Getting Kained!
Persons like Mike Huckabee should be eliminated from humanity. Options are a) transported to space and set free in a pod, b) stuck on a deserted island, c) placed on an island with 47 gay men (might be worse than isolation for Mike), d) imprisoned at GITMO, e) death.
I love how Trump Jr tied to get one up on the NYT and releases his emails himself but omits the one containing the actual illegal stuff, only for the NYT to release that one and Trump Jr to then release it himself and make up some BS about size restraintsFor fecks sake. Stupid is as stupid does
Priceless, truly priceless.
I missed something.. What leak are we talking about?
One thing I don't get, and it might be because of a time zone difference between Trump and his son, but the time stamp is 1:40pm. They met at 4pm.
Edit: Also... Jake Tapper on Trump Jr. "We asked him to appear tonight, but he hasn't responded, as he only wants to appear on his father's favorite news channel"
Edit #2: He tweeted about "30,000 deleted emails" on May 17th as well
Who knew that emails would become a big deal again, right? lolThe freaking irony!
Word. Thanks!Brian Stelter on CNN, implied the NYT got the emails from someone in the WH.
You don't pick a fight with the US media AND it's intelligence agencies. There's no winning there.
What's the deal with this guy, has he any credibility or is he another Mensch/Schindler type shit-stirrer?
Leak is aparently from inside the WH.
Convinced there are people in the WH actually trying to bring this administration down.
Was watching "The Five" earlier and Dana Perino made a interesting observation about the 3 WH sources who leaked the info in Sundays article.
She said that it may well be that the WH coordinated the leak to try to get ahead of the story, as they know even worse stuff is about to come out relating to Trump Jr.
Yeah, it's an old meme, and has been quoted in the Trump Cartoon thread, but it's a clever update on it. Topical too.
Jared Kushner tried and failed to secure a $500m loan from one of Qatar's richest businessmen, before pushing his father-in-law to toe a hard line with the country, it has been alleged.
This intersection between Mr Kushner’s real estate dealings and his father-in-law’s international issues highlights the difficulties of an administration besiged with an unprecedented number of conflicts of interest.
Its worth noting all this is about just 1 meeting.
They've had countless private meetings with the Russians, which the intel agencies will have much more info on and which will be in the hands of Mueller.
Indeed. And it looks like they are paying out. It shouldn't need pressure for them to do so though, it's a scummy move.
But I digress, back to Trump! Am I wrong to be feeling like this is another false dawn?
I see nothing coming coming from this at all
It's already been posited upthread but it certainly looks like a clear drip feeding of info to the press by the intelligence agencies. And it's working. I guess we're all impatient to see these slime out of the WH and hopefully banged up so it can feel like it's taking an age but the reality is that this is moving fast.
I'm not a vindictive guy but I want Trump and his people to go down as far as it is possible.
That kind of 'spite' seems awfully close to blackmail.Jared Kushner tried and failed to secure a $500m loan from one of Qatar's richest businessmen, before pushing his father-in-law to toe a hard line with the country, it has been alleged.
Any discussions about "adoptions" with a Russian attorney must include discussions about the quid pro quo sanctions between the United States and Russia that ban adoptions between the two countries. Private citizens cannot engage in diplomacy; this is what ended up bringing Mike Flynn's actions to light. Also, if you read the emails, it is plain as day to see what Trump Jr. "loved" about what he was told... "very high level and sensitive information" that would "incriminate" Hillary Clinton that stemmed from "Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"
You sound like you are trying to jail an American for having a conversation- You sound like the Gestapo - None of your claims fit. CNN is already walking it back...You LOSE again...LOL
I'm sorry that telling you the truth makes you feel that way. And for the record... Fox News published the same emails and highlighted the same parts of the emails that I highlighted to you. So... good going
Oh, and by the way... people are imprisoned all the time in the United States for having conversations about things... it's called "conspiracy to commit _________"
Trump jr. Releases emails about meeting with a Russian lawyer who is not a government official and liberals are outraged. Democrats unmasked citizens looking for political dirt and not a peep. Hypocrite much?
What you're doing is called engaging in "whataboutism" and it is a defense for when there is no other defense. What you're doing does not in any way defend Trump Jr.'s actions. Also, it does not matter that the person might not have actually been a Russian gov't official. If you are caught in a drug sting and you tried to buy drugs from someone who was pretending to be a drug dealer, but was actually a police officer, the argument that the drug dealer was not a real one does not help you. It is quite clear what Trump Jr. organized that meeting to obtain, thanks to his tweeting out of the transcripts of the emails.
Oh my here are all the Facebook political lawyers coming out of the woodwork
For fecks sake. I laughed out loud at this.What a day. I just hope there's a lot more coming out as it's odd they would release it all on a Sunday/Monday unless they had more to drop.
I must defend the Donald on this one, though. It must be really difficult to hold on to a baby when your hands are that small.
As long as it's politically helpful to keep Trump in place, I think we'll just see more deflection from the GOP Congress. But I don't know that will be the case forever and I could see it change before 2018. They'll need to be sure someone like Pence is insulated and that the people they want gone - the Trumps, Bannon, Kushner etc - can be removed without harming themselves. McConnell and Ryan will wait until they get a few more things they need like the Obamacare repeal and tax reform then consider it. But until then I think there will just be more drip drip drip leaks.This is my fear and likely the reality.
The most obvious breaking news story of all time.
It must be strange to investigate a group of people who are constantly trying everything in their power to undermine your investigation and then go to Twitter to share possible evidence with the whole world.
I'm at a stage right now were everything is just really bizarre to me. I never struggled this much in finding sense in the actions of a group of people, let alone politicians. I simply don't understand why they are doing anything anymore. I'm constantly switching between thinking they are brilliant masterminds who are playing everyone to build up their own autocracy, or complete morons who are only coming into power because they appeal to other morons. And I really don't know what the middleground would be on this one. Maybe they are brilliant morons.I didn't look at it that way, that really is funny when you think about it like that.
I couldn't support that, and I believe it would be the worst thing to happen to this country since the Civil War.I wonder how many of us would support a military coup to depose this ludicrous regime? Tough question, perhaps, despite the frightening precedent it would set.
I wonder how many of us would support a military coup to depose this ludicrous regime? Tough question, perhaps, despite the frightening precedent it would set.
I wonder how many of us would support a military coup to depose this ludicrous regime? Tough question, perhaps, despite the frightening precedent it would set.
Brain says no but the gut is all for it.I wonder how many of us would support a military coup to depose this ludicrous regime? Tough question, perhaps, despite the frightening precedent it would set.