The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Or Sanders?

That would seriously be asking too much. I can't see what she has done wrong though (in the eyes of Trump that is) Unless she actually found a moral somewhere and defending Trump's vile Tweet yesterday was the final straw for her?

Dunno, whatever, popcorn out. :lol:
That would seriously be asking too much. I can't see what she has done wrong though (in the eyes of Trump that is) Unless she actually found a moral somewhere and defending Trump's vile Tweet yesterday was the final straw for her?

Dunno, whatever, popcorn out. :lol:

The brackets is the key I guess. Pretty funny that has to be specified.
Its probably Tillerson. Its an open secret that they're just waiting for the right time to remove him.
That would seriously be asking too much. I can't see what she has done wrong though (in the eyes of Trump that is) Unless she actually found a moral somewhere and defending Trump's vile Tweet yesterday was the final straw for her?

Dunno, whatever, popcorn out. :lol:
She does an excellent job of twisting whatever the topic of the day is... don't think it would be fair to fire her (in the reverse morality universe that is the White House)
The man is demented, there's something seriously worrying about a man who so blatantly denies facts.
My only preparation for someone as insanely narcissistic as Trump is Cartman from South Park. If you ask yourself "what would Cartman do/think in this situation?" you're likely to soon see it played out by Trump.
This is the big breaking news by April? :rolleyes:Omarosa barely left a fart stain during her stay at the WH.

There's some backstory here. Ryan and her are pretty good friends and had a falling out at some point a few months back. Apparently, something bad happened last night that got Omarosa shit canned. Would be great to find out what that was.
This is the big breaking news by April? :rolleyes:Omarosa barely left a fart stain during her stay at the WH.

It seems to be a regular thing from some journalists to hype up "bombshell" stories on their Twitter feeds, so they can get lots of likes and retweets.
Oh man....April Ryan just reported on CNN what happened. Apparently Kelly told her she was leaving in Jan. but she responded by loads of insults. He then sacked her on the spot t which point she attempted to go see Trump in the residential wing of the White House, where she was stopped by the Secret Service and escorted off the WH property. :lol:
Oh man....April Ryan just reported on CNN what happened. Apparently Kelly told her she was leaving in Jan. but she responded by loads of insults. He then sacked her on the spot t which point she attempted to go see Trump in the residential wing of the White House, where she was stopped by the Secret Service and escorted off the WH property. :lol:
Better entertainment than the Apprentice.
Trump's biggest contribution to equality is that after him anyone can get elected. You just have to be not as bad as him

Would not surprise me one bit if he sits in office another term. It's the USA...
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