The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So Wisconsin is having to recount the votes, and Stein has raised more than enough money to get the two other states (Pennsylvania and Michigan) to take a recount too, and there is now big pressure on Florida doing the same. Apparently (according to some reports) it was mathematically impossible for Hillary to lose Florida with the huge lead she had from early votes. Personally I think it's just a huge waste of time, and even if things were rigged or votes were miscounted, nothing will change because there will literally be riots. However I did read an extremely interesting article on how the electronic machines could easily have been hacked and that the Russians had tried to do exactly the same in Ukraine but were stopped hours before the election. Whatever the outcome (and I think nothing will change) I still think it's absolutely amazing that so little has really been made about obvious Russian interference and the President Elect's obvious ties to Russia. It completely bamboozles me how the one country that the Republicans hate over any other has seemingly been allowed to help control and dictate the outcome of the fecking Presidential election. It's unthinkable really. You would still think the cold war is going on when you hear some people talk about Russia and Putin, but apparently they are ok when they are meddling in the USA's elections. It's beyond surreal, it truly is.

Even if she doesn't change the results, I think it will be a good thing for the sake of Democracy to get a 2nd count in the very close states, including NH and NV.
Even if she doesn't change the results, I think it will be a good thing for the sake of Democracy to get a 2nd count in the very close states, including NH and NV.

I didn't think those two were on her list? I thought it was just Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? Still, the most interesting one to me is Florida, just because of her huge lead in the early votes and the article I read was quite convincing on the mathematical probability of the votes percentages and the likelihood of her losing such an early lead. It wasn't your usual conspiracy theory rambling, it was actually pretty plausible and even the author admitted he didn't think it was rigged, just unbelievably unlikely. Also, as I said a couple of times, the Russian interference AND their history of hacking voting machines, I honestly don't think that can be discounted either.

Just to lighten the mood a little, a great piece about some of the awful CNN coverage at the moment. :lol:
This recount business is really self serving and pathetic. The 2000 recount started with a ~ 1.5k vote lead for W. After recount efforts exclusively in Dem heavy counties, all sources have W still winning by ~ 250 votes under the method the Gore campaign asked for (no inclusion of overvotes). Pennsylvania won't be off by 68k, Florida won't be off by 180k. As long as those two stand, he has 280 locked on.

Every slightly left person should disassociate himself from this stupidity. It's a Hail Mary that distracts from the real issues with the election, namely Russian/FBI intervention and the archaic institution named Electoral College.
Sure there are a few companies who make money during war, but they are a drop in the bucket in terms of what the actual cost of conducting a war is to a nation. The idea that people go to war for profit is simply not accurate and generally flogged by those who aren't familiar with the specifics.
Very naive there buddy.
I didn't think those two were on her list? I thought it was just Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? Still, the most interesting one to me is Florida, just because of her huge lead in the early votes and the article I read was quite convincing on the mathematical probability of the votes percentages and the likelihood of her losing such an early lead. It wasn't your usual conspiracy theory rambling, it was actually pretty plausible and even the author admitted he didn't think it was rigged, just unbelievably unlikely. Also, as I said a couple of times, the Russian interference AND their history of hacking voting machines, I honestly don't think that can be discounted either.

Just to lighten the mood a little, a great piece about some of the awful CNN coverage at the moment. :lol:

I'm looking forward to the weekly SNLs of Baldwin mocking everything Trump did during the week. Its going to be a long 4 years for Donald.
What money was gained in contrast to the amount of money and lives that were lost ? Its not fecking rocket science.

Actually I'm curious: where is the money "lost"? Money in wartime is spent on fuel, ammunition, soldier salaries, and weapon systems. Fuel payments may end up in other countries, but all spending on ammunition and weapons goes to US corporations and salaries go back to the US economy.
The money that is lost from the US economy is fuel and part of the reconstruction money.
It's quite easy to see that the aid to Israel is a jobs program too: 6bn dollars, out of which 3bn must be spent on US manufactured defence equipment. It's basically the US govt giving taxpayer money to US corps, part of which creates high-paying manufacturing jobs.

The money isn't lost, it's merely redistributed.
Actually I'm curious: where is the money "lost"? Money in wartime is spent on fuel, ammunition, soldier salaries, and weapon systems. Fuel payments may end up in other countries, but all spending on ammunition and weapons goes to US corporations and salaries go back to the US economy.
The money that is lost from the US economy is fuel and part of the reconstruction money.
It's quite easy to see that the aid to Israel is a jobs program too: 6bn dollars, out of which 3bn must be spent on US manufactured defence equipment. It's basically the US govt giving taxpayer money to US corps, part of which creates high-paying manufacturing jobs.

The money isn't lost, it's merely redistributed.

Well yes, redistributed from the US tax system to other countries and third country nationals is tantamount to the money being lost. 2 Trillion is a lot of money that could be spent on things like infrastructure, health care, middle class tax cuts etc.
Well yes, redistributed from the US tax system to other countries and third country nationals is tantamount to the money being lost. 2 Trillion is a lot of money that could be spent on things like infrastructure, health care, middle class tax cuts etc.

No, my point is that a good part of the money stays within the US system, it just moves from public to private hands. In theory there's no reason war by a superpower should be economically draining. Yes, you can say that it would be better spent by the govt on other things (guns v butter) but war spending isn't necessarily a bad stimulus either.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that there are sound reasons to go to war. A lot of politically-connected companies do benefit. It guarantees high-end manufacturing jobs. There will be a small boost to employment just by army recruitment too. If spending is going to be for war, it is tough for the opposition party to block it, as compared to social spending. It creates an us v them mentality, bolsters the image of the president, and unites most people.
No, my point is that a good part of the money stays within the US system, it just moves from public to private hands. In theory there's no reason war by a superpower should be economically draining. Yes, you can say that it would be better spent by the govt on other things (guns v butter) but war spending isn't necessarily a bad stimulus either.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that there are sound reasons to go to war. A lot of politically-connected companies do benefit. It guarantees high-end manufacturing jobs. There will be a small boost to employment just by army recruitment too. If spending is going to be for war, it is tough for the opposition party to block it, as compared to social spending. It creates an us v them mentality, bolsters the image of the president, and unites most people.

A lot of the money goes to foreign companies and thus never gets back into the US economy. For example, tasks like security, sanitation services, translators, food services etc are all typically subcontracted out to locals and third country nationals like Indians, Peruvians, Ugandans, Nepalese etc
A lot of the money goes to foreign companies and thus never gets back into the US economy. For example, tasks like security, sanitation services, translators, food services etc are all typically subcontracted out to locals and third country nationals like Indians, Peruvians, Ugandans, Nepalese etc

That's interesting, and a missed opportunity for the sole superpower IMO.
This recount business is really self serving and pathetic. The 2000 recount started with a ~ 1.5k vote lead for W. After recount efforts exclusively in Dem heavy counties, all sources have W still winning by ~ 250 votes under the method the Gore campaign asked for (no inclusion of overvotes). Pennsylvania won't be off by 68k, Florida won't be off by 180k. As long as those two stand, he has 280 locked on.

Every slightly left person should disassociate himself from this stupidity. It's a Hail Mary that distracts from the real issues with the election, namely Russian/FBI intervention and the archaic institution named Electoral College.
Why do people have such a hard time dealing with this? It's a recount, just crack on and and get it cleared up. It's not a distraction... The only people that should be overly bothered are people who think their candidate unfairly won... Otherwise what's the big deal?
No, my point is that a good part of the money stays within the US system, it just moves from public to private hands. In theory there's no reason war by a superpower should be economically draining. Yes, you can say that it would be better spent by the govt on other things (guns v butter) but war spending isn't necessarily a bad stimulus either.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that there are sound reasons to go to war. A lot of politically-connected companies do benefit. It guarantees high-end manufacturing jobs. There will be a small boost to employment just by army recruitment too. If spending is going to be for war, it is tough for the opposition party to block it, as compared to social spending. It creates an us v them mentality, bolsters the image of the president, and unites most people.

By that "logic", if the government paid for a Ford Mustang (made in America) to be given to each adult citizen, the money would "stay in the system" and everyone is happy, right? Good enough for you?

Now imagine that this same government pays so that each of those Ford Mustangs is flown across half of the globe and be dropped in the middle of Pacific Ocean! Do you still think that this is "logical"?

Now substitute Bombs for Ford Mustangs... except (of course!) that each bomb is actually much more expensive than a car.

Logical??? :nono:
He he....

ffs. Clicked that. Saw his banner image and it just hit me. Donald Trump from the Apprentice is the president of the United States. How did this happen?
It really is one of those "truth is stranger than fiction" bits.
So, a Creationist who is in favour of private and religious schools instead of the public ones, has been chosen as Secretary of Education. This is getting better and better.
No, my point is that a good part of the money stays within the US system, it just moves from public to private hands.

Which means nothing other than huge amounts of money moving from the hands of the many into the hands of a few. So while it technically stays within the system, it is a redistribution of wealth within said system, with a majority of the society paying the bill for the few profiteers of the MIC.
Using these ressources for infrastructure projects, just as an example, would benefit your national economy to a far greater degree
ffs. Clicked that. Saw his banner image and it just hit me. Donald Trump from the Apprentice is the president of the United States. How did this happen?
It really is one of those "truth is stranger than fiction" bits.
err he won an election mate....
I don't really get the obsession with the popular vote count. We know he lost it, by a reasonably small margin. That's enough to negate the legitimacy of his mandate. Why are the particular numbers relevant?
Its getting to the point where the national polls were more or less correct.

Why carry on this charade though? Its unimportant unless it forces a change in the result which surely isn't going to happen, is it?
Why carry on this charade though? Its unimportant unless it forces a change in the result which surely isn't going to happen, is it?

Well they are actually still counting votes so obviously the updated results are going to get published.
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