Film Star Wars: Pogue One

I don't remember the Bail conversation? When was that?
Mon Mothma tells him to get his "Jedi friend" and to send someone he trusts, and he says "I'd trust her with my life" or summat. Harsh foreshadowing of her inability to save him on Alderaan in retrospect.
Mon Mothma tells him to get his "Jedi friend" and to send someone he trusts, and he says "I'd trust her with my life" or summat. Harsh foreshadowing of her inability to save him on Alderaan in retrospect.

Ah missed that line. Was that before or after the meeting?
Ah missed that line. Was that before or after the meeting?
Think it's after, it's last time you see him anyway.

Agree with the others that it seems random in this context that Leia's ship finds her way there, can only suppose that they were originally supposed to be heading to Tattooine but got diverted when the admiral guy/fish decided to join the battle.
Think it's after, it's last time you see him anyway.

Agree with the others that it seems random in this context that Leia's ship finds her way there, can only suppose that they were originally supposed to be heading to Tattooine but got diverted when the admiral guy/fish decided to join the battle.

Aye, the explanation of her being there is somewhat silly. Ah well, just gotta roll with it I guess!
One of the best star wars movies, quite close to empire strikes back and clearly better than the prequels and the force awakens.

vaders true unstoppable potential shown for the first times on the large screen aswell.
Just spilling my opinion before I read through the usual nitpicking nonsense...

Good God that was good. Star Wars porn from start to finish. Genuinely do not think they could have done a better job than that and I love how it tied into a new hope and improved that story in the process. Though I'm sure someone will be along to tell us the timing wasn't quite right or some such other bills hit I don't really care about.

I thought so too. It is pretty good. Only thing is some of the dialogue seems a bit off in Original Star Wars now.

It all depends, Original Star Wars takes place, say, 2 weeks after Rogue One, then it all makes sense. Vadar has finally caught up with the ship, but they are claiming they are on a diplomatic mission to Alderon and they don't know what he's on about.

If it takes place 10 minutes after Rogue One though, it's a little bit silly. Leia pretending she's on a diplomatic mission to Alderon when they were just in a massive space battle...
I think that Vader says something like 'the spies beamed the plans to this ship' (well something like that), which makes it sound a bit ridiculous now, but ignoring the small things like this, I think that it was fine, and will make A New Hope even better in my next marathon.
I think that Vader says something like 'the spies beamed the plans to this ship' (well something like that), which makes it sound a bit ridiculous now, but ignoring the small things like this, I think that it was fine, and will make A New Hope even better in my next marathon.

Beamed it / carried it, whatever. It's a very minor thing, maybe its a different ship.
Beamed it / carried it, whatever. It's a very minor thing, maybe its a different ship.
He saw them escaping with physical plans, and then we saw them giving the plans to Leia. So, 'beamed' doesn't work too much, I am afraid.
They were beamed from the planet up to the main ship, from which Leia's split off. Can live with it.
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I have to say while I liked the final battle the blind dude walking very slowly and all the Stormtroopers being unable to hit him was a bit silly. I get what they were trying to do but it just looked comical to me. This was the same guy they showed take out 10+ Stormtroopers and dodge their fire from feet away already, they should have just done that again instead of making the troopers look inept.
I have to say while I liked the final battle the blind dude walking very slowly and all the Stormtroopers being unable to hit him was a bit silly. I get what they were trying to do but it just looked comical to me. This was the same guy they showed take out 10+ Stormtroopers and dodge their fire from feet away already, they should have just done that again instead of making the troopers look inept.

I don't think the troopers looked inept at all, the force had a very small part to play in this movie but was most significant at this point.
Just got back from seeing it, bit slow to start with and didn't like the little captions of the planets that popped up and one notable inconsistent moment (which I will come on to) Apart from that it was very good, the casting was excellent (except the guy from Rizzle Kicks, he was very wooden) Personally I thought all the new characters were better than the new ones in The Force Awakens. The actor who played Cassian Andor was excellent, I read online just now that they were looking at Aaron Paul for the role, personally I think he would've ruined it.

Anyway on to the inconsistent moment, is it just me or did anyone else notice that when Jyn bumped into those aliens? (from the bar scene in New Hope) The planet they were on obviously gets destroyed by the death star so how did they end up in A New Hope which is obviously set after this film.
Just got back from seeing it, bit slow to start with and didn't like the little captions of the planets that popped up and one notable inconsistent moment (which I will come on to) Apart from that it was very good, the casting was excellent (except the guy from Rizzle Kicks, he was very wooden) Personally I thought all the new characters were better than the new ones in The Force Awakens. The actor who played Cassian Andor was excellent, I read online just now that they were looking at Aaron Paul for the role, personally I think he would've ruined it.

Anyway on to the inconsistent moment, is it just me or did anyone else notice that when Jyn bumped into those aliens? (from the bar scene in New Hope) The planet they were on obviously gets destroyed by the death star so how did they end up in A New Hope which is obviously set after this film.
Was just the city that was destroyed, guessing they could escape on a ship as the rebels did. Both that and the droids at the rebel base were fairly pointless fan service though. Would've been more fun to see K run into C-3PO at some point.
I don't think the troopers looked inept at all, the force had a very small part to play in this movie but was most significant at this point.
He was walking at a snail's pace in a straight line and they were feet away and couldn't hit him, what else is that but inept? He doesn't even have to dodge a single shot. And the Force is a neutral thing, it doesn't pick sides and make all the Stormtroopers suddenly blind. It didn't make sense, they already showed he could dodge blaster fire earlier there was no need for the way that scene played out.
Watched it tonight and I am still buzzing two hours later. The characters could have used a bit more depth, but still I did not want the movie to end. And when it did end, I wanted to rewatch it immediately.

I read about the CGI Tarkin before, unfortunately. Otherwise I would have been confused as feck. I am pretty sure most people that are unaware that the actor is long dead, did not realise the character was all animated.

I liked that they gave a proper explanation for the ridiculous weak spot of the Death Star. I can live with that.

The robot had some great lines and I liked that the one Spanish rebel was a bit ambiguous. I also liked that they all died in the end. Their sacrifice makes everything that follows more important.

Overall, they did a good job of making an entertaining movie and even managed to elevate the overall story.

And Vader :drool: Just take my money and give me two hours of Vader fecking people up. :drool:

At the end of the movie, two boys were crying close to me in the cinema. I just wanted to tell them that it is all going to be okay, because Luke Skywalker is going to destroy the the Death Star.
I really enjoyed this movie. The droid, Donnie Yen and the Pilot made this movie for me. Donnie Yen is probably my favorite "Force" type character. Much better than the Jedi in prequels. Wish Ben Mendelsohn did a bit more though as he is one of my favorite actors (he is amazing in Bloodline).
At the end of the movie, two boys were crying close to me in the cinema.


Imagine parents thinking they're taking their kids to see a fun Star Wars movie and they instead get a war movie filled with death.
I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?
I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?

Think that's a plot hole.
I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?
It was only Rogue One going, at that point. The droids might have followed later, along with the rest of the fleet.
I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?
Jesus, if they created a huge plot hole for that bit of fan service!!! :wenger:
I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?

:lol: Good point
I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?

Isn't that when they go 'Rogue' and take off without the Rebellion's permission?. A bit later the rebels decide to join the fight en masse... So they could of boarded Leia's ship then.]

It does ruin the final battle in a New Hope though. Took them a few seconds to warp in and fire the death star at Scarif. Took them a life time to navigate around to fire on Yavin 4.
Watched it tonight and I am still buzzing two hours later. The characters could have used a bit more depth, but still I did not want the movie to end. And when it did end, I wanted to rewatch it immediately.

I read about the CGI Tarkin before, unfortunately. Otherwise I would have been confused as feck. I am pretty sure most people that are unaware that the actor is long dead, did not realise the character was all animated.

I liked that they gave a proper explanation for the ridiculous weak spot of the Death Star. I can live with that.

The robot had some great lines and I liked that the one Spanish rebel was a bit ambiguous. I also liked that they all died in the end. Their sacrifice makes everything that follows more important.

Overall, they did a good job of making an entertaining movie and even managed to elevate the overall story.

And Vader :drool: Just take my money and give me two hours of Vader fecking people up. :drool:

At the end of the movie, two boys were crying close to me in the cinema. I just wanted to tell them that it is all going to be okay, because Luke Skywalker is going to destroy the the Death Star.

by boys you mean two fully grown men, right ?

Imagine parents thinking they're taking their kids to see a fun Star Wars movie and they instead get a war movie filled with death.
It's not like Episode 3 was a fun movie tbh.
Isn't that when they go 'Rogue' and take off without the Rebellion's permission?. A bit later the rebels decide to join the fight en masse... So they could of boarded Leia's ship then.]

It does ruin the final battle in a New Hope though. Took them a few seconds to warp in and fire the death star at Scarif. Took them a life time to navigate around to fire on Yavin 4.

Yeah it does a bit actually.

Anyway on to the inconsistent moment, is it just me or did anyone else notice that when Jyn bumped into those aliens? (from the bar scene in New Hope) The planet they were on obviously gets destroyed by the death star so how did they end up in A New Hope which is obviously set after this film.

They left the planet...

He was walking at a snail's pace in a straight line and they were feet away and couldn't hit him, what else is that but inept? He doesn't even have to dodge a single shot. And the Force is a neutral thing, it doesn't pick sides and make all the Stormtroopers suddenly blind. It didn't make sense, they already showed he could dodge blaster fire earlier there was no need for the way that scene played out.

Neutral or not, he is a force user, the troopers are not, makes perfect sense in the realm of Star Wars. He could dodge normal trooper fire easy enough but these doods in black were some kind of elite troopers. They started losing/dying as soon as these guys showed up.

I'm not sure it follows on directly, because they made a point of showing R2 and C3PO in the base saying "why are they going to Scarif" when the rebel fleet join the how does Leia then get the plans into R2 without first, at some point, going back to base?

I was wondering this myself at the end of the film and seemed to think the line came before the rebel fleet left, would need to see it again though. Regardless, we don't know for sure that Leia stays on the same ship, nor do we know the timeline before Vader catches up with them, where they go and what passengers they take on.
Going by the thread title I was expecting a Shane MacGowan Darth Vader mash up.
Neutral or not, he is a force user, the troopers are not, makes perfect sense in the realm of Star Wars. He could dodge normal trooper fire easy enough but these doods in black were some kind of elite troopers. They started losing/dying as soon as these guys showed up.
No it really doesn't make sense. The first thing we ever see a Jedi do is Luke be trained how to block blaster fire from a droid but that is pointless because apparantly you can just pray to the Force and all your enemies will miss you from feet away? Like Han says that's not how the Force works. People don't pray to the Force for it to fight their battles. Vader at the end has to block the blaster fire and disarm them, he doesn't walk in a line as they all miss him from meters away.
Watched it last night at around midnight. Was perfect as there were only 5 people and no kids (whereas the showings before were pretty much sold out).

Really enjoyed the movie. As most have said, the Vader scene was just pure badass. Watched it in 2D and the CGi wasnt an issue at all (The Leia one was obvious but thats cos you know). Tarkin looked more like a lookalike actor than CGI, which doesnt really take you out of it except the first scene of seeing him and thinking, woah.

I was intrigued to see what they do with the characters given you hardly see any of them in the original trilogy. Never expected what they did to wipe them all out. Wow, but still was done well and the right thing to do. And very important for the whole story of Star Wars going forward.

Was a nice gap filler between eps 3 and 4 and for me I think the plot was more important than the characters (given it is pretty much standalone). Whereas in TFH, the characters were more important as theyre going to carry the next trilogy.
No it really doesn't make sense. The first thing we ever see a Jedi do is Luke be trained how to block blaster fire from a droid but that is pointless because apparantly you can just pray to the Force and all your enemies will miss you from feet away? Like Han says that's not how the Force works. People don't pray to the Force for it to fight their battles. Vader at the end has to block the blaster fire and disarm them, he doesn't walk in a line as they all miss him from meters away.

Both things can happen (Luke's blocking and the walk in Rogue One). Maybe he was especially connected with the force at that moment; IMO the movie goes out of its way to show that.
Saying that, have Stormtroopers ever been good at shooting? Seriously.