Shots fired. Handbags in Drumpfland..... 

Simon Jenkins in the The Guardian wrote an interesting article on Trump/Brexit causation and post-Trump/Brexit hysteria. It captures the sentiments expressed in this thread well.
Shots fired. Handbags in Drumpfland.....
Simon Jenkins in the The Guardian wrote an interesting article on Trump/Brexit causation and post-Trump/Brexit hysteria. It captures the sentiments expressed in this thread well.
fecking morons who thought a businessman elite was going to get rid of big money figures.![]()
She was talking about the 'tremendous, YUGE wall' that 'Mexico is going to pay for'. The tweet she replied to was a Drumpfkin losing it over Pence and Ryan's vagueness on immigration.
She's said in the past that the Cheeto Jesus can flip flop on everything and anything, except the wall, and still keep her support![]()
@Billy Blaggs nothing useful in those tweets. Just the usual drivel you expect from Ann Coulter.
If this Taiwan stuff is true I think the joke is just about to stop being funny.
Simon Jenkins in the The Guardian wrote an interesting article on Trump/Brexit causation and post-Trump/Brexit hysteria. It captures the sentiments expressed in this thread well.
Well written but mainly nonsense. People are being squeezed by a recession and are lashing out at the "establishment" they blame for causing it. Combine this with right-wing huxters willing to build an election campaign on egregious lies and promises they know they'll never fulfil - as well as new forms of media that spread this duplicitous bullshit like wildfire - and you've got your explanation for what went down.
Trying to put it all down to identity politics (even though this was an element in Trump's appeal to a small minority of his electorate) is massively missing the point. Although admirably effective click-bait from the grauniad.
People are furiously arguing about what played a key role in this election — whether it was white working-class despair, a racist backlash or terror about the pace of cultural change. It seems reasonable to think that all three played a part.
What’s so striking about “Achieving Our Country” is that it blends these theories into a common argument: The left, both cultural and political, eventually abandoned economic justice in favor of identity politics, leaving too many people feeling freaked out or ignored.
I don't know, i would not dismiss it so easily though and i think he does raise some interesting points. The left has traditionally been a bastion of the working classes and with the left increasingly becoming more progressive the last years it has lost touch with it's roots in the process. The surge from the right is also evidence they struck a chord somewhere with these voters.
Now, we all know the right won't do a damn thing for the less privileged in society, but i firmly believe the left has to take a look at themselves as well as i don't think recent events is only down to circumstance.
Edit: I also found this interesting:
2nd edit: This might be a bit more controversial, but i also thinks it raises some interesting points
This is very true. The established American left-wing isn't "left" at all by European standards.The American "left" isn't very left though.
The American "left" isn't very left though. There's a tradition in America of working class conservatism to begin with. So when the economy tanked under the Democrats they were always going to struggle, no matter how good a job Obama did at trying to steer them out of the mess they ended up in.
The Brexit thing is different in that the left didn't seem to even want to pose any kind of meaningful opposition campaign. So Farage et al were pushing against an open door.
There's a whole load of shite going on behind the failings of the left in the UK and the US. I think it's fair to say that a perception amongst the white working class that nobody cares about them is a factor. What really swung things, though, was the unprecedented willingness of elements of the right to flat out lie to them to win their vote. Once truth went out the window, bizarre shit was always going to happen.
Has anyone seen the "Carbon Dioxide is Life" TV add bought by the institute of Myron Ebell, Trump's environment guy?
I was sick to my stomach. That looked like parody the whole way. But it's not. Incredible.
You can watch it here if you have facebook. About 50 seconds in the video that says "Zen moment":çã-150887489198/
The American "left" isn't very left though. There's a tradition in America of working class conservatism to begin with. So when the economy tanked under the Democrats they were always going to struggle, no matter how good a job Obama did at trying to steer them out of the mess they ended up in.
The Brexit thing is different in that the left didn't seem to even want to pose any kind of meaningful opposition campaign. So Farage et al were pushing against an open door.
There's a whole load of shite going on behind the failings of the left in the UK and the US. I think it's fair to say that a perception amongst the white working class that nobody cares about them is a factor. When times are hard, people always turn on anyone who is different so we shouldn't be surprised that racism and xenophobia becomes more prevalent in a recession. Politicians who are willing to exploit this unpleasant aspect of human nature will always have a head start. What really swung things, though, was the unprecedented willingness of elements of the right to flat out lie to them to win their vote. Once truth went out the window, unprecedented shit was always going to happen.
WowHas anyone seen the "Carbon Dioxide is Life" TV add bought by the institute of Myron Ebell, Trump's environment guy?
I was sick to my stomach. That looked like parody the whole way. But it's not. Incredible.
You can watch it here if you have facebook. About 50 seconds in the video that says "Zen moment":çã-150887489198/
Eh? When did this happen?
As far as a lot of working class Americans are concerned, the entire duration of Obama's presidency.
You are blinded by the lies you have been exposed to your entire life my friend.
Open your eyes and see the truth.
Karl Rove, senior adviser to George W. Bush, echoed Kissinger’s philosophy word for word. In conversation with journalist Ron Suskind, Rove said that guys like Suskind are
“in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Well then they are wrong.
I think that's the reason for the Trump win. People relying on shit media to form wrong impressions and then voting for a lying liar because it felt right. Too many people are trying to claim that the electorate was more sophisticated in making the choice when it's clearly not true, as evidenced by that gonk on the CNN video above going on about hearing about voter fraud on Facebook. That's what the average American is like and it's only going to get worse.
Make people stupider and you can get away with much more.
The American "left" isn't very left though
Not sure if this is serious or not...Trump is a corrupt media elite. Way to go exposing them all the way into the fecking white house.
Which part of a trust fund kid who makes most of his money from TV and his brand is not a media elite?Not sure if this is serious or not...
But 'corrupt media elute'?Which part of a trust fund kid who makes most of his money from TV and his brand is not a media elite?
Would you prefer "corrupt reality-entertainment elite"?But 'corrupt media elute'?
Post-truth season man, i get it!
He boasted about being corrupt in the Republican primary debates. But hey-ho, who gives a shit, eh?But 'corrupt media elute'?
Post-truth season man, i get it!
Would you prefer "corrupt reality-entertainment elite"?
He boasted about being corrupt in the Republican primary debates. But hey-ho, who gives a shit, eh?