I am sick to death of all the bloody weeping and wailing it's not love island
Felt sorry for Kaz served them right they realised they'd made a huge error yet I'm sure they won't learn from it! Almost got to the point of bullying and you could tell he was sick of it and had given up a bit
Dan is an interesting one, bit of a lone wolf, trouble is as others have said its the dumb sheep who are dragged to the final because you know "100% faithful couldn't possibly be a traitor" and glue themselves to one of the traitors who they think couldn't possibly be one
I'd do what others have said and quietly stay under the radar, act a bit sheepie and thick while quietly trying to work out the traitors and allying with one before hopefully being able to reveal i have a brain in the final. Although I'd rather be a traitor
If I'm Minah I'd want a strong fellow traitor to recruit, as I think Linda needs to go under the bus she's so obvious and could drag her down with her if she's not careful so I'd want to on board someone then work with them to get her under the bus
I'd recruit Fazia. She's got a good alliance going already from the train, so I think she will go under the radar a bit, although maybe I'd want to wait til the next recruitment just to get a sense of what she's like and if she's a bus thrower.
Leanne could be an interesting recruit, or Leon who seems to be so under the radar we barely see him
Tyler and Alexander I think will put you under the bus, I definitely wouldn't choose either