Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

That head turn from Linda is probably the biggest clue to a traitor they've had at the very start. It never makes sense when they basically have a 50/50 vote like that, get it wrong and then move on in a completely new direction. If you voted for her that first time, she doesn't appear to have done anything since to suggest you were wrong so surely you go for her again.

Armani is going way too vocal as well. Her sister seemed to pick up her change straight away, interested to see how that plays out.
Heard mentality. it's sh1te but that's how the world works. The false answers that Armione gave should have given enough people a clue to her strategy but the game doesn't seem to define logic.
Glad she’s gone.

Minah reminds me of Harry, definitely good. Armani was like Paul but much louder and less convincing. Linda is… just… I don’t know why she was picked as a traitor :lol:

Kaz is surely banished next.
Glad she’s gone.

Minah reminds me of Harry, definitely good. Armani was like Paul but much louder and less convincing. Linda is… just… I don’t know why she was picked as a traitor :lol:

Kaz is surely banished next.

We said the exact same about Armani.

Minah is great, hope she wins.
Jake's best villager in the game for me but his hard on for cas will be his downfall. Whilst CAS maybe doesn't make it easy on himself, I get his frustration because at this point, their suspicion of him is that cringe ass toast. That wasnt suspicious it was just stupid as feck. Why would a wolf do something as audacious as that on the first kill? Especially someone as "intelligent" as cas? If they stopped and thought about it for 5 seconds, theyd realise there are better targets to go for, like Linda who is so obviously a traitor.

Dan and Linda worst players in the game for me so far.
As I don't actively support anyone, I am quite OK seeing a faithful go so I can see the idiots I dislike the most look like morons. So Kas is probably my most liked/least disliked person but I am looking forward to him going to see them look stupid
Yeah, I feel torn, I want to see their stupid faces when they vote off Kas because "Doctor by day, killer by night", but I also like him the most out of them all.

Turns out being a nice bloke is big sus.
Linda is hilariously bad. She won't last long. Great entertainment
She just agrees with everything that's said to her.

That trailer is the 3 who quit the train coming back isn't it?
Spoiler episode 3

If I was Minah I'd want to recruit, Linda is very weak and struggling with the Traitor role, I wouldn't want it to just be me and her, and I'd be starting to make plans about her going under the bus

Tyler would be a good Traitor but no way I'd trust him not to put me under the bus so probably wouldn't pick him.

Armanis sister could be a good shout, because they wouldn't think both sisters could be traitors but not sure she's strong enough. Kaz because he's already under suspicions so a quick win?

Dan is very intriguing, he was the one who's blurb stood out as he said about being autistic and not following the crowd and being a sheep. but you need a naive wingman in this.

Edit - they can't recruit that's a shame for the few who got off. Linda is too naive. Minah is playing a cracking game so far.
Yeah, I feel torn, I want to see their stupid faces when they vote off Kas because "Doctor by day, killer by night", but I also like him the most out of them all.

Turns out being a nice bloke is big sus.

Yeah. That line was stupid and then when he said it back Jake or whatever said he didn't say it or something. Bunch of tools

Think last season I was more invested in getting Paul or whatever that feckfaces name was off the screen quickly, so was pissed when a faithful was gone. He was not a good Traitor, he just said he was and people believed he was. This season I can watch without any major biases
Linda voting for anyone who mentions her is a certainly a choice.
Yeah, I feel torn, I want to see their stupid faces when they vote off Kas because "Doctor by day, killer by night", but I also like him the most out of them all.

Turns out being a nice bloke is big sus.

Yeah I like Kas most of all but his days are pretty much numbered now. They were literally calling him a traitor as he was leaving

Feel fairly obvious what will happen next, Maia has to be murdered now as it is fairly straightforward that she is a genuine faithful. Kasim will go next. Obviously the 3 that got off the train will be involved at some point now
Joe comes across as really smarmy and unlikeable. He's gone under the radar quite a bit and doesn't seem to do an awful lot apart from make little snarky comments here and there.
Can’t believe the lack of posts about Elen. Easily the fittest contestant the show has ever seen. Gone too soon.
Can’t believe the lack of posts about Elen. Easily the fittest contestant the show has ever seen. Gone too soon.
I said it earlier! She’s quite incredible. She was also pretty clever and their reasons for voting her out were dumb. Too emotional to ever make it through though.
Not even the fittest this season let alone all time, and she was jarring af.
You’re more of a Linda person?
Joe comes across as really smarmy and unlikeable. He's gone under the radar quite a bit and doesn't seem to do an awful lot apart from make little snarky comments here and there.

Yeah not keen on him.
Linda is just so obviously a Traitor. It’s unfashionable how obvious it is.

I must say if I was a faithful, Joe would come across like a Traitor too.

Minah has been excellent in my view. At least based on the camera, appears authentic in everything she says, is clearly calculated, and is just doing enough without doing too much. Linda is woeful.

A lot of unnecessary tears. Some genuinely good faithfuls though. Faithfuls always get something wrong but a couple of them are doing some thinking at least.

I wonder who they killed. It’d be cruel but if I was them, Maia is the obvious choice.
Linda is just so obviously a Traitor. It’s unfashionable how obvious it is.

I must say if I was a faithful, Joe would come across like a Traitor too.

Minah has been excellent in my view. At least based on the camera, appears authentic in everything she says, is clearly calculated, and is just doing enough without doing too much. Linda is woeful.

A lot of unnecessary tears. Some genuinely good faithfuls though. Faithfuls always get something wrong but a couple of them are doing some thinking at least.

I wonder who they killed. It’d be cruel but if I was them, Maia is the obvious choice.

Totally agree with Maia being murdered tonight. After essentially calling out her sister, she's practically immune to suspicion now. Don't believe anyone has suspected or been connected to her before so it's a free murder really.
Totally agree with Maia being murdered tonight. After essentially calling out her sister, she's practically immune to suspicion now. Don't believe anyone has suspected or been connected to her before so it's a free murder really.

Kind of makes obvious the inherent weakness of having a sibling pair in there. Personally I'm not keen on any kind of existing relationships as it creates the foundations for a block/an easy target early on. Maia makes it even easier with the way she reacted to everything.

It has been quite annoying watching Jake, start with an actual tangible suspicion, basically going for Kaz for no particular sane reason. But I agree Joe is particularly obnoxious, he's heavy with the "however you react will only confirm my suspicions" nonsense.
I felt really sorry for Kaz yesterday. That Harold Shipman comparison that he used to describe how he was referred to by others as "saving lives by day, killing by night" was bang on. I feel they've gone a bit too personal on him by focusing on his profession in this way.
Harold Shipman :lol:
The reasonings people use are so daft, even when they find the traitors it's generally for the wrong reasons.
Think Kas might have a tough time surviving the next banishment, unless something changes.
I felt really sorry for Kaz yesterday. That Harold Shipman comparison that he used to describe how he was referred to by others as "saving lives by day, killing by night" was bang on. I feel they've gone a bit too personal on him by focusing on his profession in this way.
Yeah. His job literally has nothing to do with being a traitor or not. I liked Jake initially. He spotted something that is genuine evidence. Or something that you can go of. He then plays as if he’s never watched the show before by thing traitors would so obviously defend each other. And he got lucky with Armani.

Now he’s just irritating. But agreed with him on the boat fiasco. Whilst I understand why others wouldn’t get off, he’s right to be annoyed.

But Joe in particular looks like a total bellend. And he’s definitely not the type of person to eat his words afterwards. He will likely double down. I hope he gets killed off soon.
I said it earlier! She’s quite incredible. She was also pretty clever and their reasons for voting her out were dumb. Too emotional to ever make it through though.

You’re more of a Linda person?
You two enjoy turkey dinosaurs and chips don't yas?

She wasn't clever at all. Her only theory was banging on about a "strong female" and thought she'd be killed because of it. The majority of the village was women!
Glad she’s gone.

Minah reminds me of Harry, definitely good. Armani was like Paul but much louder and less convincing. Linda is… just… I don’t know why she was picked as a traitor :lol:

Kaz is surely banished next.
That would be so good for Linda. Her support of him would make her look faithful.
I said it earlier! She’s quite incredible. She was also pretty clever and their reasons for voting her out were dumb. Too emotional to ever make it through though.
She was spot on with her guesses on who the traitors were in Uncloaked. Even guessed Minah
One thing I have noticed in this show is that Traitors don’t tend to get very defensive of their fellow Traitors in conversations. They usually just play it cool and then maybe tell their fellow Traitor in private that they are getting mentioned. It’s fairly logical becuase if you’ve been very defensive of someone and they get outed as a Traitor, it puts a target firmly on your back.

Kas is almost certainly gone now because Armani was being defensive of him… and the faithfuls always jump to that conclusion even if it’s usually wrong.
She was spot on with her guesses on who the traitors were in Uncloaked. Even guessed Minah

Yeah, she was bang on the money. The men are pretty wet blankets really, the females seem more vocal with stronger personalities so I can see where she was coming from. She couldn't communicate it properly.

The blokes other than Jake are pretty bloody stupid.