The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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MODERATERS, I have been banned from posting in this thread for far less then what Irwin has just said. I call for a ban on him posting here due to his obviously racist view point. Confine him to the football threads and let's see if his view changes when discussing the fantastic people of color and religion that grace this sport. Disgraceful that that rhetoric is allowed to continue any further, this is not a breitbart comments section and 99% don't agree and are offended by Irwins post, being Irish even his username offends me.
Well I want Santa to be real, but we can't all have what we want can we? And in a multi-cultural world your thinking is so arse-backwards and never going to happen. You would have fit in well in the 1800's though.
Or certain places in the 1930's-1945.
MODERATERS, I have been banned from posting in this thread for far less then what Irwin has just said. I call for a ban on him posting here due to his obviously racist view point. Confine him to the football threads and let's see if his view changes when discussing the fantastic people of color and religion that grace this sport. Disgraceful that that rhetoric is allowed to continue any further, this is not a breitbart comments section and 99% don't agree and are offended by Irwins post, being Irish even his username offends me.


I hope that's sarcasm. If not, then sorry you were banned for less, but freedom of speech must exist otherwise what's the point? Also, it's good that freedom of speech and opinion exists otherwise we wouldn't know who is completely batshit crazy or not, would we?
MODERATERS, I have been banned from posting in this thread for far less then what Irwin has just said. I call for a ban on him posting here due to his obviously racist view point. Confine him to the football threads and let's see if his view changes when discussing the fantastic people of color and religion that grace this sport. Disgraceful that that rhetoric is allowed to continue any further, this is not a breitbart comments section and 99% don't agree and are offended by Irwins post, being Irish even his username offends me.
Don't do that...don't be that guy.
MODERATERS, I have been banned from posting in this thread for far less then what Irwin has just said. I call for a ban on him posting here due to his obviously racist view point. Confine him to the football threads and let's see if his view changes when discussing the fantastic people of color and religion that grace this sport. Disgraceful that that rhetoric is allowed to continue any further, this is not a breitbart comments section and 99% don't agree and are offended by Irwins post, being Irish even his username offends me.
There's the ignore button. This isn't a safe space.

As long as he doesn't insult other posters, I don't see why we should censor him from voicing his opinions, rubbish as they are.
So the rules are we can't attack the poster but we can allow an obviously racist view point be posted. Is it ok for any poster of color or women posters to be offended by Irwins comments. I don't get angry like this but this is beyond the pale Raoul and that kind of view point doesn't belong here. This is not a difference of opinion and we shouldn't be discussing the equality of people who would be more at home drinking a beer with Dylan Roof than Barack Obama. Come on man.
He's showing himself up to be a bigot. You now know why he says what he says - this is a good thing.
When Trump is inevitably disgraced and faces criminal charges for whatever corruption he gets up to during his term, I hope the world is still in good enough nick for us all to have a good laugh about it.
I'm not following too closely. We're deciding Britain needs to be more white because black people are too fast for us to catch, yes?
Is this your go-to card for everything you don't agree with?

The dominant view here is the same as the one put out by the mainstream media. You either believe it or you don't. I don't believe it.
I hear you and maybe Irwin should pay attention to the supporting evidence around him like his fellow humans. It was him wanting a 90-95% white UK that got me, thats fecked up right there considering the millions of people of color in the UK. I'm calmer now though.

Good, and it got me too. Back to cheeto man:

“Just friends, just friends and he’s a good man,” Trump said as the pair stood before reporters. “We’ve been friends for a long time.”

When asked what they discussed, Trump responded: “We discussed life.”

West ignored questions, including about whether he would perform at the inauguration.

“I just want to take a picture right now,” he said.

The two embraced before West left.

“You take care of yourself, I’ll see you soon,” Trump could be heard saying.

I mean, Kanye's an important national asset.
From a newbie:

Eloquence said:
I’ve been following the Trump thread for a while now and I felt now was the appropriate time to chime in. Quite frankly, some of the opinions spouted in that thread are absolutely awful. They’re not based on facts or statistics but merely following the guise of ones own socio-economic beliefs. Literally the comments are a more angry way of saying, “This view does not support my own, therefore I am going to label it as wrong, immoral and I’m going to put a lot of laughing faces to re-iterate my point.”

The first thing I am going to address is (I think Simonh was the one who posted it) the notion that everyone who voted trump is stupid, evil or morally bankrupt. This is a very disgusting viewpoint in my opinion that I’m outraged that nobody has called him out on. It’s very easy to judge someone else’s voting patterns sitting in front of your 24inch 4k monitor with ultra-fast fibre-optic broadband at your office. You clearly feel yourself morally superior to the Trump voters who you despise. This is so hypocritical.

You accuse others of being selfish, but why should people care about racism, sexism, political correctness and political acumen when they themselves are hungry and their kids are hungry. Why should you expect a person to care about others when they cannot even care for themselves. I could flip the argument completely around and say it is those who did not vote Trump who are selfish because they don’t care for the tens of millions of poverty ridden Americans living in the rust belt. See how logically flawed this whole “selfish” argument is? Second of all, calling people stupid is ridiculous. People know what they want.

You are a dirt poor family living in a caravan with three kids and no job. You pick and recycle cans and bottles in order to find the money for food. Before you think I’m exaggerating, this is actually the lives of many rustbelt Americans. 24 years ago Bill Clinton, a reputable man from the political elite offers you a better life. 8 Years later he’s done nothing to help you. A new leader, also from a political elite offers you a better life. 8 Years later, he’s done nothing to help you. A new leader, this time from the same group as the first guy who offered you help offers to take you out of the shithole that you live in. 8 years later, nothing has changed. It’s 2016 and two people come to you. One is the wife of the first person who lied to you, promising the same jargon-ridden, buzzword fuelled rhetoric. The second person is not from the same political cloth, who is brash and unlike the others, gives you direct answers. Who are you going to pick?

When you’ve been lied to by the same people for so long, you’re literally being driven to the devil. If you have nothing and someone offers you something, would you care if that person made politically incorrect comments, didn’t pay his federal tax and said some mean things about women? If I were stranded in a desert with no water and somebody offered me some; I couldn’t give less of a care about the saviours provenance. He could be a gun-toting mass-murderer who rapes children, but if he offered you water would you say no? The point I’m trying to make now is that it’s easy for us to judge living in our relatively well-off place without constantly worrying about when the next meal is or how we’re going to survive the winter without fuel. When at the very bottom of society, people don’t give a shit about political correctness and socio-economic provenance; they just want someone, anyone, to help them.

The second point is the hypocritical moral level we hold those we do not like. How many of you have made comments akin to Donald Trump before? Even on redcafe? “I’d feck her up the arse”, “I’d smash her back doors in”, etc etc etc. Why does Donald Trump get held to a ridiculous moral level that nobody else has to abide by. Am I sexist? No. Have I made sexist comments in the past? Most likely 99% yes. I think this applies for just about every male person here. Female as well. I made a thread earlier about political correctness and labelling every slightly right wing statement as awful. This is getting out of control.

Next thing you know, half of you on here will be accusing me of supporting Trump. No, I do not. Why? Not because of some far-fetched fantasy that he wants to kill all black people and enslave every female as sex slaves. Because his policies don’t benefit me. AND THAT’S ALL THERE SHOULD BE TO IT. I enjoy and reap the benefits of globalization therefore Clinton is my choice. Not because she’s a better person or so called morally higher. You seriously cannot accuse people of voting based on what benefits them. That’s the epitome of selfishness. “Oh, you voting benefits only yourself, not me!” Boo hoo hoo, cry me a river. This is literally against the point of democracy.

Finally, I’d like to address this delusion that mainstream media is the be-all and end all of news sources and others like “Breitbart” are fake news. Get a grip. I’m not into this ridiculous conspiracy that MSM is run by the government…because it’s not. However, to write off sites like Brietbart as fake is also just as awful. I’ll use global warming as an example. Because the current state of Academia is corrupt as hell. I have family members in high positions in Academia and I’ve asked them about global warming (using this as an example.)

Academia only funds papers and research projects of those it believes in. If I were a PHD student and I said “I have a hypothesis that says Global Warming/Climate change isn’t a thing” my professors would laugh at me and I wouldn’t get approval to get this research done. Nor would I be able to get the funding. Do you notice how public funded studies never even go into Global Warming being exaggerated? Anything that suggests climate change is exaggerated is funded by the private sector because the academia simply will not allow for studies on it as it goes against their direction and vision. Then when something does get published people will just write it off as “Oh it’s the private sector, obviously corrupt/corporate interests” blah blah blah.

I believe in climate change, however we don’t have both sides of the story because anyone that tries to say climate change may not be a thing just gets shot down and insulted. Which moves on to my main point of literally “anything that is posted that MSM doesn’t agree with is ridiculed.” I do not like Brietbart, (mainly cause Milo is a knob), but you can’t just label it as fake news. Right now, the general consensus in this thread is, “Here is a source from Washington post, here is another from Brietbart! OBVIOUSLY BRIETBART IS WRONG AND FAKE!” without any sort of deeper thought or knowledge.

Now, I’m making this post because I think the Trump thread is a very unfair and misleading discussion on the political problems on the western world and also sums up why there is a surge in right wing populism. When you suppress one side as being stupid, racist and intolerant for so long – they are going to stand up and punch you in the face.
Now I'm lost.
One is a tiny black dude, one a skyscraper of an Asian man, both dunked the shit out of that ball. I was trying to elaborate on an earlier point that you could be from anywhere and have all physical types but with talent practice and dedication you can certainly make it in professional sports. You may not be the best but you could certainly make a living from it.
From a newbie:

To address a couple of his points:

Yes, I and many others understand why people feel disillusioned with the current system, and why many of those people have voted Trump. But at the same time, such people now have accountability for who they've voted for, and his actions will have global consequences. If those consequences are particularly bad, then it's not the fault of those who opposed Trump. If these people have been lied to by politician after politician, they should have a bit more nous than to simply trust the next guy who says he's going to help them. Again, I understand their frustration, but it's not a pass on all things Trump related if it goes wrong.

On the sexism comments...there's a difference between wanting to 'smash someone's back doors in', the type of thing many guys will say, and saying you actively kiss women and grab them without their consent because you're powerful enough to get away with it. That's what Trump said. You may claim it's just locker-room talk or bragging, but when people came out afterwards and quite openly said they did that to him without their consent and they didn't want it...well, yeah, that's not just standard bragging.

And on climate change, I have no problem with someone disputing it if they present evidence which is credible and backs their viewpoint. That's not what Breitbart do, though. They distort the info to suit their agenda and back something that has little basis in fact, thus meaning it swings very, very close to being fake news if it isn't outright.
From a newbie:
What's KellyAnn Conway doing on Redcafe. Some fair points but oblivious to the fact that millions more people voted for Clinton that have the exact same problems as them but now have an extra burden of a president and administration that will systematically make their lives harder and in some cases deadlier.
Can't agree with him on the media. Of course there are mistruths, shit without context and hyperbole but I can easily check that out myself through a very easy search and more often then not the news I watch is correct and thoroughly researched. Breitbart is just fecked. Does anyone else find it weird that they tell people not to trust where they get their news and criticize the mainstream media for lies and a bias even though it is multiple networks, publications and incisive coherent blogs and editorials yet they are stuck on less then half a dozen sources proven to be not factual, full of irrational fear and hatred and an obvious propaganda tool for the right wing.
I mean look at the amount of bullshit coming from Fox News over the last fifteen years. How can you trust a news source that has been proven to lie thousands of times yet tell Post and Times readers they are being taken for a ride by established and esteemed journalists in print and on screen. It's why I don't give a conservative the benefit of the doubt.
More poor people voted for Clinton than Von Clownstick.

Yeah, 'I'm so poor and desperate I'm gonna vote Trump' doesn't really wash as the only motivation.
More poor people voted for Clinton than Von Clownstick.

Yeah, 'I'm so poor and desperate I'm gonna vote Trump' doesn't really wash.
Trump voters had a higher average income. But don't let that distract you. The climate change stuff was extraordinary as well. You won't get funding trying to debunk climate change? Good god, any almost qualified person willing to do research that proves it wrong will have a dozen mega corporations at their door.
More poor people voted for Clinton than Von Clownstick.

Yeah, 'I'm so poor and desperate I'm gonna vote Trump' doesn't really wash as the only motivation.

Yeah, I think the narrative that Trump's won over the working-class type voters kind of ignores that while he may have done it in many areas, there are still swathes out there who voted Clinton and found him abhorrent.
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