Tennis 2018

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They never get yellows for swearing. People have gone full on self-righteous on here because basically they don't like Serena. McEnroe did way worse for basically his entire career and he's celebrated for it. Jimmy Connors was awful as well.
He's celebrated post his career because some of it is funny in hindsight (tonight as well as 2009 and 2011?) will be remembered differently in years to come as unbelievable moments. That being said McEnroe and Connors were regularly punished during their matches for their behaviour and the same happened to Serena tonight. Just because players in all sports don't always get punishments for being abusive to officials doesn't mean they should get away with it, surely you should know the risk you run when you call an umpire a liar and a thief, essentially questioning his integrity, when you've already received a warning and then a point penalty.
She actually grew up in Long Island, New York until moving to Florida at 9(actually would come to the US Open as a child). Her father just thought it was easier to register her with the Japanese federation.

Makes sense and considering how little Japanese care about biracial children, it might have made sense to register her as American. She'd got a lot more exposure that way.
Here's a question to people on here , how many times have you seen a game penalty in any tennis match . I genuinely can't remember ever seeing it in any match
Makes sense and considering how little Japanese care about biracial children, it might have made sense to register her as American. She'd got a lot more exposure that way.

When she was playing against Madison Keys the US Open crowd was highly behind Keys since she was the "American" even though Naomi probably learned to play Tennis on courts maybe 20 minutes away from the US Open.
A set and 4-3 down and the umpire decides to give her a game penalty, that is absurd. The umpire needs to put his ego aside and let the players play it out. It ruined the set and didn't let Osaka win in a non controversial manner.
The umpire should have absolutely nothing to do in deciding the outcome of the match.
Personally I think it’s the referee’s responsibility to enforce the rules rather than ensure a spectacle. The alternative feels far too much the current situation where players endanger the safety of another player and the referee is accused of having ruined the game for the supporters if he sends them off.
Sad to see the most important thing tonight is barely mentioned. Osaka outplayed Williams and won deservedly.
Janowicz got a game penalty a couple of years ago for repeatedly mouthing off to the umpire about some dodgy calls. Guess the reason they're pretty rare is most players are sensible enough to tone it down after a code violation or two.
The biggest shame is that this post win is dominated by the actions of the loser and the umpire rather than the dominance of the new çhampion. What a match and tournament by her

Never expected her to win a set lol
Janowicz got a game penalty a couple of years ago for repeatedly mouthing off to the umpire about some dodgy calls. Guess the reason they're pretty rare is most players are sensible enough to tone it down after a code violation or two.

For anyone sensible and not caught up in the emotion, it's easy to see that Serena absolutely lost her head here and her behaviour was awful. Calling the umpire a "thief" when you've already had two warnings? What the feck did she/those defending her expect to happen?
After 2 violations... shut the feck up and play.
I'm surprised at how many people are defending Serenas actions and blaming the umpire

I don't understand her actions after the first two warnings. That wasn't competitive nature as some are putting, that was complete mental breakdown at being dominated in a final
I'm surprised at how many people are defending Serenas actions and blaming the umpire

I don't understand her actions after the first two warnings. That wasn't competitive nature as some are putting, that was complete mental breakdown at being dominated in a final

Serena could shoot the opposition player and you'd get people defending her and making excuses.
My mate has 500 PLN on Osaka and Del Potro winning, he put it a week ago when Osaka was 14/1 and Del Potro was 8/1. He stands to win 67,000 (£13k).

Happy to see Osaka win. Come on Del Potro!
Serena acting like she’s Rosa Parks and standing up for inequality and injustice. She had a meltdown. Yes the umpire was overly officious with the first call, but that should’ve been the end of it. Instead she went bananas and got rightly penalised. Utter diva behaviour.
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Great tournament by Osaka - Female game is all over the place in terms of consistency, but another Serena meltdown because it wasn't handed to her to close a tremendous narrative for her(last time it was the yearly slam right?) - doesn't take away from how good Osaka was throughout. With or without the distraction, she wins it for me, had anyones number this month.
The amount of political correctness on twitter in defence of Serena is , to quote Trump, Sad.
Just got back from the match.. Between the Umpire and Serena they just ruined the entire spectacle

Serena kept moaning even in between games. I understand it was tough for her to take with the Baby and so many things that have happened in her life but it wasn’t her best behavior.

The rules have to be defined better or enforced better
I've little knowledge about tennis, so I have to ask...why is coaching during a match considered to be a problem?
The amount of political correctness on twitter in defence of Serena is , to quote Trump, Sad.
Haven't looked, but would I be wrong in assuming most of it is just fans sticking up for one of their idols?
Serena had a meltdown. But the sequence of the penalty sequence was mind boggling. Literally, every coach does what Serena's coach did and to get pulled on that is absolutely ridiculous. Rightly or wrongly, sport at this level is on fine margins and Serena completely blew it today. To be fair, she must know that nobody ever gets pulled up on 'coaching' ever. Brilliant performance by Osaka and probably many more in the years to come.

By the way, some of you lot going on as if Serena Williams is some uncontrollable freak of a drama queen, feck sake :lol:
Serena had a meltdown. But the sequence of the penalty sequence was mind boggling. Literally, every coach does what Serena's coach did and to get pulled on that is absolutely ridiculous. Rightly or wrongly, sport at this level is on fine margins and Serena completely blew it today. To be fair, she must know that nobody ever gets pulled up on 'coaching' ever. Brilliant performance by Osaka and probably many more in the years to come.

By the way, some of you lot going on as if Serena Williams is some uncontrollable freak of a drama queen, feck sake :lol:
That's exactly what she was tonight .
Serena had a meltdown. But the sequence of the penalty sequence was mind boggling. Literally, every coach does what Serena's coach did and to get pulled on that is absolutely ridiculous. Rightly or wrongly, sport at this level is on fine margins and Serena completely blew it today. To be fair, she must know that nobody ever gets pulled up on 'coaching' ever. Brilliant performance by Osaka and probably many more in the years to come.

By the way, some of you lot going on as if Serena Williams is some uncontrollable freak of a drama queen, feck sake :lol:

She lost because Osaka was better and the meltdown only really escalated when it looked like she was going to lose.
She's calling him sexist. Pathetic really from her. You break your racquet and call umpire sexist.
1. The first one about coaching was a bit harsh from the umpire, but the fact that Patrick admitted it after sort of justifies the call. But warning or no warning, Serena could've simply taken it and marched on to focus on winning the 2nd set. She had not been penalized a point or a game - it was merely a warning.

2. The racket abuse warning was a bit later after she had been stewing about the coaching warning. Instead of letting the first one go, she continued to lose focus which led her to lose the game and break her racket. She seemed to also ignore the fact that she received warning 2 and continued to rant at the umpire for what she thought was him accusing her of cheating.

But still up to that point, she could've simply shut up and refocused herself on winning the set.

3. Finally, with two warnings already active, she continued ranting at the umpire and go the third one.

So whether warning one was legit or not, it was at that point up to Serena to make sure she didn't get warnings 2 and 3. Ultimately, she lost the plot and has only herself to blame for escalating something that could've easily been squashed before it became a bigger issue.
Sore loser. Lost her head. Disgraceful behaviour.

Feel bad for Osaka, huge moment marred by this shitshow from Serena. Good job.

Crowd not helpful either, you’d never get this sort of thing at Wimbledon. Shame to see.
In what fecking sport do players get sent of for calling a ref a thief?? Footballers full out swear at the ref and only get a yellow sometimes.
How the feck would you know that? If you abuse the ref it’s in instant red. Don’t be daft, it does not enhance your point.
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