Absolutely incredible.....Tillerson suggesting Trump's values are not America's values.
I wonder how he's going to make the storm about himself. I genuinely think he'll go for something along the lines of "no president has ever dealt with a storm like this."
I wonder how he's going to make the storm about himself. I genuinely think he'll go for something along the lines of "no president has ever dealt with a storm like this."
Surprised that the pardoning hasn't taken more headlines (well, in Denmark at least). To me it sounds like that sherif is a complete monster, and for one man to just pardon him like that. I don't even understand why a president can do that. Is there any other western nation where a president, prime minister or whatever can do that? there any other western nation where a president, prime minister or whatever can do that?
In Bulgaria the Vice President can pardon convicts. I believe it is similar in other nations as well.Surprised that the pardoning hasn't taken more headlines (well, in Denmark at least). To me it sounds like that sherif is a complete monster, and for one man to just pardon him like that. I don't even understand why a president can do that. Is there any other western nation where a president, prime minister or whatever can do that?
@Carolina Red might be able to tell us the justification for this system, but to me it's always seemed like an exercise in cronyism, readily open to abuse.
It seems insane to me, that a president who, like Trump, has no experience whatsoever with the legal system can just overrule judges.
Check the picture out, you can see that some have been written with the exact same marker pen, and also, study the handwriting and you can see some have been written by the same person too. Also, some people have said they haven't been folded and are all on the same fresh paper.
Some of the replies are amazing as well, very funny. But what kind of person fakes kids letters to themselves?
The Constitution (Article II, Section 2) grants that POTUS can issue pardons for federal crimes.@Carolina Red might be able to tell us the justification for this system, but to me it's always seemed like an exercise in cronyism, readily open to abuse.
That was my thoughts too. I noticed that two are in identical marker and noticed the handwriting before I read any of the replies. It just doesn't make any sense as to why you would make something like this up? The entire family must have the biggest insecurities and are on some giant mission to get approval from as many people as possible. It's odd and it's also very, very sad, not to mention deceptive, and as you rightly say, there is more than enough to attack them on anyway, why do they need to bring something like this on themselves too? Ivanka in particular. It doesn't make a lot of sense no matter which way you look at it, and I can't imagine any of her advisors suggesting something like this.
Don't you think it's also weird that random folk on the internet are analysing hand-writing of purported kids' letters?
The Constitution (Article II, Section 2) grants that POTUS can issue pardons for federal crimes.
Why? - it's basically the logical conclusion when looking at the structure of the federal government
The Constitution places the President as head of the Executive Branch, with the Justice Dept under the Executive Branch. Since Federal law falls under the remit of the Justice Dept, it therefore ultimately falls under the remit of the Executive Branch.
Governors of states typically have the same power over state crimes
Not really no. She put two pictures up, it takes seconds to notice something is not right. I'd think it more strange if it went unnoticed and unchallenged.
Is analysing a piece of handwriting to confirm something that may or may not be true about something we already know not a bit...pointless?Ivanka Trump said:“Perception is more important than reality. If someone perceives something to be true, it is more important than if it is in fact true. This doesn’t mean you should be duplicitous or deceitful, but don’t go out of your way to correct a false assumption if it plays to your advantage.”
In the grand scheme of things, what difference does it make either way? We're talking about a person that almost a decade ago said this...
Is analysing a piece of handwriting to confirm something that may or may not be true about something we already know not a bit...pointless?
In the grand scheme of things, what difference does it make either way?
Is analysing a piece of handwriting to confirm something that may or may not be true about something we already know not a bit...pointless?
The Framers obviously never expected an Cheeto to be PresidentSurely the fallacy of that is evident now when you have dunderheads with zero legal experience ignoring all legal advice and pardoning their mates. It's ripe for abuse.
Maybe the tooth fairy?/other![]()
Just a matter of time until Tillerson is gone
The Constitution (Article II, Section 2) grants that POTUS can issue pardons for federal crimes.
Why? - it's basically the logical conclusion when looking at the structure of the federal government
The Constitution places the President as head of the Executive Branch, with the Justice Dept under the Executive Branch. Since Federal law falls under the remit of the Justice Dept, it therefore ultimately falls under the remit of the Executive Branch.
Governors of states typically have the same power over state crimes
so because of Trump it's a bad thing?Surely the fallacy of that is evident now when you have dunderheads with zero legal experience ignoring all legal advice and pardoning their mates. It's ripe for abuse.
Absolutely incredible.....Tillerson suggesting Trump's values are not America's values.
Rex is next on the chopping blockI spent most of the weekend out of the loop, but just heard of this and its bizarre. "I speak for the US, and the President speaks for himself".![]()
I spent most of the weekend out of the loop, but just heard of this and its bizarre. "I speak for the US, and the President speaks for himself".![]()
Remember he was 'the most divisive president' ever, just because he was black.
Wow that's damning. The US Secretary of State clearly stating that the President does not speak for America. Unparalleled and it suggests to me that at the highest levels the administration knows the end is near.
Check the picture out, you can see that some have been written with the exact same marker pen, and also, study the handwriting and you can see some have been written by the same person too. Also, some people have said they haven't been folded and are all on the same fresh paper.
Some of the replies are amazing as well, very funny. But what kind of person fakes kids letters to themselves?
1) As we have the oldest written Constitution still in use, I'd say we kinda set the framework for modern Checks and Balances.It's not, at least not by Western standards of Checks & Balances. A crime is what the federal laws says under the interpretation of independant judges: the judicial branch. In the end it's them who find people guilty/not guilty. Judges in the SC get appointed for lifetime for the one and only reason of being able to judge on their own politically independant assesment.
Still I suppose presidential pardon can make some sense in cases with political affluence.