Terribly dressed footballers

Instructions included, seems neat.


I don't see what is wrong with them. For someone who is similar age it was fashion at the time everywhere, my friends were wearing similar clothes and they were not footballers on lot more money. It is actually compliment how normal they were, firmly on the ground, unlike those three @WeePat posted. Different times now, social media, huge wages at very young age...
Conclusion: I guess as normal you dress better player you are. As more ridiculous you fashion sense is, that how big celebrity you are.. That is difference between us then and us now. We had players now we have celebrities, stars.

Or maybe, I am old fashioned, or have no fashion sense, or just have humongous dislike for this United.

Conclusion 2: I am just old. Just remembered it is my day today. Off to a bar, while being dressed like a macaw parrot.

Giggs always looked effortlessly cool.
I actually don't find that hoody too bad? Looks incredibly comfy to be honest.

I'll never understand sunglasses at night, though, it literally makes no sense.
I like the hoody, looks good for watching an NBA game and who knows, Marcus might have worn the sunglasses because the stadium`s glarey or his eyes are too red from over indulging in some drinks.

But the scene makes him look precious because just about nobody in the Knicks stadium would care that Marcus Rashford from Manchester United is in the building - even if they know names from English `soccer`. Which is doubtful for most of them and most Americans anyway. The security`s `Don`t you know who he is?` reminds me of the arrogance of Victor Wembayana`s security in Las Vegas, though at least the details are different.

Wembayana`s a top player from France, very tall and not known to people who aren`t into pro basketball. For some reason his security thought it was appropriate to push Brittney Spears out of the way when she was just passing through - she didn`t have any security with her and probably no male was with her at the time so the bravhearts manhandled her. Because Victor Wembayana of course was on everybody`s minds when he went to the US and Las Vegas....and he still isn`t unless you`re into the NBA.
That outfit is so disgusting awful.

I think the problem is that people believe "this is sold by designer label therefore it is good"

Gucci could sell a literal piece of shit and people would pay top dollar
Isn`t Gucci the maker of those fugly plastic olive green boots that are just plain embarrassing to see? Worth a fortune no doubt. I`ve seen a few rappers wearing them and the effect is just tacky. Any footballers silly enough to pay for them and be seen in them?
Jesse`s hat is atrocious - it makes him look like he`s part of a sect and I don`t think that was the impression he was trying to give. And just no to the white sneaker look with his fashion combo, it doesn`t go.
At least he`s wearing dressy looking trousers unlike Marcus who looks like he got out of bed late to go to this event and put on the wrong ones. There`s nothing cool about those being worn with the kind of fabric the jacket is made out of and the glittery shoes. It`s not edgy, just mismatched like Jesse`s hat and sneakers.
Footballers with their money employ stylists and some of them need to ask for a refund.
To be fair, it's not exactly a new phenomenon. It's just that outlandish fashion used to be confined to mags whereas now it's all over instatok.

The idea, I assume, is to be seen and talked about because not being seen and talked about is akin to ego death for modern celebs.

Also have no idea how this beautiful pic hasn't been shared yet:

Who is this man in the opp shop bargain bin dress?