Terribly dressed footballers

It's kinda subjective, isn't it? There definitely is a generational gap as I find most of it to be wank.

Charles N'Zogbia seemingly liked to turn up to training at Villa in some pretty odd outfits too.


The floral one is kinda fun though, I won't wear it but it's kinda nice and fun.
You are defintely NOT a sartorialist if you think that's not a tailored fit. Fashion and style aren't dogmatic. Look at the variety of looks and styles Scott Schuman (THE sartorialist) gives a nod to in his photography. Not every look is for everyone and calling it "badly dressed" b/c your mind can't grasp fashion outside of the basic clothes you wear seems a bit silly.

Gosh, you seem angry. How would you know anything about the clothes I wear? You can be a sartorialist and reject elements of it, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Fashion, like anything else is creative and subjective. And subjectively I, like most people here, think that outfit is terrible. You can dress it up all you want as some sort of higher plane of taste but it all smells of someone who goes around dressed like the picture in question, and is only just finding out that nearly everyone under the sun thinks you look like a complete bell end. Literally and figuratively.
I’ve no dog in this fight. I couldn’t care less how the likes of Conor McGregor choose to dress. Although I also have no problem with people taking the piss out of them.

The only thing that really winds me up is disposable fashion. Buying a new outfit every week. That can get fecked.
That's fair.

I agree with the bolded wholeheartedly. The likes of H&M and even high end brands are in the business of selling people fashionable stuff that ends up looking dated a few months later. It's a money pit that only scales if you're rich.

Also every man should have a tailor. Triples the life span of your clothes.
Gosh, you seem angry. How would you know anything about the clothes I wear? You can be a sartorialist and reject elements of it, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Fashion, like anything else is creative and subjective. And subjectively I, like most people here, think that outfit is terrible. You can dress it up all you want as some sort of higher plane of taste but it all smells of someone who goes around dressed like the picture in question, and is only just finding out that nearly everyone under the sun thinks you look like a complete bell end. Literally and figuratively.
Angry? I just find it amusing that a self proclaimed sartorialist wouldn't at least acknowledge the fit is tailored even if you don't like the outfit. I mean I never said I would wear the pants, but I understand and respect the creativity. I mean you're shitting on a style that isn't even that outside of the norm. And the irony of the "higher plane of taste" accusation while you are actively shitting a strangers clothes is not lost on me. I don't dress like that at all, but I understand not everyone has the same tastes. Since you are a self proclaimed sartorialist, you should know that.
But most of these are working class kids who once knew what a twat looked like.

In my opinion, its simply Nouveau riche/conspicuous consumption and I find it really unclassy. Money talks, wealth whispers.

Nail on head. New money tack.
In general (but I stress that exceptions can be made), low cut socks are worse than none at all.

If I see a fecker wearing low cut socks, I think: twat.

If I see a fecker wearing no socks at all, I think: possibly a twat but also possibly a loon. Or someone who just couldn't be arsed to put on socks (for whatever reason - could be a very hot day, etc.).

On the basis of this post and this post alone, I feel like we could be friends.
I just find it amusing that a self proclaimed sartorialist wouldn't at least acknowledge the fit is tailored even if you don't like the outfit.
My partner is a fashion designer for a luxury brand. She said that from the picture, it is difficult to tell whether the outfit is well tailored or not.
This thread :lol:

Though, I don't think it's fair to lump the likes of Calvert-Lewin and Bellerin, who are just "unconventional", but still look put together, with the likes of Bale who looks like a consummate twat.
It's kinda subjective, isn't it? There definitely is a generational gap as I find most of it to be wank.
I think so to, that it is generational. Nowdays, people wear anything just to get attention. It is just that simple. It is more egocentric world where it is me, me, me, me, me, me. Look at me. See me.

This is something I will never get. If you dream as young to be football player and you get chance to be just like that. Earning big money. Being celebrity and all those little things you get being that. Ofcourse people are going to talk about you. In both good and bad way. That is how world works.

He says "For me, wearing clothes and suits that divide opinion is what I like doing, so I'm going to continue doing it." So I don't really know what problem is if people talk because that is what he wants people to do when he says he wants to divide opinion.
I think so to, that it is generational. Nowdays, people wear anything just to get attention. It is just that simple. It is more egocentric world where it is me, me, me, me, me, me. Look at me. See me.

This comment brought to you by the generation that gave us such things as the 1980s.
You’re all just jealous that Davies, DCL and Gordon are working on a master plan. Next season we are launching a new kit with Gucci that will distract everyone so much that we will win every game 10-0. Watch this space.
Peacock effect, they do it on purpose to standout and get publicity, get attention from women when they are out etc.

If they really wanted privacy away from the pitch, there are ways of doing that. Firstly dont dress like a brightly dressed mr blobby for one.