Don't agree with this bit at all. Fighters don't fight just because they love fighting (unless that fighter is Cerrone), they do it for a championship belt or/and for money. Fighting Conor is a HUGE pay day in a sport where the athletes are severely underpaid so given that opportunity, most fighters will take the fight despite the prep time involved. The more likely scenario is that the fighter coming in on short notice will go for an early KO/submission to counter the fact that his/her cardio/conditioning will be lower than usual. You can clearly see this in the Mendes fight. I don't think he would have shot for the guillotine had he thought he had the cardio to carry on fighting the way he was for another three rounds because up until that point, he was winning that fight most likely.
I was thinking about this myself but it could have a positive affect on him also as he doesn't have to lose a bunch of weight then rehydrate so quickly, meaning he will be fresher for the fight. The problem with this weight class is that he loses a lot of the advantages he has in featherweight and that can easily be his downfall against the likes of Maia, Macdonald or Wonderboy.