The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Can’t wait for his real tweets. His staff currently think it’s under control... they ain’t seen nothin yet.
Delighted re the Jones win and also with imagining Trump sitting on his hands, eyes bulging and staring at the blank screen of his phone trying not to lunge for it and initiate a Twitter meltdown of epic raging proportions.

Suck on it Don :cool:

Somewhere in a White House staff room:
Lacky#1: The President isn't going to like us doing this...
Lacky#2: thankfully he's asleep now, we can deal with his tantrum in the morning
Lacky#1: what should I write?
Lacky#2: write anything, just make sure it's gracious.... Oh and make sure you finish with a couple of words and an exclamation mark otherwise they'll know we did it
Somewhere in a White House staff room:
Lacky#1: The President isn't going to like us doing this...
Lacky#2: thankfully he's asleep now, we can deal with his tantrum in the morning
Lacky#1: what should I write?
Lacky#2: write anything, just make sure it's gracious.... Oh and make sure you finish with a couple of words and an exclamation mark otherwise they'll know we did it

Somewhere in a White House room someone is getting their ass fired right now.......
cnut of the highest order. Jesus that part in bracket is a disgrace.
Completely agree.

This is taken from the USA Today article:

It should surprise no one how low he went with Gillibrand. When accused during the campaign of sexually harassing or molesting women in the past, Trump’s response was to belittle the looks of his accusers. Last October, Trump suggested that he never would have groped Jessica Leeds on an airplane decades ago: “Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you.” Trump mocked another accuser, former People reporter Natasha Stoynoff, “Check out her Facebook, you’ll understand.” Other celebrities and politicians have denied accusations, but none has stooped as low as suggesting that their accusers weren’t attractive enough to be honored with their gropes.
Someone needs to say to SHS. 'So you said that the people would decide Roy Mores guilt. So now the people have spoken do you admit that the President gave his endorsement to a pervert.'
Somewhere in a White House staff room:
Lacky#1: The President isn't going to like us doing this...
Lacky#2: thankfully he's asleep now, we can deal with his tantrum in the morning
Lacky#1: what should I write?
Lacky#2: write anything, just make sure it's gracious.... Oh and make sure you finish with a couple of words and an exclamation mark otherwise they'll know we did it
He is up.

House Republicans will surely now turn and rebel. They can no longer pretend that Trump's circa 30% approval rating doesn't affect them. Enormous swing to the Democrats in the most Republican of states.
Well I think we may need to be careful about seeing this as a big revolt against Trump. The scandal had a part to play here in the result. But going 0 for 2 in Alabama is a good sign.
Well I think we may need to be careful about seeing this as a big revolt against Trump. The scandal had a part to play here in the result. But going 0 for 2 in Alabama is a good sign.

If it was just this I'd agree, but recent results have all been dreadful for the GOP.
is he ok?

Well he said that he was right, threw Moore under the bus, absolved himself of any blame despite endorsing Moore, and boasted about improving Strange's numbers (who lost!), and sounded pretty content for a guy who endorsed 2 losing candidates. Of course he is fine!
Well he said that he was right, threw Moore under the bus, absolved himself of any blame despite endorsing Moore, and boasted about improving Strange's numbers (who lost!), and sounded pretty content for a guy who endorsed 2 losing candidates. Of course he is fine!

i believe this is his 3rd losing endorsement right?


and if you look at them all, all have something in common.
i believe this is his 3rd losing endorsement right?


and if you look at them all, all have something in common.
Yeah I meant just in the Alabama election. First he endorses Strange who loses the primary, and then he endorses Moore after the allegations come out and he loses the election.
Who was the one that he endorsed, and then after they lost said he only endorsed them because the GOP establishment made him? Can't find it on his twitter but have a clear memory of something along those lines.
Well he said that he was right, threw Moore under the bus, absolved himself of any blame despite endorsing Moore, and boasted about improving Strange's numbers (who lost!), and sounded pretty content for a guy who endorsed 2 losing candidates. Of course he is fine!

The man is demented, there's something seriously worrying about a man who so blatantly denies facts.
I love it when Trump angry tweets, like his blood sugar runs so high that he fury swipes at his phone and doesn't even bother to spellcheck :lol:
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