A Cain Fedor fight is so compelling right now.
You can make convincing arguments for either guy to win the fight.
Cain despite his knock out of BigNo.g has shown to have suspect stand up, Kongo almost cold cocked him two or three times. Fedor has the fastest hands in the division and some of the hardest hands. Almost no doubt in my mind that if Cain stayed standing with Fedor he would get lit up and KO'd. I don't think Cain has the jitz to slap a triangle on Fedor as he dives into his guard either
What makes this fight compelling for me is that I don't think it would be on the feet. I think Cain would shoot early and he would shoot often. The question becomes then, can Fedor pull out a submission with Cain swarming all over him? Can Fedor catch him with a power shot in the brief stand ups? Can Cain stay out of trouble and deliver effective GnP? Can Cain keep Fedor on his back?
I literally cannot think of a fight out there that has had me on pins and needles the way Tyson Holyfield 1 did, but I think this one would as well.
Now, I was extremely confident Holyfield would beat Tyson, but that didn't make watching the fight any less exciting because Tyson has the "it" factor. Everyone watching that fight knew that all it took was one instant for Tyson to end it.
Likewise with this fight, I'm pretty confident I know who would win, but again that wouldn't make it any less exciting, I think that excitement stems from the fact both guys can win it, and both guys have such developed skill-sets and physical abilities that victory will literally ride on the razors edge.