Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Babylon AD.

Utter shite - which I expected - but I figured it would be a little more entertaining.

Oh I forgot to mention, it's directed by Mathieu Kassovitz of 'La Haine' notoriety. How can someone who has directed and acted in some great films go and produce garbage like this and Gothika?? Reminds me of JP Jeunet and his terrible Alien Resurrection offering.
Watched two films over the weekend, both old but a films a film!

Evan Almighty - 2/10. I remember enjoying Bruce Almighty and the actor who plays the lead in Evan Almighty is usually quite funny - however i can honestly say I sat through the whole film and didn't even smile once let alone laugh. Not a good film.

300 - 8/10. I've been meaning to watch this for a while and heard good things about it. I wasn't let down and its definately a film I could sit and watch again.
Let The Right One in - Fell in love with this film, multilayered and beautiful.
The two children both give an amazing performance.
See it, before Hollywood remakes it and strips it of structure and feeling.


Pretty good and memorable fillum about David Frost (I've dropped the 'Sir' here as I've nothing but contempt for the Monarchy) interviewing Richard Nixon after he was turfed out/strolled out the back door of the White House after the Watergate Scandal. The idea of two sluggers fighting it out for supremcy is shown through the televisual media in a way I've not seen since the Insider with Pacino and Crowe.

Very good flick, Nixon is portrayed brilliantly by some old bloke whose name escapes me and Frost by that chap who basically IS Tony Blair (Actors names are pointless, I've decided). Excellent supporting cast aswell.

Gran Torino, 8/10

Good movie, sends out a strong message. Thought Clint Eastwood played the part well also, worth watching!
In Bruges


Pretty funny. Predictable ending

Ken: [looking at a surreal Bosch painting] It's Judgment Day, you know?
Ray: No. What's that then?
Ken: Well, it's, you know, the final day on Earth, when mankind will be judged for the crimes they've committed and that.
Ray: Oh. And see who gets into heaven and who gets into hell and all that.
Ken: Yeah. And what's the other place?
Ray: Purgatory.
Ken: Purgatory... what's that?
Ray: Purgatory's kind of like the in-betweeny one. You weren't really shit, but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham.
Ray: Do you believe in all that stuff, Ken?
Ken: About Tottenham?
Somers Town Short film of just over an hour, mainly in black and white, from the director of This England. Gentler than his usual faire and for the first time set in London. Basically the story of two losers who become friends and their love for an unattainable woman. The result is superb and its only real fault is that it could have been a full feature because we are left crying for more. A gentle and sweet tale of friendship and love in difficult circumstances. 9/10
Gran Torino Clint Eastwood's best for some time. He has a ball as a racist widow in a neighbourhood now full of Asians. The out come is a little predictable but often hilarious and touching. Highly recommended. 8.5/10
Somers Town Short film of just over an hour, mainly in black and white, from the director of This England. Gentler than his usual faire and for the first time set in London. Basically the story of two losers who become friends and their love for an unattainable woman. The result is superb and its only real fault is that it could have been a full feature because we are left crying for more. A gentle and sweet tale of friendship and love in difficult circumstances. 9/10

I loved that film Wibble, suprised at lack of interest in it really as Shane Meadow's other films have been cracking.
Die Welle

A german film based on the novel "The Wave". It was alright i guess. The teachers name is Mr. Wenger which is funny because one of the students looks exactly like Fabregas lol.

Changeling - Slightly slow paced and long-ish but altogether good film with some really stand out performaces. Surely Angie's best performance in a dramatic role. See her getting an Oscar nomination for this. Has Clint Eastwood ever made a bad movie ? Need to watch Gran Torino as well.

French Romantic comedy about a gold digger. Nothing amazing but a very good light hearted movie to watch with your lady friend.
He looked old a a bit haggard. And his acting was the worst I have ever seen. Which is amazing by his utterly rubbish standards.
Gran Torino Clint Eastwood's best for some time. He has a ball as a racist widow in a neighbourhood now full of Asians. The out come is a little predictable but often hilarious and touching. Highly recommended. 8.5/10

Eastwood would blow a man's head off for such a remark
Max Payne. It has some cool visuals, but outside of that it's a very average film. On a side note, Mila Kunis is quite hot.

I thought it was utterly shit, just like the Hitman movie it did a good job of embarrassing it's video game franchise.
I finally got round to watching Saw recently (think I reviewed it already on here pretty well) and then I have just watched Saw II, III, IV and V over the past 4 nights. They have more the feel of episodes of a TV series than full on films anyway.

Enjoyed Saw II and even III was decent- but IV and V were a bit of a waste of time.

However, I was just thinking that whoever came up with all the scripts for these films should be locked up as he is clearly a messed up individual.
Valkyrie 8/10.

Solid movie. Tom Cruise returned to the form that we have witnessed through out his career. Will be a nomination for best actor.

The movie is very good. Even though we know the end result, the movie makes you want the plan's to succeed rather then the outcome.

Suspense right till the end.
Valkyrie 8/10.

Solid movie. Tom Cruise returned to the form that we have witnessed through out his career. Will be a nomination for best actor.

The movie is very good. Even though we know the end result, the movie makes you want the plan's to succeed rather then the outcome.

Suspense right till the end.

I watched the REAL one, that being German version, last night. Was fantastic.

And now I've seen it I doubt I'd bother watching a 'Hollywood' version with Cruise, and a variety of non-German accents.
Surely there is only suspense if you don't know much WW2 history?

But thats what makes it so good. The fact that even if you know the story, you still believe that they might pull it off.

Its like Brad with his Terry miss penalty thing. You know thats how close Terry and Chelsea were to winning and it feels weird even though he misses.
Valkyrie 8/10.

Solid movie. Tom Cruise returned to the form that we have witnessed through out his career. Will be a nomination for best actor.

The movie is very good. Even though we know the end result, the movie makes you want the plan's to succeed rather then the outcome.

Suspense right till the end.
i just can't stand tomthumb cruise
Valkyrie 8/10.

Solid movie. Tom Cruise returned to the form that we have witnessed through out his career. Will be a nomination for best actor.

The movie is very good. Even though we know the end result, the movie makes you want the plan's to succeed rather then the outcome.

Suspense right till the end.

Surely there is only suspense if you don't know much WW2 history?

I suppose. When trailers for it were in the cinema, I remember shouting out "I'll spoil the ending: Hitler lives." People seemed indignant that I "ruined" it for them.
I saw Valkriye once very good, saw it twice very goood. No way TC was ever worth an award, one of his worst performances imo. I liked the movie before but after that it was only decent