Drumpf using his sycophant propagandists at Fox to babble his talking points then RT'ing it on his twitter as if the media are praising him.
Has to be some incriminating stuff in his tax returns.
The thing about pardons is that its basically an admission of guilt where Trump wouldn't be able to continue as President without facing a serious impeachment challenge. The Republicans would have almost no credibility going into 2018 if they continued supporting a lame duck who has pardoned himself and all his lackeys.
Don't think there would be anything illegal in his tax-returns otherwise the IRS would have done him a long time ago.
However, it think it will point investigators on where to look.
Would Mueller still tell us he wanted to indict an associate of Trump if Trump pardons that individual? Would Mueller still continue investigating associates if he knows they've been pardoned?
Would Mueller still tell us he wanted to indict an associate of Trump if Trump pardons that individual? Would Mueller still continue investigating associates if he knows they've been pardoned?
Well I don't think anyone will be surprised about this.
I think you read too much into political press. I am pretty confident the special counsel will find the facts and action will be taken one way or the other. Your reacting to propaganda and believing it to be fact. It is like believing Clinton is guilty based on a few books, right wing reports, and conservative press.I don't think its very unlikely at all, and even if he hasn't, he's still not immune to all the things he's definitely done after becoming President; specifically obstruction of justice by way of attempting to shut down the Russia investigation by firing Comey, firing Bharara (who was looking into matters Trump didn't want looked at), the Don Jr. meeting with the Russians (which Trump almost certainly knew about given the Hillary oppo information involved), the Kushner data analytics issue where Russian bots targeted swings states with specific information etc etc. There's literally loads of information out there much of which we aren't privvy too because it hasn't been leaked but rest assured Mueller is looking at it.
Well I don't think anyone will be surprised about this.
Well I don't think anyone will be surprised about this.
I think you read too much into political press. I am pretty confident the special counsel will find the facts and action will be taken one way or the other. Your reacting to propaganda and believing it to be fact. It is like believing Clinton is guilty based on a few books, right wing reports, and conservative press.
People are innocent until proven guilty.
Do you think he'll reveal anything from his time working there?
Except they don't have to do anything for you to get that feeling.![]()
I honestly don't know. I quite liked Spicey to be honest. It's a thankless job and almost impossible having to defend someone who literally lies with every sentence AND who will constantly contradict himself and anyone who quotes him. I admire his spirit and do have some sympathy for him because he at least tried to ingratiate himself with the press whereas someone like Sarah Huckabee always acts like she's disgusted to actually have to speak to the press.
You can tell it's Friday, stories are dropping left, right and centre at the moment, tough to keep up.
And no surprise who Spicey's replacement is.
Looks like Priebus may follow Spicer out soon as well.
Looks like Priebus may follow Spicer out soon as well.
He was always a lackey. Nobody would even notice him gone.
And Spicer only got the job because Priebus was his RNC boss and when Trump hired Reince, he brought Sean along. Also, Reince is super close with Ryan, which may affect Ryan's patience of indulging Trump's stupidity in the future.
So, is it only me hoping the first question scaramuch scaramuch is 'will you do the fandango'
Galileo...Galileo?So, is it only me hoping the first question scaramuch scaramuch is 'will you do the fandango'
Theres a lot wrong with your post:The problem with this stance is it is very unlikely that Trump has done anything wrong. Throwing dirt and suspicion hoping something sticks is a left tactic, not really based on evidence or fact. The fact people in the campaign meet foreign representatives during a campaign is not unusual. Discussing policy when not elected i believe is a big no-no. We hear lots of "Russia published dirt in Clinton to sway voters". The only dirt I recall was from wikileaks. Not seen any other dirt that wasn't already public, like Clinton foundation corruption and email server. How is Russia wanting Trump, any different to Europe, Canada and Central & South America being very vocal for Clinton.
Whether you support or dislike Trump, can't believe people really believe there is a there there.
You are not basing it on fact, you ate basing it on opinion.Its not Propaganda. It is a broadly accepted fact that the Russians intervened in the election to help Trump. It is also a fact that Trump is being investigated for cooperation with that effort. The so called political press are doing something called journalism, which involves multiple sources divulging information about what is actually happening.
As I see it, Mueller's investigation is currently looking at three lanes of inquiry.
1. Collusion with Russia
2. Financial Crimes
3. Obstruction of Justice
Any one of the three will result in impeachment for Trump and prison time for those around him.
Spicer is potentially gonna go down as a legendary character in the annals of American political history.