The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Cohen won't flip... not if he knows what's good for that "beautiful family"
If Cohen is half the fixer he is said to be, he will have a bit of juicy stuff on his boss stashed away for rainy days. He also won't go to jail out of loyalty.
Question is, is he really a fixer/consigliere -- strange for a POTUS to have such a man, btw, but what do i know... All i read about Cohen, his role in the Trump galaxy could as well be a glorified errand boy.

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Nice little piece from Scarborough in the WaPo......obviously written to wind Trump up with the knowledge that he reads both the post and times.

Nah, what that pic misses is Trump doing his customary thumbs up, probably shoving Melania and Michelle out of the way with his right hand menacingly on Bush Sr's shoulder.
I like this guy. I dont want to assume but Im guessing he is a liberal or a democrat?
Bet he’s an asshole in real life. But it is amusing how he’s able to get under Donald’s skin and outmaneuver him every step of the way. Beating Trump at his own game.
Good thing Donald wasn't invited as this pic would've seemed really odd.

Fair play to Melania, walking around on her toenails having such a lovely time around people who treat her with respect. This is sure to feck with Trumps head.
Couple more of those interviews and dear Kellyanne will finally turn into the female version of this fellow:

That's the big concern. Trump's interpretation may be actual denuclearization, whereas Kim's may be "I get to keep what I have so far, as long as I don't add any more nukes". If its the latter then Trump will have major egg on his face.
Or he’ll just lie and say that he never meant actual denuclearisation, or super duper lie and say that he’s completed his objective and anything that says otherwise is fake news.
I imagine a lot more than 'ten dollars' was paid to Cohen...
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