Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Slumdog Millionaire 8/10

Very good film, Anil Kapoor (host of Millionaire) does a good job.

The main actor annoyed me though as his accent changed in every seen of the film.

The girl, Latika, WELL FIT!
Frost/Nixon Hard to give this film enough praise. What could have been very dry and boring was in fact the best and most enthralling film that I have seen this year and probably for a number of years. Very highly recommended. 9.5/10
Frost/Nixon Hard to give this film enough praise. What could have been very dry and boring was in fact the best and most enthralling film that I have seen this year and probably for a number of years. Very highly recommended. [9.5/10]

It's January
12 Angry Men

The old one with Henry Fonda. Saw it for the first time yesterday and I have to say: what a masterpiece. And all they needed was a one room full of different characters.
Bad Santa

Most of these disposable comedies seem to be really uneven these days with loads of cartoonish gimmick characters like the ones that ruin every Sandler/Ferrell film but somehow this one managed to be polished despite featuring a black midget and an obese kid with his face covered in snot.

That scene with the midget arguing with Bernie Mac over who should carry Willie outside was one of the funniest scenes I've seen in a movie for years.

'I'm three feet fecking tall you idiot!'
I watched Slumdog Millionaire yesterday. Thought it was very good.

Also saw the trailer for Frost/Nixon, which i thought looked fantastic. Person sat next to me said "that looks shit", and before i could stop myself i turned and said "seriously? that looked shit?" To which she replied, "I don't think i was talking to you". I then felt very small:(
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans or whatever its called


just got back from seeing it at the movies, highly entertaining. Great movie to prequal the others, downloading the previous 2 on itunes now since ive only seen parts of them.
Just about to watch a film called untraceable, some kind of FBI thriller apparently. Anybody seen it?

IMDB has it rated at only 6.1 out of 10, although i've learnt in th epast that these ratings are generally not a good indicator.

I'll be back later to let you know if it was any good!
Underworld 3 - Shit. 3/10
Valkyrie - Average, could of been better if they didn't have someone like Cruise in the lead role. 6/10
Frost/Nixon - Awesome - 9/10
Match Point - Average but Scarlett Johansson is in it. 6/10
The Rocker - Very funny. 9/10
We Own The Night A well cast thriller. Well acted, well directed if a tad predictable and one paced but well worth a watch. 7.5/10

Going to give this a watch too tonight, its the cast more than anything which is persuading me to watch it.

As for Untraceable, I really enjoyed it. Some of the ways in which the victims are killed is almost Saw like. No big names in the cast but its definately a film i'd suggest watching

Seen a few movies lately

In Bruges I thought it was good. Very funny dialogues. Colin Farrell was pretty good I must say.

The Curious case of Benjamin Button Fantastic, even though the idea of a man who ages backwards, its actually fantastic story. I do think its a bit like Big Fish and Forest Gump though. One of the best recent movies out there.

Slumdog milllionare I read the book some time ago so I was pleased to see this movie was out. Is also one of the best to come out recently. Although the book differs in some cases which is understandable ofcourse, it was brilliant especially the childhood scenes. Not so sure about the lead though I must say.

Che Part 1 Great movie which tells both the story of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara both from when he meets Castro, the revolution in Cuba and his speech and interview from when he went to the UN in New York. Has a typical Soderbergh cinematography and directing, which to some might be quite hard to watch. Benicio Del Toro was immense, absolutely immense. Can't wait to see part 2.

18 year old virgin No its not a porno. I thought it was some brainless teenage comedy with sex related jokes to perhaps enjoy but it was so bad that I almost threw up. It is all set in one house where there is a party and some girl wants to loose her virginity. It so badly scripted, acted, directed that surely it should be made illegal. My IQ actually dropped while watching it.

RocknRolla very enjoyable. Not as tight a script as Lock Stock or Snatch but thoroughly enjoyable with good dialogues and interesting characters. Would've liked fewer characters and go a bit deeper into them, but hey. Archie was cool as feck, a bit like Berbatov. Good movie.

How to loose friends and alienate people It has funny moments, but easily forgettable I'm afraid. Simon Pegg does a good job, though its only just his usual self so not a stretch for him. Decent movie all in all I guess.
We Own The Night

Another film i've really enjoyed today - Starts well with Eva Mendes in the first scene looking great!

Joaquin Phoenix I thought was brilliant in it with Mark Wahlberg and Robert Duvall impressing. Good story line and a film that is definately worth a viewing!

Che Part 1 Great movie which tells both the story of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara both from when he meets Castro, the revolution in Cuba and his speech and interview from when he went to the UN in New York. Has a typical Soderbergh cinematography and directing, which to some might be quite hard to watch. Benicio Del Toro was immense, absolutely immense. Can't wait to see part 2.
I thought it was a disapppointing piece of radical chic, get to wear groovy peasant threads and then take part in a pseudo-cowboy shoot'em up. The cross-cutting of documentary style footage was very effective though.
Hell Ride. I'm a fan of biker movies from the 60s/70s. In fact I generally like most exploitation movies from that time, so whenever I find a new movie based on that genre I always want to watch it. This particular effort wasn't very all. Some cool parts to it, but most of it is tedious and a waste of time. Good idea gone horribly wrong.
Burn After Reading. Certainly not as good as I had heard it was. It's funny and you can tell its a Coehn brothers movie, it just left me feeling a bit unfulfilled.

Tropic Thunder. Better than I thought it would be. Some very funny parts, though it does seem to drag a bit near the end.
Got a couple of movies to watch today. Daywatch, Hell Ride, and Taxi(French one). Anybody seen these?

Let me know if Daywatch is any good. I enjoyed Nightwatch but I haven't seen Daywatch yet for some reason.
Burn After Reading. Certainly not as good as I had heard it was. It's funny and you can tell its a Coehn brothers movie, it just left me feeling a bit unfulfilled.

Tropic Thunder. Better than I thought it would be. Some very funny parts, though it does seem to drag a bit near the end

Is this out now on DVD?

I may get this from blockbuster tonight, i've heard its pretty funny.

That's unless there's anything better on Sky Movies to see. I'll check that now!

Having checked the only movies seemingly worth watching on Sky tonight are Hurricane with Denzel Washington or Superbad which i've already seen.
Burn After Reading. Certainly not as good as I had heard it was. It's funny and you can tell its a Coehn brothers movie, it just left me feeling a bit unfulfilled.

Tropic Thunder. Better than I thought it would be. Some very funny parts, though it does seem to drag a bit near the end.

Felt the same after BAR. And tropic thunder was horrible. All the funny sequences were already shown in the trailers.
The Fall. It certainly is one of the most beautiful films in recent years. The visuals are stunning. The story itself I didn't much care for. I might give it another watch to get a more definitive view on it.
Ghost Town - 6.5/10
Gervais puts in a decent performance on his hollywood debut but the general plot is an interesting idea that is totally wasted with a weak storyline.

RockNRolla - 7/10
Same old, same old from Guy Richie but still watchable
TransSiberian -

Good thriller movie. 8 days aboard the longest train journey in the world on the TransSiberian express with a plot involving the Russian Mafia, the drug trade, murders, corrupt cops. Nice performances from Emily Mortimer, Woody Harrelson and Ben Kingsley. Decent watch, try catching it if possible.
My Bloody Valentine 3D

The film
Awful really, I haven't seen the original so I can't really compare the two - but this seemed like the kind of film you'd find on channel 5 at about 3 in the morning. My bet is it would never have made the cinema if it wasn't for the 3D. Seemed like a bit of a spoof horror although it wasn't supposed to be that kind of film.

The 3D
Fantastic! I definitely wouldn't go to see this kind of film if it didn't have the 3D gimmick and to be honest after seeing other various piss poor 3D efforts I wasn't really optimistic. But I was well impressed with how it was visually. Other 3D films i've seen have had small parts that were 3D but this entire film was, and it was a really good experience. More films will inevitably go this way to keep people going to the cinema instead of waiting for the DVD etc and i'm sure it will work in doing that.

In all honesty I never for one second expected to go and see a decent movie, the intent was to see how good a 3D film could be and so my rating is based on that alone. I'd recommend watching this to anyone just to experience the 3D effects.

Step Brothers. Funny in the beginning, turns very tedious and stupid after the first half or so. They clearly ran out of ideas when they had to focus on making a story and not just having Ferrell and Reilly be dicks to each other.

Flashbacks of a Fool. Nothing real special about this one, but it's not that bad either. It's one of those movies where the plot is about why an actor is an asshole and a huge drug addict. The event that happens in this though is unexpected.
Step Brothers. Funny in the beginning, turns very tedious and stupid after the first half or so. They clearly ran out of ideas when they had to focus on making a story and not just having Ferrell and Reilly be dicks to each other.

Flashbacks of a Fool. Nothing real special about this one, but it's not that bad either. It's one of those movies where the plot is about why an actor is an asshole and a huge drug addict. The event that happens in this though is unexpected.

You seem to be watching some movies the day before I do! The other day you reviewed Tropic Thunder which I watched the day after and tonight i'm due to see Step Brothers and teh Zohan one.

Do you watch a movie a day or more? it seems you're a big contributer to the review thread!
You seem to be watching some movies the day before I do! The other day you reviewed Tropic Thunder which I watched the day after and tonight i'm due to see Step Brothers and teh Zohan one.

Do you watch a movie a day or more? it seems you're a big contributer to the review thread!
It varies. Yesterday I watched 3. I try to do at least a movie a day. That's much less than what I used to do. I used to do about 4-5 a day.
Valkyrie was very worthwhile, and yes, it was tense as feck even though you know Hitler doesn't die.

Tom Cruise was decidedly average.

Not easy to watch, McQueen pulls no punches.

Fassenbender is brilliant, and THAT scene had me hooked like nothing from any film I've seen in the last year or so.
