failure right here to come to term to address in a serious way this impending crisis.
So, say, take the country of Bangladesh. Within a few years, tens of millions of people will be fleeing from the low-lying coastal plains simply because of the rise of sea level with the melting of the huge Antarctic glaciers much more quickly than was anticipated and the severe weather associated with global warming. That’s a refugee crisis of a kind that puts today’s crisis, which is more a moral crisis of the West than an actual refugee crisis—it will put this current crisis into a—it will seem like a footnote to a tragedy. And it’s—the leading climate scientist in Bangladesh has reacted by saying that these migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States and—United States and, indeed, the other rich countries that have grown wealthy, as we all have, while bringing this new geological epoch—bringing about this new geological epoch, which may well be the final one for the species.
And the catastrophic consequences can only increase. Just keeping to South Asia, temperatures which are already intolerable for the poor are going to continue to rise as the Himalayan glaciers melt, also destroying the water supply for South Asia. In India already, 300 million people are reported to lack water to drink. And it will continue both for India and Pakistan. And at this point, the two major threats to survival begin to converge. One is environmental catastrophe. The other is nuclear war, another threat that is increasing right before our eyes. India and Pakistan are nuclear states, nuclear—states with nuclear weapons. They were already almost at war. Any kind of real war would immediately turn into a nuclear war. That might happen very easily over water—over struggles over diminishing water supplies. A nuclear war would not only devastate the region, but might actually be terminal for the species, if indeed it leads to nuclear winter and global famine, as many scientists predict. So, the threats of survival—to survival converge right there, and we’re going to see much more like it. Meanwhile, the United States is leading the way to disaster, while the world looks to China for leadership. It’s an incredible, astounding picture, and indeed only one piece of a much larger picture.
By taking part in it?
I believe that his administration is going to expose widespread corruption in DC and I think immigration is the biggest problem right now for the West.
An interesting take on climate issues -- GOP spells disaster for the species, says Chomsky.
Al Jazeera or independent broadcasts like Democracy Now are fairly left wing. Although MSNBC was always crap and barely even left wing.
How left wing, exactly?I also used to be left-wing for about 10 years so I understand where you guys are coming from and why you think it's crazy.
Yeah, probably a fair point. The Arab Spring was a tipping point in their coverage.That may have been slightly true of Al Jazeera pre-2011, but no way could you say that about it since.
It's one of the key points a lot of people miss when they say the GOP and Dems are the same. They're really not. They may have similar interests, but their platforms are completely different in ideology -- it's why stock in fossil fuel industries rose on Trump's election. You can pretty much forecast what the Democrats in office means versus what the GOP in office means.Ah, but it's okay, cause they'll expose corruption! Despicable bastards...far worse than any terrorist organisation out there if they continue down this path.
O'Donnel yes but not Rachel Maddow. She is respected on both side for being fair and knowledgeable. I love her yearly appearance at CPAC, it kind of gives me hope that not everyone on the right hates everyone and should be afraid of their shadow like the agenda their speakers like to vomit. Agree with young Steve, seems like a proper journalist. Just can't agree with you on Morning Joe, although I agree with them more often than not I find them very condescending and Mikas facial expressions just fecking annoy me. I do have them on when it's a busy news morning put most days my mute button gets a work out.I actually like the Joe and Mika show. Maddow and O'Donnell are just so rabidly partisan that you just have to look at it as entertainment. Steve Kornacki is actually their best talent at the moment imo. Fully deserves his own evening show.
Simple minds can be remarkably fickle.How left wing, exactly?
I doubt you've gone from Marx to Friedman that quickly. If you have, then arriving at a Trump inspired political epiphany is about as incredible as Paul's religious conversion on the road to Damascus.
Joe tangling with another Putin stooge....