Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

I found it a bit strange that the seer chose to check Charlotte, who she trusted the most, instead of Alexander who noone really ever trusted.
I found it a bit strange that the seer chose to check Charlotte, who she trusted the most, instead of Alexander who noone really ever trusted.

Is it better to go into the final rounds knowing the person you're trusting is trustworthy or not, or the person you aren't is trustworthy or not? It might be better to know if your support is solid or not, rather than people you'd be looking to vote out.

And if she'd picked Alexander gone back and and said he was Faithful, they probably would have just assumed they're both traitors and she was covering for him. Doesn't seem like there was a huge amount of trust of Frankie.
Alexander admittedly screwed himself at that last roundtable, but still gutted was wasn't a winner, but he never really gained trust from anyone so he wasn't ever going to be there at the end.

As for just voting people off, it makes sense if you have enough support in the final four and enough doubt about others. I think it's fair to say Leanne and Jake never really had any trust in Alexander (based on idiotic assumptions, but still), and Frankie was probably suspecting everyone after that Charlotte reveal.

Then, not knowing Charlotte was a traitor, it made sense to vote off Frankie.

So I don't see a problem with them continuing to vote, everyone at the pit voted to banish in every round they were in, so there was clearly a massive lack of confidence. And as a faithful, it just makes more sense to reduce the chance to as small a percentage as possible.

I don't know, that actually felt like the most cynical group of the three series so far. I still can't get over Leanne's reaction to Alexander voting for her, right after she voted for him. Of all the people in that game she seemed the most incapable of seeing it from someone else's perspective. Which probably worked in her favour in the end, sad as it is to say.

Oh, and the lack of confirmations after banishments meant there wasn't any reason to particularly trust anyone. Another reason it went down to two.

The Seer role being thrown in, I guess kind of made that necessary. But it also made the ending a damp squib. Just a procession of obvious banishments and no real reaction.
Is it better to go into the final rounds knowing the person you're trusting is trustworthy or not, or the person you aren't is trustworthy or not? It might be better to know if your support is solid or not, rather than people you'd be looking to vote out.

And if she'd picked Alexander gone back and and said he was Faithful, they probably would have just assumed they're both traitors and she was covering for him. Doesn't seem like there was a huge amount of trust of Frankie.

Yeah, in hindsight it obviously looks genious, but it didn't really make sense to me at the time when she did it.
I would definitely check someone i wasn't sure about.

The vote from Freddie (i think that was his name) did probably affect them quite a bit too, it's weird being in that bubble they're in in games like this.
The seer thing was stupid. At the very least they should have made the seer's choice anonymous to the other contestants.

Maybe even give them a chance to join the traitors if they find one. And/or give the traitor a option to murder the seer if discovered.
That's a great idea
I think they also should offer ex traitors a small % of the pot if a traitor wins.

They need to try and get the traitors to work together and stop them from voting out other traitors once they know their goose is cooked.

It would also mean that late stage recruitment of traitors wasn't just a "be recruited or die" option that makes them an obvious patsy to be voted out. They would be gaining a bit of cash as an incentive.
I think they also should offer ex traitors a small % of the pot if a traitor wins.

They need to try and get the traitors to work together and stop them from voting out other traitors once they know their goose is cooked.

It would also mean that late stage recruitment of traitors wasn't just a "be recruited or die" option that makes them an obvious patsy to be voted out. They would be gaining a bit of cash as an incentive.
Yep this too. Traitors should win as a team. Or maybe past a certain point.
I think they also should offer ex traitors a small % of the pot if a traitor wins.

They need to try and get the traitors to work together and stop them from voting out other traitors once they know their goose is cooked.

It would also mean that late stage recruitment of traitors wasn't just a "be recruited or die" option that makes them an obvious patsy to be voted out. They would be gaining a bit of cash as an incentive.

I like this idea. The traitors are more of a team than the faithfuls.

The last part would also make people consider not recruiting in the end game, if they're allowed not to. I think Charlotte would have had a better chance at winning if she didn't do the last recruitment.
I think Charlotte could've won if she didn't recruit Freddie, and did the "trick" on him by making him try to kill Leanne.
She had no suspicion on her before he voted for her in revenge.
Exactly. Freddie was likely going to be voted out anyway so the trick was pointless. And if the seer situation had played out the same way she might have had more people think it was a Frankie double bluff because she would have had zero suspicions re: Freddie.
Turns out Olivia has a bunch of nude pics she took and posted online, but the vetting team failed in their job to make sure all contestants had nothing in their past that was not family-friendly.
Turns out Olivia has a bunch of nude pics she took and posted online, but the vetting team failed in their job to make sure all contestants had nothing in their past that was not family-friendly.

The downward trend with contestant selection suggests we might even have some onlyfans models next series.
Turns out Olivia has a bunch of nude pics she took and posted online, but the vetting team failed in their job to make sure all contestants had nothing in their past that was not family-friendly.
Ah no that's disgusting! Where even are these photos?! That's grim...
Turns out Olivia has a bunch of nude pics she took and posted online, but the vetting team failed in their job to make sure all contestants had nothing in their past that was not family-friendly.
Eye in or out?
I found it a bit strange that the seer chose to check Charlotte, who she trusted the most, instead of Alexander who noone really ever trusted.
It's not when you consider they all pretty much planned on dwindling down the numbers to just two. If she had 100% faith in Charlotte who also was her mate, they'd be almost guaranteed the win.
Turns out Olivia has a bunch of nude pics she took and posted online, but the vetting team failed in their job to make sure all contestants had nothing in their past that was not family-friendly.
Seen them earlier on in the season by accident. Not bad.
I do enjoy a bit of traitors, the one thing that doesn't sit right though is that there is basically no point in voting out a traitor as they just recruit another.

A very simple fix would be that the faithful also have a separate prize pot, and every time they catch a traitor 5k is taken from the main pot and put in the faithful pot along with an additional 5K.

That would incentivize catching them and also make the traitors think twice about throwing another traitor under the bus........ Could also do things with that money like in the endgame every time a faithful gets banished they lose a few grand from that pot.
Just watched last week’s final 3 episodes

Joe is murdered by the Traitors. I did think it was a toss up between him & Jake. Nothing to mention about at the breakfast table. Mission time now and expecting to see some fireworks and major disagreements with suspicions arising even further during it - basically what this show is so good at delivering :) . Leanne fuming about being labelled two faced but was quickly made up when she choose the correct mini chest to claim the final shield of the series (she’s won a fair few of them). Dinner chats and seems like it’s a toss up between Freddie & Minah on who is going to be banished. I’m intrigued to see Charlotte’s vote if she is going to backstab Minah at that point which I’m hoping she does but Minah survives & it’s Freddie who is eliminated. Would make for an interesting traitors turret discussion later that night. However it’s Minah that is eliminated and it’s her fellow traitor Charlotte that’s put the final nail in the coffin. Minah’s face dropped like a rock at that point. Traitor turret time and Charlotte has given the ultimatum to Freddie which I can sort of understand as she can just wrap him round her finger and throw him under the bus when she wants. Of course he accepted the offer. Deciding not to tell him that Leanne has the shield which indicates how this Traitors partnership is going to end. Already suggesting for them to murder Leanne knowing fine well she had the shield. Poor Freddie is in a lose-lose situation now.

Freddie looked like he’d seen a ghost when Leanne walked in and pretty much was giving it away from the get-go that he was traitor with his bemused facial expressions and general panic as to who he’d just seen come through the breakfast door. However Leanne threw the biggest curveball when she unveiled which of the players knew about her shield and name dropped Charlotte who Freddie instantly was not pleased about. Him coming up with a quick lie on the spot that Minah told him when Minah didn’t even know made the situation even worse for him. He should have thrown Charlotte’s name in there instead of Minah’s which would have brought a few suspicious faces towards her direction. Mission time and Claudia unveils the first time ever that one player can become a “seer” to see one other players identity of their choosing. The clowns, dolls & cages (miniature ones) all made a return. Tough challenges for sure and they got the timing wrong on the last one but still backed a very good amount for the final prize pot. The winner of the seer to be unveiled at the end of the round table by Claudia. Round table time and it’s a toss up between Alexander & Freddie but Freddie has literally dug his own grave once again with this Minah lie further stating he was told by her at the end of the night that Leanne had the shield but that couldn’t be possible as she had already been banished by then - oh dear oh dear Freddie, you’re a worser traitor than Ross in S2 was :lol: . And of course the most predicted round table banishment conclusion - it’s Freddie who is banished. Now onto the seer and it’s Frankie who won the seer (partly big thanks to Alexander for helping her doing so). I hope she chooses Charlotte and she has.

The face to face seer meeting between Charlotte & Frankie - I personally thought it was going to be Charlotte saying it in person to Frankie that she’s a traitor and not Frankie opening an envelope to unveil the identity of Charlotte. But fair enough, it’s going to be an interesting final day. Breakfast table and Frankie walks in looking so uncomfortable that she would rather be anywhere else but there. And as soon as she & Charlotte sit down, it’s all escalating between the both of them. Mission time and Leanne for an ex soldier, I thought would have done better with her timing as she missed both her bags landing inside the ring of fire. Frankie - credit to her for conquering her fear & at least she got one bag landing inside the ring of fire whilst Alexander missed both his bags :lol:. Nothing much to say about the post mission chats other than who do they really trust the most which we will find out at the round table. Round table time & unsurprisingly it’s all guns blazing between both Frankie & Charlotte but Alexander just looks like he is about to be banished now too as he seems to get his words in a twist which caused serious suspicion. Charlotte voted and all traitors eliminated but of course with this years game, they don’t know that for sure. Post round table banishment and they all seem unanimously agreed that there is one/possibly two more traitors left and are about to crush a remaining faithfuls dream. Alexander looks like the one that is going to be banished. Endgame time and unsurprisingly the first four pouches thrown into the fire lit up a red flame. Alexander voted out and not really surprised to see him go. 2nd round of pouches and they have gone for another round of voting for a banishment. Leanne has the final deciding vote who she’s going to share the money with and votes out Frankie. I think Charlotte’s words at the final round table of “don’t trust this woman” played a major role in her choice. So our winners of S3 are faithfuls Leanne & Jake.
Yeah, in hindsight it obviously looks genious, but it didn't really make sense to me at the time when she did it.
I would definitely check someone i wasn't sure about.

The vote from Freddie (i think that was his name) did probably affect them quite a bit too, it's weird being in that bubble they're in in games like this.
Especially since she doesn't know whenever there's one or two traitors left (they've all entertained the idea of a second one still being around), going for someone who you trust the most (and who, you think, trusts you back) in order to be 100% sure is the move. I think most seasons ended up with 2 people anyway, be it a pair of faithfuls or a traitor and his trusting pet, so ensuring your a ride or day if you have that option is a must. She was unlucky that her ride or die turned out to be a traitor which, inevitably, led to her demise.
I do enjoy a bit of traitors, the one thing that doesn't sit right though is that there is basically no point in voting out a traitor as they just recruit another.

A very simple fix would be that the faithful also have a separate prize pot, and every time they catch a traitor 5k is taken from the main pot and put in the faithful pot along with an additional 5K.

That would incentivize catching them and also make the traitors think twice about throwing another traitor under the bus........ Could also do things with that money like in the endgame every time a faithful gets banished they lose a few grand from that pot.

One benefit though is that it gives the faithful the chance to become a traitor and its easier to be a faithful turned traitor than a traitor from the beginning. I definitely don't think there should be a murder and a recruit at the same time as that just penalises the faithful.
They get big viewing figures so I guess they don't care.

They could make it so much better though with better rules.
One benefit though is that it gives the faithful the chance to become a traitor and its easier to be a faithful turned traitor than a traitor from the beginning. I definitely don't think there should be a murder and a recruit at the same time as that just penalises the faithful.

Yea, I agree with that and you also need to recruit otherwise the game finishes early, I do think there should be a financial reward for the faithful and a penalty for the traitors when caught though. It would really increase the jeopardy and the make the traitors actually want to look out for each other.
I think any strategy you may have just goes straight out the window once it gets going. You're much better off just playing it by ear.
Mostly as it just depends on who else is playing the game. A mix of Dan and Jake from this series though is a good go to. Remembering that it's an individual game because you can't really trust anyone, but being just enough of a team player so that others trust you're a faithful.
Mostly as it just depends on who else is playing the game. A mix of Dan and Jake from this series though is a good go to. Remembering that it's an individual game because you can't really trust anyone, but being just enough of a team player so that others trust you're a faithful.
Absolutely it does. You could prepare and prepare but there's really no point.
Started the Australian version seems pretty good so far.
Watched the first six episodes of US Series 3. You'd think they wouldn't be able to find a more awful group than last time but somehow they've managed it.

It's generally the same in all their versions. You get half of them more interested in sticking together as housewives, survivor players etc and then others who already have a grudge against someone from one of those shows and can't see past that. Not sure why they take it so personally either when they're already experienced in playing a game like this.

Also, that royal looks like an older Mark Clattenburg :lol:

This is getting more wild from the traitors! Got me thinking though that it could actually be a decent tactic in future if 2 of them agree to 'argue' with each other so it looks as though they're being kept in the game for that reason.
Watched the first six episodes of US Series 3. You'd think they wouldn't be able to find a more awful group than last time but somehow they've managed it.

It's generally the same in all their versions. You get half of them more interested in sticking together as housewives, survivor players etc and then others who already have a grudge against someone from one of those shows and can't see past that. Not sure why they take it so personally either when they're already experienced in playing a game like this.

Also, that royal looks like an older Mark Clattenburg :lol:

This is getting more wild from the traitors! Got me thinking though that it could actually be a decent tactic in future if 2 of them agree to 'argue' with each other so it looks as though they're being kept in the game for that reason.

Haven't gotten to the US version yet finished the second season of the Australian version and have to say I've never in my life seen a dumber bunch of people than the faithfuls.

It was so frustrating to watch just how absolutely stupid they were every episode. Great finale but getting there was just unreal.

First season had an even better ending than the UK one with Harry and Mollie though. You could literally see a person's heart break onscreen
Haven't gotten to the US version yet finished the second season of the Australian version and have to say I've never in my life seen a dumber bunch of people than the faithfuls.

It was so frustrating to watch just how absolutely stupid they were every episode. Great finale but getting there was just unreal.

First season had an even better ending than the UK one with Harry and Mollie though. You could literally see a person's heart break onscreen

Yeah this one drove me mad. Sam just literally went "no u" to anyone who accused him and it worked every time! Very satisfying ending though. His hissy fit was glorious.

Shame the Aus one got cancelled.
Danielle :lol: All that effort to get rid of the other traitors and recruit Britney so they could win together, only for her to be the deciding vote to banish almost by mistake!

Fair play to the final four to end it there, brave move especially when there were some small doubts amongst them. Dylan played a really good game so was definitely a deserved winner.
Danielle :lol: All that effort to get rid of the other traitors and recruit Britney so they could win together, only for her to be the deciding vote to banish almost by mistake!

Fair play to the final four to end it there, brave move especially when there were some small doubts amongst them. Dylan played a really good game so was definitely a deserved winner.
Genuinely loved the way it ended.
Correct outcome. The game should end when the last Traitor gets banished anyway. Really happy the four of them got the money!