Tennis 2018

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She didn't really say anything. She asked for an apology. So many tennis players have said far worse and have not got punished.

Yeah but she knew she had two warnings before she started ranting. She therefore knew that a 3rd would result in a game penalty so it was on her to cool her jets a bit.
She didn't really say anything. She asked for an apology. So many tennis players have said far worse and have not got punished.
This. And the coaching violation was ridiculous too. Serena's reaction was way over the top but the umpire clearly wanted his name in the paper. Some people on here acting as if tennis has suddenly become rugby, we hear and see players question and say bad things to the umpires all the time and get away with it. Even if Serena had said nothing, the ump would still be the main story coming out of this final.
respect to Osaka. She outplayed Serena and very much deserved the win. Crowd was awful though, show some fecking class
Yeah even without the game violation given how upset she got about a warning of on court coaching this was always going to be overshadowing what was a great match from her before the drama.
She didn't really say anything. She asked for an apology. So many tennis players have said far worse and have not got punished.
Right. But all that necessarily tells you is that they need to be more consistent with their enforcement of the rules than this particular incident necessarily being the wrong decision.

And I would guess that the words that did for her were “liar” and “thief”. Once you question the integrity of an official (in football it’s usually players calling the ref “cheat” or “bent”) I don’t think you can really be surprised if they react to that.
Right. But all that necessarily tells you is that they need to be more consistent with their enforcement of the rules than this particular incident necessarily being the wrong decision.

And I would guess that the words that did for her were “liar” and “thief”. Once you question the integrity of an official (in football it’s usually players calling the ref “cheat” or “bent”) I don’t think you can really be surprised if they react to that.

A set and 4-3 down and the umpire decides to give her a game penalty, that is absurd. The umpire needs to put his ego aside and let the players play it out. It ruined the set and didn't let Osaka win in a non controversial manner.
The umpire should have absolutely nothing to do in deciding the outcome of the match.
A set and 4-3 down and the umpire decides to give her a game penalty, that is absurd. The umpire needs to put his ego aside and let the players play it out. It ruined the set and didn't let Osaka win in a non controversial manner.
The umpire should have absolutely nothing to do in deciding the outcome of the match.

She called him a fecking thief ffs, in any other sport you’d be disqualified or sent off.
Disgusting behaviour, arrogant beyond belief.
She called him a fecking thief ffs, in any other sport you’d be disqualified or sent off.
Disgusting behaviour, arrogang beyond belief.

In what fecking sport do players get sent of for calling a ref a thief?? Footballers full out swear at the ref and only get a yellow sometimes.
Osaka is 20, she's speaking like a 8 yr old.
Do you consider that she just won her first grand slam and is also the first player from her country to do so? On top of this, the crowd was very hostile after Serina's meltdown and she was probably a bit afraid to speak?
Reminicent of Serena threating to kill the lineswoman at the Open a few years back.

She is unhinged

I can never figure out where to put her aggression because she is such an intense person when she competes. I think a lot of it goes back to her playing in the junior circuit when growing up and having to deal with some horrible racist abuse. I can understand her wanting to kill her opponent and everything that stands in her way.
Absolutely ludicrous decision from Ramos , he is not going to be doing another slam final anytime soon .
In addition to also implying he’s a sexist

Only one person to blame for the way that last set played out and it isn’t the umpire

It’s bizarre people are defending her, do that in football in a World Cup final & you’re sent off, doesn’t matter if the ref therefore has an influence on the result, they aren’t there to be abused.
Do you consider that she just won her first grand slam and is also the first player from her country to do so? On top of this, the crowd was very hostile after Serina's meltdown and she was probably a bit afraid to speak?

She's been living in Florida since she was 3 and her father is Haitian, other than her passport there's nothing making her any kind of emblem of Japan. Most young tennis players are like that, they basically grow up on academies in Florida.

It could have all been avoided if he hadn't clearly given her coaching (she came in to the net a lot more in the next couple of games as well so she clearly took it on board). I get that it happens all the time but it's not wrong for an umpire to point it out and actually enforce the rules. She knew she was on a warning then and had clarified it with the umpire, she must have known the next punishment was a point penalty which she got for throwing her racquet (players always get violations for that). Then rather than accepting it, she decided to bring the umpire's integrity into question. I would say it's an anger issue but the reality is that she's done this before in US Open Final's when she was going to lose and she did it again when it became clear that Osaka was probably going to win. The umpire was stricter than he could have been on each occasion but everything he did was in line with the rules and not unprecedented.
She's been living in Florida since she was 3 and her father is Haitian, other than her passport there's nothing making her any kind of emblem of Japan. Most young tennis players are like that, they basically grow up on academies in Florida.
Yet somehow she is behaving according to Japanese customs and even bowed to Serina.
In what fecking sport do players get sent of for calling a ref a thief?? Footballers full out swear at the ref and only get a yellow sometimes.
They never get yellows for swearing. People have gone full on self-righteous on here because basically they don't like Serena. McEnroe did way worse for basically his entire career and he's celebrated for it. Jimmy Connors was awful as well.
She's been living in Florida since she was 3 and her father is Haitian, other than her passport there's nothing making her any kind of emblem of Japan. Most young tennis players are like that, they basically grow up on academies in Florida.

She actually grew up in Long Island, New York until moving to Florida at 9(actually would come to the US Open as a child). Her father just thought it was easier to register her with the Japanese federation.
Even if you disagree with the coaching punishment, it was just a warning... Serena then went off to break a racket and throw non-stop abuse at the umpire.

She is the one to blame. This is even worse because she was clearly outplayed and lost fairly.
Serena has always been a sore loser and a drama queen. Pathetic how she went on & on about apology and calling ref all kinds of things. More than ref apologizing to her, it is Serena who should apologize to Naomi.
Serena is correct that male players routinely talk like that and worse, but by that point she should've known she was dangerously close to a game penalty and should've shut the hell up. She has no one but herself to blame for escalating a relatively minor situation into one that cost her the tournament. Get some emotional/anger management counseling.
They never get yellows for swearing. People have gone full on self-righteous on here because basically they don't like Serena. McEnroe did way worse for basically his entire career and he's celebrated for it. Jimmy Connors was awful as well.

I like Serena, absolute legend.

Complete arrogant dickhead tonight though. McEnroe was a bellend.
They never get yellows for swearing. People have gone full on self-righteous on here because basically they don't like Serena. McEnroe did way worse for basically his entire career and he's celebrated for it. Jimmy Connors was awful as well.

Sport at this level is high pressure and if refs started applying every rule by the word then we will only watch the refs all day on our screens. People don't like Serena for various reasons and that's why there's actually some support for Ramos , if it had happened to any other player the reaction would have been different
In what fecking sport do players get sent of for calling a ref a thief?? Footballers full out swear at the ref and only get a yellow sometimes.
Probably in a lot of them. Snooker, you're out. Curling, so long. Judo, how dare you, sir? Yeah, in most proper ones, I'd bet.
Sport at this level is high pressure and if refs started applying every rule by the word then we will only watch the refs all day on our screens. People don't like Serena for various reasons and that's why there's actually some support for Ramos , if it had happened to any other player the reaction would have been different

No it wouldn’t, there’s support for Ramos because her behaviour was a complete joke, and not for the first time.
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