Terribly dressed footballers

horsechoker in over the top response shocker

@horsechoker is bang on, and anyone who isn’t a snide, low-key racist or a sheltered idiot knows it.

Why bring up colour? Is that really important in the thread?
So? There are lot of people of all kind of colours that are being mistaken for someone else. Nor everything is racism in this world. But if people want to see racism I guess they can find it in everything.

As being mistaken? Never. But I have been stopped but never ever have I thought ”oh, that is because I’m this or that”. They ask question, you answer and thats it. Nothing more. Everybody moves on.

I’m not saying there are no bad apples. But you can’t immediately think of racism when someone get pulled over or asked questions by police. Regardless of colour.

Tell us you’re at least a little bit racist without telling us you’re at least a little bit racist.

No one in this day and age believes the pathetic garbage you’re spouting without having the added caveat of it being due to a deep seated prejudice.
They dress like drug dealers

Who are “they”, and what do drug dealers dress like? He’s in a long green shirt and trousers. Does wearing a bucket hat make you a pusher? This is a pretty strange comment to make.
Who are “they”, and what do drug dealers dress like? He’s in a long green shirt and trousers. Does wearing a bucket hat make you a pusher? This is a pretty strange comment to make.
I'd like to think by "they" he means "footballers" as per the thread title, but the fact you can't be sure is sad enough.

And then "dress like drug dealers", as if they regularly wore recognisable attire. One might think that would make their job harder and be bad for business, you know, the fact that they could be spotted so very easily and all, but what do I know.
I think it's to do with his skin colour: You can see the moment the other officer tell him he's Bakayoko. If the car had been linked to drugs or if he had failed to stop when asked to, they would continue searching.

Maybe. Italians have well known racism problems but the police actually arent that bad, at least in Milan. Like I say they just don't draw their guns like that for a simple stop and search regardless of skin colour, something had to have spooked them, and if it was a proper drug stop they are the wrong type of police to be doing that.
@horsechoker is bang on, and anyone who isn’t a snide, low-key racist or a sheltered idiot knows it.

Tell us you’re at least a little bit racist without telling us you’re at least a little bit racist.

No one in this day and age believes the pathetic garbage you’re spouting without having the added caveat of it being due to a deep seated prejudice.
So without knowing me or my ”colour” or work I do privatly you are saying I am racist and idiot. Great job. I guess haters will always hate those who think differently or have other opinion.

I feel sorry for you if you see racism in everything.
I feel sorry for you if you see racism in everything.

I see the World as it presents itself.

If law enforcement has been infested with cowardly, gun obsessed racists, I’m not going to pretend that it hasn’t.

If society is inherently racist and at a tipping point, I’m not going to pretend it isn’t.

If I’m talking to a low-key, dog whistle racist on an Internet forum, I’m not going to pretend I’m not.
But you can’t immediately think of racism when someone get pulled over or asked questions by police. Regardless of colour.

You do, if you're a person of color who gets pulled over often, on small pretexts. It is kinda similar to a man saying "not all men" ... The reaction of "You can't immediately think racism" may not be borne out of overt racism, but it might indicate a lack of realization of privilege.
There has to be more to that than a simple stop. I've never once seen the police here draw weapons. Fights, chases, drug dealers, you name it. They never touch their guns.
Aye, I lived in Milan for some time and can't recall a situation in which I'd see any law enforcement guys (especially polizia) pull out their guns. Perhaps they were tipped he'd be some very high level drug dealer, potentially dangerous? Won't believe for a second they'd act this aggressively and point their guns just for a routine check. Don't really think it had much to do with his race too, even if racism remains an issue in Italy (although in my eyes it's still much better than in some other European countries, nevermind non-EU places)
I see the World as it presents itself.

If law enforcement has been infested with cowardly, gun obsessed racists, I’m not going to pretend that it hasn’t.

If society is inherently racist and at a tipping point, I’m not going to pretend it isn’t.

If I’m talking to a low-key, dog whistle racist on an Internet forum, I’m not going to pretend I’m not.
I don’t see world as black or white as you seem to do. I see world of all kind different people living together. Without putting people in boxes because of who they are.

So me saying that you can’t immedietly think of racism in everything makes me racist? Wow. This is new level. Now you are not allowed to be objective anymore because it can be seen as racism?

Tell me exactly where something in my text would be anywhere near racism? Even 1% of it?

You do, if you're a person of color who gets pulled over often, on small pretexts. It is kinda similar to a man saying "not all men" ... The reaction of "You can't immediately think racism" may not be borne out of overt racism, but it might indicate a lack of realization of privilege.
I never said there isn’t racism. I even wrote that there are bad apples. But that doesn’t say everything in the world is racism.
Well this thread certainly took a downward spiral.

Wonder why they were pointing guns at the car , looked serious.
I don’t see world as black or white as you seem to do. I see world of all kind different people living together. Without putting people in boxes because of who they are.

So me saying that you can’t immedietly think of racism in everything makes me racist? Wow. This is new level. Now you are not allowed to be objective anymore because it can be seen as racism?

Tell me exactly where something in my text would be anywhere near racism? Even 1% of it?

I never said there isn’t racism. I even wrote that there are bad apples. But that doesn’t say everything in the world is racism.

We’re not talking about ‘seeing racism in everything’ as you keep repeating for some reason.

We’re talking of seeing racism in a wealthy, outwardly affluent innocent black man being manhandled and threatened with death by Police officers for doing nothing other than driving his car.

To immediately jump on the narrative you’ve jumped on - not all cops etc, is, in my opinion, indicative of subtle or low-key racism.

Sorry if you don’t like that, but I’m not the only person who thinks so.

Perhaps rather than online squabbling and belittling of such serious issues, you should examine why that is and try and educate yourself in order to better get on with others in this modern World.
Aye, I lived in Milan for some time and can't recall a situation in which I'd see any law enforcement guys (especially polizia) pull out their guns. Perhaps they were tipped he'd be some very high level drug dealer, potentially dangerous? Won't believe for a second they'd act this aggressively and point their guns just for a routine check. Don't really think it had much to do with his race too, even if racism remains an issue in Italy (although in my eyes it's still much better than in some other European countries, nevermind non-EU places)

If they were tipped off about drugs it would be the GdF or Carabinieri going after them, not the Polizia. I think there will have been some factor we don't see that made them react like that. They also don't usually stop cars in the middle of the road either.

I see the World as it presents itself.

If law enforcement has been infested with cowardly, gun obsessed racists, I’m not going to pretend that it hasn’t.

Wrong country mate. Youre doing exactly what youre accusing the police of doing here.
Masterclass in how to turn a nice, light-hearted thread to total shit in one post.

Top effort, @::sonny::
He’s getting stopped cause he’s a black man - pure and simple.
Yes, there’s no racist police in Italy. It’s racist of me to think there is.

There is only racism if you choose to see racism, Rhyme Animal. See, the world is a big place with all sorts of people living together but the media…*starts incoherent rant about “the media”*
Looks like he’s going to a rave with a bucket hat - looks nothing like a drug dealer - more likely to drop some pills himself with that look.
They dress like drug dealers

Can you please let us know what is an acceptable dress code for black men, because you previously said Rashford and Lingard were dressed like pimps and now you're accusing Bakayako of dressing like a drug dealer. So please tell me what attire is suitable in your opinion to prevent black people from being profiled as criminals?
Can you please let us know what is an acceptable dress code for black men, because you previously said Rashford and Lingard were dressed like pimps and now you're accusing Bakayako of dressing like a drug dealer. So please tell me what attire is suitable in your opinion to prevent black people from being profiled as criminals?

Probably just a simple clean polo, like good nice boys dress :angel:
Probably just a simple clean polo, like good nice boys dress :angel:
:lol: I remember when you couldn't walk 2 minutes without seeing this polo about 12 years ago. Sonny would probably just accuse a black man wearing this polo of being a user.
We’re not talking about ‘seeing racism in everything’ as you keep repeating for some reason.

We’re talking of seeing racism in a wealthy, outwardly affluent innocent black man being manhandled and threatened with death by Police officers for doing nothing other than driving his car.

To immediately jump on the narrative you’ve jumped on - not all cops etc, is, in my opinion, indicative of subtle or low-key racism.

Sorry if you don’t like that, but I’m not the only person who thinks so.

Perhaps rather than online squabbling and belittling of such serious issues, you should examine why that is and try and educate yourself in order to better get on with others in this modern World.
Unless you were in that car police you have no idea why they were stopped and can’t say racism this or racism that.

I jumped in because people talking about racism without having any proof of that. A word that is thrown so much outhere that it will lose its meaning. We should work on real racism and not pretend and see that everything is racism.

I don’t need to educate myself because I don’t have any issues or problems with people regardless who they are. Everyone should be equal. Unless they show they are evil. I don’t speculate. I see things objective.
It's a rubbish fit. It's not even in vogue as baggy trousers are all the rage, so I don't know why you think tight three quarter lengths are considered fashionable. They aren't. If you saw someone out and about in those trousers, they'd look fecking ridiculous/hilarious.
Ok Tom Ford.
I literally have no words. I assume you've avoided any of the BLM movement.

Dude, just check the stop and search rates by race in whichever country in the "Western" world

AC Milan say police apologised to midfielder Tiemoue Bakayoko after he was stopped as part of a search for a suspect involved in a shooting.

The incident happened in Milan on 3 July but went viral after being shared on social media on Monday.

In the video the 27-year-old, who is on loan from Chelsea, can been seen being searched by a policeman while two officers point a gun at a car.

After a conversation between the officers the Frenchman is released.

"After a shootout in the area where the midfielder happened to be, the police started making checks," an AC Milan spokesperson said.

"The player was stopped but as soon as the police verified that he had nothing to do with what happened, they apologised and let him go."

Dressed like a shooter
We should work on real racism and not pretend and see that everything is racism.

What is "Real Racism"?

It feels pretty real for someone who has been stopped by the police way more than what a Caucasian person might be in a similar situation. I don't think it's ok to dismiss it as "not real".

It's fair to acknowledge that there are bigger problems to tackle than this. It's also fair to say that some people incorrectly label actions racist. However, to just invalidate this problem as "not real" is not fair.

Words we use matter where such things are concerned. We need to be careful about how we approach and discuss these things.
What is "Real Racism"?

It feels pretty real for someone who has been stopped by the police way more than what a Caucasian person might be in a similar situation. I don't think it's ok to dismiss it as "not real".

It's fair to acknowledge that there are bigger problems to tackle than this. It's also fair to say that some people incorrectly label actions racist. However, to just invalidate this problem as "not real" is not fair.

Words we use matter where such things are concerned. We need to be careful about how we approach and discuss these things.
Calling someone the N word. Even then, people on here have tried to argue that's not racist.