Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

Yeah, she was bang on the money. The men are pretty wet blankets really, the females seem more vocal with stronger personalities so I can see where she was coming from. She couldn't communicate it properly.

The blokes other than Jake are pretty bloody stupid.

I don't know, Jake has said some pretty stupid shit.
Jake acted like a div when it came to Kas. Said he was a "doctor by day, killer by night" and then when he got called out on it said he didn't say it.
I do wonder how the editing works with this, like are people just spamming suspicions all day about everyone then selectively edited to show some correct guesses to make it look tense?

I always found it odd the way in the first couple of days they kick someone out because they were a bit more withdrawn than they were before the traitors were picked. I mean you're out on a train off for an exciting game show with a bunch of excited people. Then traitors are picked and suddenly everyone is paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything, including you. Of course some people are going to be a bit more cautious around people!
Everything he's said regarding Kas?
Other than his doctor comment, he's been one of the best players in game. He's being lumped in with the other knobs because of that comment to kas, but when you've had 3 suspects and 2 are right, don't think you can call him stupid?
Happy people online are talking about unconscious bias this season. It's uncomfortable watching them go for kas so early on based off nothing.

I couldn't wait any longer and have started watching the aus series, and low and behold they're going after the brown male off the blocks based off absolutely no reason. There's a police officer turn lawyer who's gunning for him hard, you couldn't make it up.
Finally caught up with all 3 episodes. My thoughts on each episode:

Great start to the series with that train carriage challenge. Absolutely brutal and unexpected but that’s what makes The Traitors so damn good. Definitely the 3 dumped contestants (Fozia, Jack, Alexander) will be back later in the series imo. I knew Claudia was going to select either Armani or Maia as a traitor as it would have been too boring have them as both faithfuls or traitors. Linda & Minah I wasn’t sure about but both of them must have pitched well to become a traitor when having their private 1-2-1 chat with Claudia. Out of the 3 and after watching the first episode, Minah looks the best suited to be a Traitor out of the 3 of them. Thought Claudia would have chosen a male for at least a balance but an all female traitor lineup it is then. Yin being the first contestant murdered I didn’t really see coming but again after only 45 mins of watching the first episode, you are not going to fully know what each persons personality or gameplan really is or moreso how good they are at identifying on who is telling the truth and who is lying. Nathan would have been a good shout to be murdered considering he was willing to not want to bank any money during the train carriage elimination at the start, which doesn’t come across well from a collective team view. The round table banishment and the way the conversations looked like they were going, Linda looks like a goner. Jake spotted that very well that small bit of detail regarding the eye contact Linda made with Claudia when the word “Traitors” was mentioned after the blindfolds

Nathan voted out as the first banishment at the round table and surprised with that tbh as thought it was Linda that was going to be banished. The Traitors choice to murder Keith could be a very bold one. Wasn’t really offering much early doors but later on could have posed a threat. Charlotte to come straight into the firing line as she obviously voted for him so that makes her an easy target to go for later at the round table. Onto the mission & I thought the x3 Traitors would have sneakily tried to sabotage the gunpowder containers. Armani tried it sneakily but not much from Minah or Linda (who tbf was struggling to keep up with the fitness side of the mission but for a 70 year old, she did really well). Ellen being eliminated at round table, personally didn’t see it coming as thought Charlotte was going to be the one to be booted out. The way the episode ended, clear as day Armani is getting too big for her boots and confidence or cockiness you could call it is gonna backfire on her very soon & moreso when she least expects it. Got a feeling a Traitors backstabbing is very soon on the cards after her feedback to Linda & Minah which was never going to go down to well. Massive OG.

With no murder, the breakfast gathering was not much to be on the edge of your seat for. Armani swaggering around thinking she’s got this in the bag but no doubt she’s going to get a shock that her confidence or more like cockiness is going to backfire on her when she very least expects it. The rowing mission was something else & very surprised how they passed it as it seemed like an absolute mess and a few people getting in each others wrong side. On the first raft, they took far too long to decide who they will sacrifice for the fuel. I don’t understand some of the logic though in terms of the second & third raft there was a chest of money for the prizepot but they sacrificed it because they were so fixated on getting shields. However do they know they need build up the prize fund for their to be a fair massive chunk amount of cash to win at the end? There is no fixed minimum amount that is assured to be won at the end, it needs to be earned during the challenges. Then again it’s created a massive divide now, especially with a huge difference of opinion between Jake & Dan on how the missions should be approached. Onto the round table banishment and finally Armani got the shock that completely blindsided her. To the part even her sister had doubts about her because of her behaviour & that really stunned her. When her name was mentioned more than once & all for the same reasons, she was a goner. Absolute awful traitor. Honestly don’t know who Linda & Minah are going to choose to murder out of Maia, Charlotte & Freddie. I’ll take a punt that it’s Charlotte to be murdered. To wrap it up, looks like the 3 dumped contestants from the rail station at the beginning of episode 1 ( Fozia, Jake, Alexander) are on their way back now into the show as expected. Looking forward to seeing what they will bring.
Happy people online are talking about unconscious bias this season. It's uncomfortable watching them go for kas so early on based off nothing.

I couldn't wait any longer and have started watching the aus series, and low and behold they're going after the brown male off the blocks based off absolutely no reason. There's a police officer turn lawyer who's gunning for him hard, you couldn't make it up.
Aus season 1 is great tv
Will be interesting to see if the 3 just turn up or if there's some kind of twist to it.

If they all arrive, you'd think the traitors will use this opportunity to recruit. People will assume it's one of the new players so it depends on how they want to play it, someone to throw under the bus or to actually work with.
it's funny when you actually think about it, until basically the 2nd last episode it makes absolutely no difference if they vote out a traitor or faithful.
it's funny when you actually think about it, until basically the 2nd last episode it makes absolutely no difference if they vote out a traitor or faithful.
In terms of the traitors just being able to recruit, or in terms of who wins?
In terms of the traitors just being able to recruit, or in terms of who wins?
in terms of the voting out process.

if they get a faithful, they lose a faithful.

if they get a traitor, they still lose a faithful because the traitors recruit a replacement. if anything it's an advantage to the traitors for another traitor to be caught because then they can recruit a really strong faithful in their place.

the only time it actually matters is at the end when traitors can no longer recruit.
Incredible amount of over-the-top drama this season - I'm sure the last two weren't this bad?

it's funny when you actually think about it, until basically the 2nd last episode it makes absolutely no difference if they vote out a traitor or faithful.

It's the main problem with the show when looking just at the format. And the fact that faithfuls or traitors only win if they are still alive at the end means there's little room for any actual 'plays'. Yet, when it gets to the round table and there is a traitor near to death, it's still exciting. It's unfair and a bit 'broken', but it works.
in terms of the voting out process.

if they get a faithful, they lose a faithful.

if they get a traitor, they still lose a faithful because the traitors recruit a replacement. if anything it's an advantage to the traitors for another traitor to be caught because then they can recruit a really strong faithful in their place.

the only time it actually matters is at the end when traitors can no longer recruit.

The best strategy is to silently work out who the traitors are, get closer to one of them and don't give any indication that you've got a functioning brain.

As a genuine game of deduction or a horribly flawed format.
The best strategy is to silently work out who the traitors are, get closer to one of them and don't give any indication that you've got a functioning brain.

As a genuine game of deduction or a horribly flawed format.
Yep, or you could very publicly have a suspicion (like the idiot had with Wilf in S1), and then you’re somewhat protected. But then that person might get taken out.
in terms of the voting out process.

if they get a faithful, they lose a faithful.

if they get a traitor, they still lose a faithful because the traitors recruit a replacement. if anything it's an advantage to the traitors for another traitor to be caught because then they can recruit a really strong faithful in their place.

the only time it actually matters is at the end when traitors can no longer recruit.
Yeah. They should really limit it to 1 or 2 at most and not allow recruitments so late into the game like they did last year.

It's probably related to the need to keep the game going for the whole series.
The best strategy is to silently work out who the traitors are, get closer to one of them and don't give any indication that you've got a functioning brain.

As a genuine game of deduction or a horribly flawed format.
Yeah, basically what Molly did last year but on purpose :lol:
Yeah. They should really limit it to 1 or 2 at most and not allow recruitments so late into the game like they did last year.

It's probably related to the need to keep the game going for the whole series.
I also have no doubt the producers are manipulating things hugely behind the scenes to make sure never too many faithful go in a row or that traitors go in a sparsed out fashion to keep things exciting. It's pretty clear given what we end up seeing at the round table is often nothing like what people have been saying during the day.

but.. it's all still very entertaining!
The breakfast tension builder is also broken. I dont think a traitor has ever been placed in the last 2/3 to walk in at breakfast across 3 series. Anyone with a half a brain would have worked that out by now for safelisting.

It's always the 2/3 who were in contention for being murdered. So people could just deduce from that who isn't a traitor.
Yeah when I saw that happen through season 1 I thought the producers would have the sense to mix it up sometimes, even if they have to sacrifice the tension for the audience. At least mix in times when a bigger final group walk through the door with a traitor hidden among them. But no.

Aye, I'm surprised they haven't switched it up in that respect but for some reason none of them have clocked it. It isn't an edit thing either because you see them all waiting.
One thing I was wondering regarding edits - when they are being interviewed about events, they're always in the same clothes. Do they do this stuff post-filming so they just sit and watch and react or what?
Yep, or you could very publicly have a suspicion (like the idiot had with Wilf in S1), and then you’re somewhat protected. But then that person might get taken out.

The most satisfying faithful win would be two switched on contestants working together, sussing out who a traitor is and leading them on to think they haven't got a clue, but that is so unlikely to happen because you have to tread that fine line of keeping your suspicions in check but finding the right person to work with.

If you don't find the right person you will either be sharing your thoughts with an actual traitor, or a hopeless faithful who will use some backwards logic to suspect you.
Aye, I'm surprised they haven't switched it up in that respect but for some reason none of them have clocked it. It isn't an edit thing either because you see them all waiting.

I've heard they do multiple edits. I'm not sure how that would play out, but I'm inclined to believe it because surely it would have been used as a clue otherwise.

I think international versions have chucked a traitor into that mix from to time too.
The breakfast tension builder is also broken. I dont think a traitor has ever been placed in the last 2/3 to walk in at breakfast across 3 series. Anyone with half a brain would have worked that out by now for safelisting
I think the never has been debunked, but it's obviously a lot less likely due to how they use it to build suspense.
Aus season 1 started so bright and is ending so hollow. They shouldn't drag it out,.
Joe is a wanker.

I don’t know if it was just the editing but it doesn’t feel like Kas was treated well in there.
Joe is a wanker.

I don’t know if it was just the editing but it doesn’t feel like Kas was treated well in there.
He said he was so isolated from the group that he couldn't even give an opinion on who is a traitor so yeah sounds like he was treated pretty terribly
Linda just repeats whatever is said to her back at the person!
I liked Kas' little shot at Joe, as he does come across as a knob head. Sad he's gone as he seemed like a really genuine bloke.

Obviously it's hard to tell with the editing, but Leon's comment of Kas having suitable characteristics to be a traitor but yet he doesn't appear to have actually spent much time to get to know him (rather hanging around with his little group) kind of says a lot. I would think it would be good to try and get to know someone to test your theory before going gung go for them.
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Hope Kas comes out after and dishes the dirt on all those dickheads.

Usually there are a few people I like each season but I think Minah is the only person I like so far.
