The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The state of this.

Hold the Fcuk on.....

The pile should only be 9.25 times larger based on the math. It looks to be waaaay more than that.

EDIT: Based on my Math (Piles are higher than Trump, 3 deep, 5 wide) there are approximately 300,000 sheets there.
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Hold the Fcuk on.....

The pile should only be 9.25 times larger based on the math. It looks to be waaaay more than that.


De Ja Vu
Hold the Fcuk on.....

The pile should only be 9.25 times larger based on the math. It looks to be waaaay more than that.

Trump is 6'2", which is approximately 37 reems of paper tall.

185,000 pages would be 370 reems, assuming they printed single sided.

So there should be 10 stacks if each one is his height. It looks like each stack is slightly taller than him and there seems to be 15 stacks at least.
Trump is 6'2", which is approximately 37 reems of paper tall.

185,000 pages would be 370 reems, assuming they printed single sided.

So there should be 10 stacks if each one is his height. It looks like each stack is slightly taller than him and there seems to be 15 stacks at least.

following that logic the 20,000 should be 40 reems - which is a little over trumps height... but its in 3 stacks so still it should be a bit below his waste - but its below his knee... so yeah its almost like they were exaggerating to make a point... that said by his and indeed other political standards its hardly a big fib
Enacting tax cuts for the wealthy and giant corporations, ending net neutrality, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem...MAGA!

(Because these are the things Middle America was fixated on...)
The state of this.

Even if this was above board and to scale using math wouldn't it be a sign of how much you're government is protecting you're quality of life. Of course there are some egregious regulations but the majority of that Sequoia carcass is what guarantees you're standard of living and protection under the law.
I'm actually shocked it's not more than that. I struggle to think or see when he actually tells the truth. I've never known anyone as full of shit in my life.

They use a very strict definition of what is a lie. Moreover, the difference is if Obama was caught out in a lie, he doesnt repeat it again. Trump carries on with it.
I'm actually shocked it's not more than that. I struggle to think or see when he actually tells the truth. I've never known anyone as full of shit in my life.
This list doesn’t include inaccurate statements where you could give Trump some benefit of the doubt.
Jesus, is he really that fecking stupid? Even with his severely limited brain capacity, he must realize that the world has changed and evolved quite a bit in the last 50 years

You got to remember who he is messaging to. They like simple visuals like that.
Jesus, is he really that fecking stupid? Even with his severely limited brain capacity, he must realize that the world has changed and evolved quite a bit in the last 50 years

He does, however, provide a pretty succinct description of his presidency:

"And when we’re finished, which won’t be in too long a period of time, we will be less than where we were in 1960"
They are now trying to drive out H1Bs by removing the right of H1B spouses to work. Most of my friends and I will leave if that happens, and there are not many Americans out there with the skillsets some of us have. They are hurting their country, and a bunch of normal folks too.
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