Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

Kas seemed pretty positive about his experience on Uncloaked. Might have been him just being polite but I do think they selectively edit it to make a bit more drama and conflict. Like in the last series they'd always show Zack and Jasmine arguing but afterwards they said they actually got on really well.

Also, I see the write-up for tonight's episode mentions "an emotional round table" so I think we can probably expect more tears!
I'm pretty sure the only times its happened is when no murder happened. If there's been a murder the previous night and the last person walking in is on their own, that person has always been faithful at the time.
Having a quick browse through series 1. Wilf comes in as the second to last person in episode 6 after a murder, so they will have them in the last 3 people at times. Might have a look though series 2 to see if the last person is ever a traitor.
The way Kas was treated was very uncomfortable viewing, especially so when it didn't matter how long he stayed in there, he was going to continue you being ostracised until killed/banished.
How have they all flipped the lid over someone suggesting they are in a clique, when they quite clearly are?
I don't think Minah needs to do anything for the rest of the show. She has this in the bag.
Wonder how many more times Dan is going to mention his autism makes him see things others don’t and then go for a faithful :lol:
Livi's gonna be on one tomorrow
Why are people making a big deal about ‘as God is my witness’? Surely it’s just a saying that you wouldn’t give a second thought to? Or at best think they’re just religious? Seems a bit forced so she reveals she’s been keeping a secret.
She instigated the whole clique thing today. Very clever.
One thing that sticks out through every series of these things is how bad the faithfuls are at noticing someone planting seeds or stirring things up.
One thing that sticks out through every series of these things is how bad the faithfuls are at noticing someone planting seeds or stirring things up.

Stuff like that is irrelevant when you can just rely on your gut and whether someone's profession suits the forced narrative you've just created in your head.
The most frustrating thing about the show is watching faithfuls land correctly on a traitor and then just move on. Jake had Linda absolutely nailed from the first day and has for whatever reason just let it drift and not pursued it with everyone else! Why?
The most frustrating thing about the show is watching faithfuls land correctly on a traitor and then just move on. Jake had Linda absolutely nailed from the first day and has for whatever reason just let it drift and not pursued it with everyone else! Why?
Its probably hard when the other faithful aren't suspecting Linda at all
If Livi goes I don't think she'll stop crying

She does my head in. I get that we have the advantage of knowing everything, but surely people should be self aware enough to realise that someone's warped logic for accusing them is no less relevant than the logic they're using themselves.
Omfg the tears are doing my bloody head in!!

I think this lot are too young on average

I'm struggling to warm to any of them tbh

Jake seems fairly switched on but they'll probably murder him as he's only given his suspicions to Linda. Fozia also seems fairly switched on but why didn't she speak at the table

Lisa reacted so badly to the suspicions, I'd have banished her not Tyler as she got so defensive then gave up

Lisa's big reveal has just made herself look even more suspicious!!
The most frustrating thing about the show is watching faithfuls land correctly on a traitor and then just move on. Jake had Linda absolutely nailed from the first day and has for whatever reason just let it drift and not pursued it with everyone else! Why?

I think Linda explained it well enough - it's not unnatural to turn and face the person talking. But the fact it's at least some tangible evidence rather than based on feeling should warrant a second round of questions.