The Rise of the Right Wing In Ireland.

Well I've no problem with by-standers jumping to the guy's aid and I'd like to have seen that but it's difficult for being to get involved when that type are swinging knuckle-dusters. I'm not sure if that's what @Raven is suggesting or something more organised as he hasn't elaborated to that extent.

The existence of a loose anti-fascist organistaion in Ireland has predated this rise of the right. The theory is reacting has never been enough, it must be aggressive and proactive, This thesis is interesting read and has a nice chapter on the absence of a Right-wing in Ireland. Interesting read. Karl Popper is also worth reading on it.
At least some of those people are convinced they’re beating up a paedophile. We’re saying it’s not cool to beat up paedophiles who happen to be foreign and if you do, someone else will beat you up? And that’s fine? We can beat up alleged racists but not alleged paedophiles. All getting a bit slippery, if you ask me.

I’m all in favour of seeking out and targeting whoever is pulling their strings but suspect a significant proportion of them aren’t even living in Ireland.
I bet this made loads of sense on your head.
Considering how many guards there were feck all. You dont fight the far right, you arrest them and charge them as they break crimes and fight the circumstances that allow them to grow.

Ideally yes.
Considering how many guards there were feck all. You dont fight the far right, you arrest them and charge them as they break crimes and fight the circumstances that allow them to grow.
You think there were feck all rioters? Hilarious. We literally had the biggest war of all time fighting fascism, I can't tell if you're serious or not.
Ideally yes.
I think were still at a point were we can take an idealised approach. You could at least try making a case as to why they suck and are terrible instead of immediately resorting to violence.
You think there were feck all rioters? Hilarious. We literally had the biggest war of all time fighting fascism, I can't tell if you're serious or not.
That wasn't the question. You asked how many it would take the overwhelm the guards - feck all.
I think were still at a point were we can take an idealised approach. You could at least try making a case as to why they suck and are terrible instead of immediately resorting to violence.

But they aren't. The Rise of the Right is going to win the election for FF/FG. I have friends who attended reported all of those hate-filled anti-immigration rallies around Dublin the last year or so and the law was only enforced a couple of times.

We also can't ignore the data from literally every other country,
But they aren't. The Rise of the Right is going to win the election for FF/FG. I have friends who attended reported all of those hate-filled anti-immigration rallies around Dublin the last year or so and the law was only enforced a couple of times.

We also can't ignore the data from literally every other country,
By the time a lot of these people wake up and see the disaster we're sleepwalking into it'll be far too late.
Fair enough, I misread what you said. How about my second point?
I dont get it? Are we talking about WW2? Not sure how relevant. Theres a time for voilent resistance, I just dont think its here and now.
I dont get it? Are we talking about WW2? Not sure how relevant. Theres a time for voilent resistance, I just dont think its here and now.
Well, there's only one biggest war of all time. Here and now is exactly the time, hopefully we can stamp it out before we find ourselves living under a fascist government.
But they aren't. The Rise of the Right is going to win the election for FF/FG. I have friends who attended reported all of those hate-filled anti-immigration rallies around Dublin the last year or so and the law was only enforced a couple of times.

We also can't ignore the data from literally every other country,
I think that was the plan but not a very good one. Them far right parties were transferring back to Sinn Fein and people like Clare Daly. Thats why the media are talking about unpredictable transfers going everywhere. They're married to FFG so think the far right give a shit about fiscal responsibility and pro market liberal capitalism and nonsense like that and cant understand why they're not getting transfers from right wing parties (or anyone else for that matter). It might have an impact but its just further burying FFG future chances as i dont think it plays at all well with younger voters.
I think that was the plan but not a very good one. Them far right parties were transferring back to Sinn Fein and people like Clare Daly. Thats why the media are talking about unpredictable transfers going everywhere. They're married to FFG so think the far right give a shit about fiscal responsibility and pro market liberal capitalism and nonsense like that and cant understand why they're not getting transfers from right wing parties (or anyone else for that matter). It might have an impact but its just further burying FFG as i dont think it plays at all well with younger voters.
It worked an absolute charm in the local elections.
Their vote share is down from previous local elections which were considered a total disaster from what i remember.
Sinn Fein were miles ahead in the polls until the far right got involved.
Sinn Fein were miles ahead in the polls until the far right got involved.
Yeah if transfers didn't exist it would hurt more. They do. I think it'll have an impact in this election, i think they'll be won or lost by the likes of Sinn Fein by a tiny, tiny margin so it'll matter. Longer term ... who knows? I hope we get on top of it in the mean time. FFG government would probably be a bit of a disaster on that front.
Yeah if transfers didn't exist it would hurt more. They do. I think it'll have an impact in this election, i think they'll be won or lost by the likes of Sinn Fein by a tiny, tiny margin so it'll matter. Longer term ... who knows? I hope we get on top of it in the mean time. FFG government would probably be a bit of a disaster on that front.
I can see ffg going into coalition with a couple of these far right freaks. Then we have massive problems on our hands. We'll still have people telling us there's nothing to worry about.

Edit: Why do you think the far right were going in so hard on Sinn Fein, calling them traitors, etc?
Their vote share is down from previous local elections which were considered a total disaster from what i remember.

Yep. People are comparing locals to generals. Sinn Fein were up on last locals but nowhere near what was expected.
I can see ffg going into coalition with a couple of these far right freaks. Then we have massive problems on our hands. We'll still have people telling us there's nothing to worry about.
Theres a bit of a gap between nothing to worry about and violent resistance to be fair. Bit of a gap between where these far right freaks are and having enough candidates getting elected to have any impact too.
Edit: Why do you think the far right were going in so hard on Sinn Fein, calling them traitors, etc?
Because they're previous Sinn Fein voters who feel betrayed by them not going in on immigration i guess? I have no doubt its a wedge issue being used against SF.
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Theres a bit of a gap between nothing to worry about and violent resistance to be fair. Bit of a gap between where these far right freaks are and having enough candidates getting elected to have any impact too.
What's your solution to this then? Genuine question because I'm not okay with living in a country where foreigners and non whites don't feel safe walking down the street. Yes, a gap that is being closed rapidly. The far right didn't even exist in Ireland before 2020.
Theres a bit of a gap between nothing to worry about and violent resistance to be fair.

The gap is there but we can't fill it with the presumption the right thing will be done.

Bit of a gap between where these far right freaks are and having enough candidates getting elected to have any impact too.

The effect they can have on the discourse far exceeds the numbers that get elected.
Farage never won a seat and look what that cnut did.
What's your solution to this then? Genuine question because I'm not okay with living in a country where foreigners and non whites don't feel safe walking down the street. Yes, a gap that is being closed rapidly. The far right didn't even exist in Ireland before 2020.
The usual shit that almost certainly wont happen. Tackling inequality and areas of social deprivation
Ironic that your solution is to do something that is never going to happen.
Yeah but its a solution that would work. Unlike random vigilante attacks which probably wont happen either.
The gap is there but we can't fill it with the presumption the right thing will be done.

The effect they can have on the discourse far exceeds the numbers that get elected.
Farage never won a seat and look what that cnut did.
Farage had a lot of help from British Media. I'd hope the likes of RTE would be far more sensible about how much air time they give to people like that.
Yeah but its a solution that would work. Unlike random vigilante attacks which probably wont happen either.
It's a solution that would work, in fact it would work the best, I agree. Unfortunately it won't happen and the bigoted violence will continue to get worse and bolder, hopefully there are people on this island who are willing to protect others, I've had enough so I'm no longer walking past this shit in the hopes that the government and the gards will actually start doing their jobs.
Farage had a lot of help from British Media. I'd hope the likes of RTE would be far more sensible about how much air time they give to people like that.

So far, especially rurally, these pricks are getting airtime. The media will air what gets clicks.
So far, especially rurally, these pricks are getting airtime. The media will air what gets clicks.
Maybe we should start some vigilante attacks against the media to make the cop on!
I mean my view is were completely doomed, i think im just too cynical at this point to provide much meaningful resistance to anything.
Maybe we should start some vigilante attacks against the media to make the cop on!
I mean my view is were completely doomed, i think im just too cynical at this point to provide much meaningful resistance to anything.
You might even say that you're a good man doing nothing.
Just remember there are plenty of people out their who share your views on how we fix this situation. Just a matter of organising and discussing these ideas properly.
Yeah im not really a good man but I'm not doing nothing either. I guess green issues is a larger focus for me and my pessimism and feeling defeated is more tied up with that. I try to chip away by discussing and organising and i dont think the fight is over in other matters there. Violent Resistance just isn't an option with the environment, if theres any room left to maneuver there then that would push us over the edge. I guess it depends how it plays out. A guillotine is pretty environmentally friendly you'd think?
Yeah im not really a good man but I'm not doing nothing either. I guess green issues is a larger focus for me and my pessimism and feeling defeated is more tied up with that. I try to chip away by discussing and organising and i dont think the fight is over in other matters there. Violent Resistance just isn't an option with the environment, if theres any room left to maneuver there then that would push us over the edge. I guess it depends how it plays out. A guillotine is pretty environmentally friendly you'd think?
The far right are very much tied up with climate change denial and FFG are all about platitudes. It's probably time to start targeting the biggest offenders and cutting into their profit margins and seeking out and protesting the corruption our politicians are so clearly taking part in.
I bet this made loads of sense on your head.

EDIT: Feck it. I’ll respond in good faith. My point is that the assailants in the video above are more than likely normal people, living shitty, underprivileged lives and look for an explanation for this in an echo chamber full of conspiracies about the liberal elite colluding to flood the EU/Ireland with immigrants who steal their jobs and run child sex rings. That’s a narrative which is all over the world now and fuelled as much by the US/Russia as any local far right political movement. All it takes is some Chinese whispers or a misunderstanding and they end up beating the crap out of some poor lad who they believe is a danger to their children.

In this context, I think the idea that anyone should seek out and beat up the people in the video is nearly as misguided as the assault that was filmed in the first place. It won’t solve anything and just creates a more and more inflammatory atmosphere. So more and more people get hurt. To be honest, I find this knee jerk desire to batter someone to make yourself feel better about what’s happening is a little childish.
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EDIT: Feck it. I’ll respond in good faith. My point is that the assailants in the video above are more than likely normal people, living shitty, underprivileged lives and look for an explanation for this in an echo chamber full of conspiracies about the liberal elite colluding to flood the EU/Ireland with immigrants who steal their jobs and run child sex rings. That’s a narrative which is all over the world now and fuelled as much by the US/Russia as any local far right political movement. All it takes is some Chinese whispers or a misunderstanding and they end up beating the crap out of some poor lad who they believe is a danger to their children.

In this context, I think the idea that anyone should seek out and beat up the people in the video is nearly as misguided as the assault that was filmed in the first place. It won’t solve anything and just creates a more and more inflammatory atmosphere. So more and more people get hurt. To be honest, I find this knee jerk desire to batter someone to make yourself feel better about what’s happening is a little childish.
We should be looking to address the sources of misinformation for sure, you're absolutely right. Ignorance is also no defense. If you're willing to leave your house and attack someone because of the colour of their skin/religious affiliation/sexuality (you can tell yourself that they were in fear of their kids wellbeing if you want) then you are scum and you deserve a good hiding.

There's literally proof of them attacking this person, there is no proof that this person did anything wrong. It's not about making myself feel better either, it's to make Ireland a safer place for everyone.