Seen a few movies lately
In Bruges I thought it was good. Very funny dialogues. Colin Farrell was pretty good I must say.
The Curious case of Benjamin Button Fantastic, even though the idea of a man who ages backwards, its actually fantastic story. I do think its a bit like Big Fish and Forest Gump though. One of the best recent movies out there.
Slumdog milllionare I read the book some time ago so I was pleased to see this movie was out. Is also one of the best to come out recently. Although the book differs in some cases which is understandable ofcourse, it was brilliant especially the childhood scenes. Not so sure about the lead though I must say.
Che Part 1 Great movie which tells both the story of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara both from when he meets Castro, the revolution in Cuba and his speech and interview from when he went to the UN in New York. Has a typical Soderbergh cinematography and directing, which to some might be quite hard to watch. Benicio Del Toro was immense, absolutely immense. Can't wait to see part 2.
18 year old virgin No its not a porno. I thought it was some brainless teenage comedy with sex related jokes to perhaps enjoy but it was so bad that I almost threw up. It is all set in one house where there is a party and some girl wants to loose her virginity. It so badly scripted, acted, directed that surely it should be made illegal. My IQ actually dropped while watching it.
RocknRolla very enjoyable. Not as tight a script as Lock Stock or Snatch but thoroughly enjoyable with good dialogues and interesting characters. Would've liked fewer characters and go a bit deeper into them, but hey. Archie was cool as feck, a bit like Berbatov. Good movie.
How to loose friends and alienate people It has funny moments, but easily forgettable I'm afraid. Simon Pegg does a good job, though its only just his usual self so not a stretch for him. Decent movie all in all I guess.