DC is so annoying.
The two better fighters won the last two fights. That said, both of them could've just easily been finished by their opponents in round one.
I don't think DC and Weidman will be as successful against Gustafsson and Rockhold.
DC is so annoying.
DC calling out Jones after saying that's the one thing he wouldn't do. Jones will come back and make him cry again.
Great card tonight, Arlovski and Brown was mental. 2 bonuses coming Arlovski's way I think. The title fights show how important wrestling is in the game compared to other aspects.
I never said it was disrespectful, It's because he made a massive point of saying that he wouldn't mention Jon Jones after the fight in the Ariel Helwani interview. Tried to put himself across as a high and mighty person. He just needed to be honest with himself and say I will call him out after the fight, at least we know Jon Jones is a obnoxious guy but DC trying to portray himself as some clean cut guy who doesn't give it out is just funny to me.I didn't see it as disrespectful at all.
What is he supposed to do? What can he do? He has flat out said Jones is the P4P best in the world, but that Jones has been DQ'd from competition for awhile. So should he go to Rogan and ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room? No, he said, get your shit together, and come fight me. That is DC saying Jon is the guy.
If he doesn't mention Jones, people gonna climb up his ass about being scared.
On an aside with Rumble.
Rumble is a terrifying dude. Did he wilt? Absolutely. He is also completely capable of fighting Jones and knocking him the feck out in the first round and a half before his tank starts to go. DC had problems taking down Jones due to leverage issues, but he is a far better wrestler than Jones. If Rumble ever gets to fight Jones, I don't know if Jones has the same tools DC has to weather that Rumble tornado. Rumble was knocking Cormier down, not because he hurt him, he was just blasting him to the ground with raw crazy-time power. Can Jones sustain that kind of shit? If Jones gets tagged does he have the wrestling to take Rumble down? Remember, Phil Jones is also a much better wrestler than Jones, and he couldn't do it either. It's kind of MMA math. Ya DC had serious problems with Jones, but that had to do with the fact Jones could engulf him like a spider due to size/length differences. Jones can't do that to Rumble, Rumble almost matches him in reach.
Is DC the guy to beat Jones? I dunno, I thought while the first fight was close, it was clearly a Jones win. Could DC do better? Probably, would it be enough to win? Not sure. Rumble on the other hand, even though he lost to DC and would probably lose again, has that early fight ability to stop anyone and just bulldoze them. Has Jones ever faced someone that is going to be bigger than him, and more athletic with that kind of power?
I wanna see that fight when Jones gets back. It should be lightning in a bottle. Either Rumble will spark him out early, or Jones will finish him in the mid to late rounds.
Rockhold will take Weidman imo.
Rumble comes across as a really likeable dude.. DC comes across as a knob who will cry like a little bitch when Bones returns to whoop him. Glad for Cowboy, gonna get a shot at the title, the guy deserves it.
I cannot take to Weidman at all. I wanted Belfort to smash him even if he is a big cheat.
Is there anything Phil Jones can't do?
Me neither, not sure why as he has skills and all. There is just something missing.
He doesn't strike me as a long term champion although I feel the same about Rockhold and Jacare.
Rockhold looks too big for that division, don't know how he makes weight especially as height adds so many pounds. It looked like a PE teacher beating up one of his students when he fought Lyoto.
Rockhold looks too big for that division, don't know how he makes weight especially as height adds so many pounds. It looked like a PE teacher beating up one of his students when he fought Lyoto.
Weidman is better than Rockhold everywhere, I'm pretty confident of that.
Weidman out struck Machida for a solid 2-3 rounds. Before Machida got sat on and smashed, he was tuning Luke up.
Weidman used his big ole Jersey Shore noggin to exhaust Vitor. Luke got spinning ninja kicked into next century by Vitor (granted this was juiced to the gills Vitor, but then again is anyone suggesting Luke isn't geared the feck out also?!).
Weidman is a better wrestler too, and he is gigantic.
Could Luke win? Sure, just like Matt Serra won vs GSP.
I doubt there's much difference between both of them. Rockhold is coming in with a lot of confidence and I don't see any weakness in his game. He certainly had a much easier time with Machida than Weidman did. And although Weidman is a very good/complete fighter and probably in his prime at the moment, i can't help shake the suspicion that his legend has grown due to a couple of highly improbable results vs A Silva, both of which involved negligence and accidents on Silva's part.
Weidman was winning the stand up vs Machida.
Luke was getting picked apart vs Machida.
Luke IS an enormous MW, he'd be a big LHW. So yea, when Machida and Luke clattered into each other and Luke ended up on top it was always going to be difficult for Machida. Luke did what he had to do and made it look easy.
However, Weidman is also an enormous MW, perhaps not as big as Luke, but still pretty damn big. Weidman also absolutely demolished Vitor who knocked Luke into orbit with a wheel kick.
This is my break down.
Striking Weidman
Wrestling Weidman
Submissions Rockhold (probably)
Top control a wash.
Who dominates on the ground will probably hinge on who takes whom down. I think Weidman has the better chance of doing this. That isn't to say Luke can't get him down. Machida has historically been one of the hardest people to take down in the sport, and yet even Machida can end up on the bottom when two big dudes trip over each other.
Not sure if Belfort-Rockhold is comparable to Belfort-Weidman as Vitor seemed completely roided up against the former and not-roided up and two years older against Weidman.
The Machida comparison is probably a bit more realistic since its more recent. Lyoto took Weidman the distance and was clearly better in the final rounds, whereas Rockhold dispatched Lyoto in a couple of rounds, and with little trouble. I think Weidman-Rockhold will be a good, even fight with no fighter having an obvious advantage.
This is silly. I'm a huge fan of Gus but he just lost a fight and shouldn't be fighting for the title just as DC shouldn't have fought for the title.
Probably should have been Bader. Although I think DC would smash him, he has been on a little streak so maybe would have made sense...DC was more understandable as he'd only ever lost to Jones and so with Jones briefly out of the picture he really is the guy. Gus however has lost two of his last three and only has 1 win (over Manuwa) since December 2012. An extremely inactive fighter in recent years and just pulled out of his scheduled main event fight in Berlin due to injury, now gets rewarded with a bump up to title shot. It says a lot about the state of the light heavyweight division that Gus is the next contender, as much as I like him.
This is silly. I'm a huge fan of Gus but he just lost a fight and shouldn't be fighting for the title just as DC shouldn't have fought for the title.