The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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But that's fairly normal for humans.
You have a family member living in so and so. That family members says this place is great. It's normal for one to not there if they have the choice.

Right, but the entire argument for merit based is that its preferable to "chain migration". There's no universal law that says someone has to be able to bring their entire extended family over just because they themselves have achieved citizenship.
Yeah, I mean I get what they're specifying but it's an attempt to vilify the common act of family reunification through subtle language changes and turn people against legal immigration.

Despite Trump's ulterior motives of trying to gin up the base, I actually prefer a merit based immigration system. Canada are light years ahead of the US in this regard.
I've enjoyed reading the transcripts of some of his speeches. They're nonsensical but they're the perfect illustration of just how dim he is.
If you stacked all Trumps lies up on top of each other they would reach the sun and back five times!

The sun?! No, you'd find the limit of the universe. Would be a real contribution to astrophysics! Did you know that his uncle was a professor at MIT? Really smart, most smartest, best words.
:lol: Turnbull is taking the piss out of Trump by complementing the hell out of him at the presser. Trump seems very impressed.
Even his fans must get tired of his self-congratulation. Practically every bloody paragraph of that speech was him praising himself.
That comment about what to do about North Korea isn’t going to go down too well.
I'm watching the coverage (Turnbull conference) on fox news and they just throw up quotes along the bottom of the screen that Trump never even said, sometimes even before a question is finished being asked.
Right, but the entire argument for merit based is that its preferable to "chain migration". There's no universal law that says someone has to be able to bring their entire extended family over just because they themselves have achieved citizenship.

But is there even any chain migration? As far as I heard you are only allowed to bring your closest relatives which means kids or parents?
But is there even any chain migration? As far as I heard you are only allowed to bring your closest relatives which means kids or parents?

Yes until they are citizens and can then in turn sponsor their immediate relatives.
You're correct that it's kids and parents, but after a certain number of years you can apply for your extended family (siblings, their spouses and children and their dependents).
I dont you can per say. Lets say I have a sibling - I cant sponsor them so I sponsor my mom. She becomes a US citizen. Then she can sponsor them since they are also her children. I dont think a brother can sponsor his brother let alone the brother's kids.
I dont you can per say. Lets say I have a sibling - I cant sponsor them so I sponsor my mom. She becomes a US citizen. Then she can sponsor them since they are also her children. I dont think a brother can sponsor his brother let alone the brother's kids.
You could be right, my info is anecdotal but the family I'm basing my info on didn't have a parent yet his brothers and sisters and their families were sponsored for entry into the states.
There is absolutely no way he’s got the balls to come here. There will be hundreds of thousands marching in every major city.
It's strange with Trump, obviously he's a loose cannon, same time though, he's only doing (or trying) what he said he was going to do and what people elected him for and with that's quite refreshing to see for once.

Got to say if i was American i probably and would have voted for him. Him going on about putting America first, going on Twitter saying things "met all the leaders of the world at the UN to tell everyone how great America is" BUILD A WALL, how he shakes all the world leaders hands, if was American I'd probably love that :lol:

But yeah as said he is a loose cannon, can't help but feel while a person like Trump is commander in chief of the most powerful country in the world, he would be disappointed if he never got to play with his toys (America's military) whilst president and part of him actually wants a war with someone like North Korea.
That's the problem.

"Sure he was totally unqualified but the way he did that big fart when he walked into the room carrying the pizza he was delivering I insisted he did my mum's open heart surgery"

At some point we're going to have to address that this prevailing 'for the lolz' culture when it comes to serious political issues is a cancer of our times. People don't take these issues seriously any more, even to the point where someone can admit nuclear war is more likely with a Trump presidency but would vote for him anyway because of his Tweets. That really can't be allowed to be the level of discourse when it comes to issues like this. The fact it has been is why we end up with guys like Trump in the first place.
It's strange with Trump, obviously he's a loose cannon, same time though, he's only doing (or trying) what he said he was going to do and what people elected him for and with that's quite refreshing to see for once.

Got to say if i was American i probably and would have voted for him. Him going on about putting America first, going on Twitter saying things "met all the leaders of the world at the UN to tell everyone how great America is" BUILD A WALL, how he shakes all the world leaders hands, if was American I'd probably love that :lol:

But yeah as said he is a loose cannon, can't help but feel while a person like Trump is commander in chief of the most powerful country in the world, he would be disappointed if he never got to play with his toys (America's military) whilst president and part of him actually wants a war with someone like North Korea.

You’ll fit right in in this thread.
That's the problem.

"Sure he was totally unqualified but the way he did that big fart when he walked into the room carrying the pizza he was delivering I insisted he did my mum's open heart surgery"

At some point we're going to have to address that this prevailing 'for the lolz' culture when it comes to serious political issues is a cancer of our times. People don't take these issues seriously any more, even to the point where someone can admit nuclear war is more likely with a Trump presidency but would vote for him anyway because of his Tweets. That really can't be allowed to be the level of discourse when it comes to issues like this. The fact it has been is why we end up with guys like Trump in the first place.

Yeah the negatives far out way the positives, he’s no way qualified to be president but what was the alternative? It was either him or Hillary Clinton, i would have voted Trump.

I don’t see Trump as much different to George Bush Jnr personally though, he was a bit of loose cannon/America No1 and war monger, only difference is Bush was probably better at holding back what he was thinking and a trained politician whereas Trump just blurts it all out on Twitter.
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