The Biden Presidency


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Why is this a bad thing or worthy of a laugh?

It's one more stable long term ally in the region to curb opposition interests and stem influence away from the CCP.
Maybe is not worth laughing. Maybe is more I laugh not to cry. Because will see how this "defend" treaty will be used like in Israel. Would that treaty be used with SA involvement in Yemen to attack Yemen? maybe Sudan? Any other SA country of interest that SA is considering attacking and is considered to be thread to SA just because? and give US the perfect excuse to meddle once more in the ME under the excuse to defend an ally?

Also, after all the khasshoggi assassination and biden talking shit of MBS and when the oil price hiked up and Biden had to go peddling for MBS to lower the price and MBS couldn't care less?

Maybe what is laughable is that Biden said that he would make SA a pariah state and now makes them a strategic ally. That is very laughable actually


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
To secure access to oil, and the deal has been in place for a long long time now (they are just updating it).

The Deal That Keeps the Oil Flowing
That would make sense if the US actually imported a lot of Saudi oil. As it stands, 50-60% of US oil imports come from Canada, 10% from Mexico, and only 7% from Saudi (in case anyone is curious Iraq makes up only 4%). An inconvenient set of numbers for those who revel in amplifying the "its all about oil" narrative anytime Saudi Arabia is mentioned about anything.

George Owen

May 7, 2010
Gold Coast, Australia
That would make sense if the US actually imported a lot of Saudi oil. As it stands, 50-60% of US oil imports come from Canada, 10% from Mexico, and only 7% from Saudi (in case anyone is curious Iraq makes up only 4%). An inconvenient set of numbers for those who relish in amplifying the "its all about oil" narrative anytime Saudi Arabia is mentioned about anything.
You didn't get to this part on the article:

Why Saudi Oil Is Unique
To put Saudi Arabia’s oil assets into a global perspective, it owns about 20–25 percent of all the world’s oil reserves while producing about 10–15 percent of the world's daily oil consumption. Saudi Aramco and its other National Oil Companies (such as Sinopec or Petrobras) currently control 55 percent of global oil production. By contrast, Russia acts as an International Oil Company (IOC) such as Shell, by maximizing revenues today without concern about future generations.

Saudi oil and gas reserves span more than ninety oil and gas fields across an area of about 1.5 million square kilometers. However, only seventeen of those fields are producing today, including two of the world’s largest fields. These oil wells are also free flowing due to natural reservoir pressure. While the average US oil well produces twenty-seven barrels a day with crude production having to be lifted to the surface, the average Saudi well produces 3,000 barrels of oil per day, with many wells capable of producing far more but which are produced at lower rates to maximize ultimate oil recovery for generations to come. As a result, the cost of Saudi oil production is about $4 a barrel while the US shale is around $35–45.

Of key importance to the US is that Saudi Arabia is the world’s top crude oil exporter with the greatest crude grade flexibility. These multiple crude grades and large volumes ensure global flexibility in gasoline, bunker and jet fuel, diesel and fuel oil, and petrochemical feedstock requirements.

Yet even more important to the US-Saudi oil-for-security bargain is that only Saudi Arabia has significant additional capacity available to rapidly balance global oil markets in case of geopolitical or catastrophic disruption.
For example, when Colonel Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011 and 1.5 million barrels of oil per day of Libyan crude were unexpectedly removed from the world market, the price of oil skyrocketed, sparking global oil shortages and accompanying inflationary pressures. However, the immediate additional Aramco production of 1.5 million barrels a day—a volume that no other oil producer could replicate—replaced all missing crude from the global market, returned crude oil prices to prior levels, and stabilized global energy and financial markets.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
You didn't get to this part on the article:

That doesn't really answer much. The US has been near or at the top of the world's biggest oil producers now for about a decade since the shale revolution, so there's no reason to pursue Saudi oil, whether actual or hypothetical future production. This is doubly so the case given the emergence of renewables in recent years.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Anywhere you want it
That would make sense if the US actually imported a lot of Saudi oil. As it stands, 50-60% of US oil imports come from Canada, 10% from Mexico, and only 7% from Saudi (in case anyone is curious Iraq makes up only 4%). An inconvenient set of numbers for those who revel in amplifying the "its all about oil" narrative anytime Saudi Arabia is mentioned about anything.
That's right! Time you guys started treating us better.

Fergies Gum

Full Member
May 23, 2011
Quite a few posters on here a few days ago claiming the videos of Biden being completely out of it were distorted and edited. Wonder what you guys make of this latest event as this is definitely real. You can only for so long blame AI/edited videos and will have to come to the realization that the guy is not all there and will not last a 2nd term.



Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Quite a few posters on here a few days ago claiming the videos of Biden being completely out of it were distorted and edited. Wonder what you guys make of this latest event as this is definitely real. You can only for so long blame AI/edited videos and will have to come to the realization that the guy is not all there and will not last a 2nd term.

Dude had an old moment, this particular episode mimicks those suffered by Trump & McConnell as recent as two days ago. He's old, so is the opposition. Save a massive medical issue before the reelection announcement, he was always going to be the Dem nominee as none occurred. Fingers crossed he can hit the tape moving forward on 11.5.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Dude had an old moment, this particular episode mimicks those suffered by Trump & McConnell as recent as two days ago. He's old, so is the opposition. Save a massive medical issue before the reelection announcement, he was always going to be the Dem nominee as none occurred. Fingers crossed he can hit the tape moving forward on 11.5.
Nothing wrong of having an old moment, or 10 or 100. Not ok if you want this person to be in a position of such a responsibility as POTUS. And a big part of some many old moments is what is costing his image and the presidency


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Nothing wrong of having an old moment, or 10 or 100. Not ok if you want this person to be in a position of such a responsibility as POTUS. And a big part of some many old moments is what is costing his image and the presidency
As of recently, Trump's been outdoing Biden with glitches, gaffes, or silence.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
you could guess that's how he ended up when his government wants to lock him up for life and he can see what they've done to assange it's not that hard.

e - if an anti-CCP activist from china was loudly in favour of us foreign policy, would you dismiss him?


Full Member
Sep 7, 2022
As of recently, Trump's been outdoing Biden with glitches, gaffes, or silence.
He's been outdoing Biden on that for years. He get's away with it becuase it's expected he'll talk absolute nonsense. People expect Biden to be presidential. Trump has a far lower bar when it comes to public speaking. He's a worldwide joke.

That's no excuse for Biden running though. He's clearly too old. Trump being just as geriatric on top of being dumb as feck doesn't elevate Biden's standing. Any generic younger Dem with enough pre-election backing would have wiped the floor with Trump.


Honorary Straw Hat
Jan 10, 2011
Quite a few posters on here a few days ago claiming the videos of Biden being completely out of it were distorted and edited. Wonder what you guys make of this latest event as this is definitely real. You can only for so long blame AI/edited videos and will have to come to the realization that the guy is not all there and will not last a 2nd term.

I don't see what's so bad in this video even as someone who hates Biden.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
As of recently, Trump's been outdoing Biden with glitches, gaffes, or silence.
Oh, absolutely agree. And biden should been bc trump is another level of decrepitud and rumbling. But Trump being worse doesnt make Biden a fit POTUS. The answer cant be always "trump is worse" . And i criticise Biden bc he is supposed to be the better choice. Criticizing trump is criticizing the obvious piece of shit tgat he is, and i see little point to criticise the obvious


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
you could guess that's how he ended up when his government wants to lock him up for life and he can see what they've done to assange it's not that hard.

e - if an anti-CCP activist from china was loudly in favour of us foreign policy, would you dismiss him?
Does Snowden tweet on Trump too or does he only mock Biden?

As for the bolded, it matters what aspects of US foreign policy. Just because it's an anti-CCP activist it doesn't mean their opinion is automatically good or bad.

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
Does Snowden tweet on Trump too or does he only mock Biden?

As for the bolded, it matters what aspects of US foreign policy. Just because it's an anti-CCP activist it doesn't mean their opinion is automatically good or bad.
The two aren't the same. Trump is widely and routinely mocked. Biden is given a lot more leeway despite being a truly awful president (like Trump). There's also the matter that Biden literally is the president and Trump isn't.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
The two aren't the same. Trump is widely and routinely mocked. Biden is given a lot more leeway despite being a truly awful president (like Trump). There's also the matter that Biden literally is the president and Trump isn't.
Biden is not a 'truly awful' president.

You also have who gets more leeway backwards.

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
Biden is not a 'truly awful' president.

You also have who gets more leeway backwards.
How is Trump given more leeway? I hate the cnut, and he's a laughing stock for most of his time as POTUS and post.

Biden is given much more leeway despite being an awful POTUS. Bidenomics didn't work, he's mentally checked out making constant gaffes and errors as he's so old, he's become Israel's bitch, sponsoring/endorsing a genocide, the withdrawal from Afghanistan (folding like a pack of cards), as well as his dilly dallying and inertia over Ukraine. What has he got right in your opinion? Why do you think Trump is favourite in the polls?


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
So. Both POTUS nominee wears diaper.

The one can shoot a man down the fifth avenue and the other one can mumble and got lost on fifth avenue and still got nominated.

If this is some banana republic country i would have laughed.

Trump was right about the deep state though, there's no way Biden decided shits on daily basis. The man can't even read a period on teleprompter and compute that it's not supposed to be included in the speech


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
How is Trump given more leeway? I hate the cnut, and he's a laughing stock for most of his time as POTUS and post.

Biden is given much more leeway despite being an awful POTUS. Bidenomics didn't work, he's mentally checked out making constant gaffes and errors as he's so old, he's become Israel's bitch, sponsoring/endorsing a genocide, the withdrawal from Afghanistan (folding like a pack of cards), as well as his dilly dallying and inertia over Ukraine. What has he got right in your opinion? Why do you think Trump is favourite in the polls?
Do you think our press is right wing or left wing?

Have you seen how good our economy is vs. other G7 nations?

Credible polling shows all of the swing states are within the margin of error.

Afghanistan withdrawal was indeed botched, but it was begun under Trump. Israel is Israel, no president would act any different regardless what's after the hyphen.

Should have allowed for Ukraine to hit further earlier into Russia no doubt.

Biden has been prolific in what has been accomplished especially when realizing how much of it was bipartisan. PACT Act, CHIPS Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure Bill, college debt elimination (to the extent he can), American Rescue Plan, & actual (but not nearly enough) gun reform.

Biden has passed more bills / legislation since LBJ in the 1960s.

Might not be your cup of tea, but Biden hasn't been a 'truly awful' president by a few metrics.


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
So. Both POTUS nominee wears diaper.

The one can shoot a man down the fifth avenue and the other one can mumble and got lost on fifth avenue and still got nominated.

If this is some banana republic country i would have laughed.

Trump was right about the deep state though, there's no way Biden decided shits on daily basis. The man can't even read a period on teleprompter and compute that it's not supposed to be included in the speech
Fact is Trump is just a susceptible to this "deep state" as Biden. In fact, when you read through every single scandal during his tenure it's clear he is guided by it more than any other POTUS we ve had. Like so many things GOP - if they cry about something that usually means it's pure hypocrisy and they re doing the same and then some. To think a government and corporate system as powerful as the US isn't ruled by many other interests regardless of who is in the WH and to also think any POTUS will end all that is pure fantasy. I've lived in the halls of DC, I have seen it up close. It's exactly bc of what Trump accuses Washington of he was even able to make it to where he did.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
How is Trump given more leeway? I hate the cnut, and he's a laughing stock for most of his time as POTUS and post.

Biden is given much more leeway despite being an awful POTUS. Bidenomics didn't work, he's mentally checked out making constant gaffes and errors as he's so old, he's become Israel's bitch, sponsoring/endorsing a genocide, the withdrawal from Afghanistan (folding like a pack of cards), as well as his dilly dallying and inertia over Ukraine. What has he got right in your opinion? Why do you think Trump is favourite in the polls?
What do you mean by "Bidenomics" didn't work ?

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
What do you mean by "Bidenomics" didn't work ?
Inflation since Biden has come into office has risen by around 20%. It's at its higher level in 40 years, with consumer prices hiking up to nearly 18%. Gasoline is up around 29%.
Weekly earnings are stagnating and falling being prices. 'Real' earnings are down by around 3.4%.
Level /rate of US debt has increased - around $3.2 trillion in the last 12 months alone.
Interest rates, mortgages, and are all up and remaining high.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Inflation since Biden has come into office has risen by around 20%. It's at its higher level in 40 years, with consumer prices hiking up to nearly 18%. Gasoline is up around 29%.
Weekly earnings are stagnating and falling being prices. 'Real' earnings are down by around 3.4%.
Level /rate of US debt has increased - around $3.2 trillion in the last 12 months alone.
Interest rates, mortgages, and are all up and remaining high.
These are related to the lingering economic shock of the pandemic, not Biden's economic policy. Many of the numbers have actually come down dramatically since they peaked about 2 years ago.

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
Do you think our press is right wing or left wing?

Have you seen how good our economy is vs. other G7 nations?

Credible polling shows all of the swing states are within the margin of error.

Afghanistan withdrawal was indeed botched, but it was begun under Trump. Israel is Israel, no president would act any different regardless what's after the hyphen.

Should have allowed for Ukraine to hit further earlier into Russia no doubt.

Biden has been prolific in what has been accomplished especially when realizing how much of it was bipartisan. PACT Act, CHIPS Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure Bill, college debt elimination (to the extent he can), American Rescue Plan, & actual (but not nearly enough) gun reform.

Biden has passed more bills / legislation since LBJ in the 1960s.

Might not be your cup of tea, but Biden hasn't been a 'truly awful' president by a few metrics.
The press is neither here nor there. You can use a pulse check on this forum, or other online communities to understand the vast vast difference in perception of how people think of Biden and Trump. Trump simply is a clown, much like Boris Johnson was here in the UK.

Afghanistan withdrawal was a mess we agree, and however you want to apportion it, the bit everyone will remember will be under Biden. It's a similar situation with Ukraine.

Israel may indeed be Israel but there's not been a more Zionist president than Biden in my opinion, and everyone will remember how weak he's been made to look by Bibi and his cronies. There's also the fact that he will definitely be remembered as a genocide enabler and sponsor.

The long and short of it is - Biden has overseen 3 US foreign policy inflection points during his term and has come off looking weak in every single one.

There's also the constant zoning out, falling up/down stairs, reading teleprompts absent mindedly, forgetting his lines, inability to have normal cognitive function that comes with being an octogenarian which also helps paint a picture of him being decrepit.

I'm not going to comment on those acts and fiscal policies specifically as I don't know enough about them to comment, but general macroeconomic trends don't paint him in a positive light either (see my other post above).


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
That would make them all bad.
I agree and would add that I bet all Western world leaders for the last 80 years have likely been complicit in mass killings in one country or another so, sadly, Gaza is not some special, unique circumstance. If there is one thing all world leaders can agree on it is the limited value of the lives of the poor in "those other countries".

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
Israel is Israel, no president would act any different regardless what's after the hyphen.
There’s plenty of evidence of past American presidents(Both democratic and republican)
reigning in Israel.

Biden is uniquely awful when it comes to Israel.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
There’s plenty of evidence of past American presidents(Both democratic and republican)
reigning in Israel.

Biden is uniquely awful when it comes to Israel.
Most of those situations among past presidents involved the peace process, not actual hot wars where Israel was responding to an unprecedented attack on its territory. I think you'll find nearly every US president will be supportive of Israel during times when they are perceived to be under attack.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Inflation since Biden has come into office has risen by around 20%. It's at its higher level in 40 years, with consumer prices hiking up to nearly 18%. Gasoline is up around 29%.
Weekly earnings are stagnating and falling being prices. 'Real' earnings are down by around 3.4%.
Level /rate of US debt has increased - around $3.2 trillion in the last 12 months alone.
Interest rates, mortgages, and are all up and remaining high.
These are things that happened to most countries around the world due to effects of COVID like the disruptions to shipping and the initial shock of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Almost none of what you reference is unique to the US or a direct result of Biden. In fact the largest proposed "Bidenomics" bill was never passed because of rogue Democrat sentators Sinema and Manchin blocking the main act and the GOP challenge to student debt relief. So you never really saw "Bidenomics". All you're doing here is repeating the Fox News propaganda that is devoid of accurate economic analysis.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
I think you'll find nearly every US president will be supportive of Israel during times when they are perceived to be under attack.
If Biden were merely 'supportive' of Israel there wouldn't be as much controversy.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
I just find it staggeringly dumb to think Biden is some extreme as some seem to imply. In fact, in my lifetime this is probably the most outspoken I've seen any WH member speak out against Israel as much as he has.
Personally, I care more about actions that words, and biden's actions are very clear, he fully supports what's happening in gaza.