Film Star Wars: Pogue One

Going to watch this tomorrow. Managed to stay away from reviews/trailers/spoilers. Quite excited to see how this compares to the other films.
Mate, you have spent a large part of your Christmas day arguing in minute detail with a stranger because, although they agreed that a scene in a fantasy film was lacklustre and left a little to the imagination, it wasn't as much of an aberration as you believe it to have been.

Definitely one to tell the grandkids.
Nope. Again, it was because you said your interpretation of what happened was "obvious" but after a few exchanges it turned out you had zero back-up for what you said and rambled on and on nonsensically. Scale and scope was never discussed.

Also hate to burst your bubble but transferring my thoughts to type doesn't take the hours you seem to think, maybe you can obsess about thinking out about your viewpoints beforehand instead of imagining what internet strangers are up to and being left in a shitty discussion where all that's left is one guy saying "Well, I think you care too much!". Give it a rest.
You are in danger of embarrassing yourself now. Essentially you are attempting to take someone to task for drawing inference that a guy who stumbled about on a pair of mismatched robot legs and needed to use an inhaler after minor excitement may not be in the best shape to run to a spaceship in time to flee an earth-shattering explosion in a sci-fi film. Truly a time to remember.
I'm with decorative on this one, was fairly obvious to me that Saw was on his last legs and was in no condition to be making a mad escape anywhere.

Bizarre thing to make such a big deal of.
You are in danger of embarrassing yourself now. Essentially you are attempting to take someone to task for drawing inference that a guy who stumbled about on a pair of mismatched robot legs and needed to use an inhaler after minor excitement may not be in the best shape to run to a spaceship in time to flee an earth-shattering explosion in a sci-fi film. Truly a time to remember.
When did he ever stumble? All they showed were metallic feet.

And again again again the dialogue and other things inserted by the movie's creators disagree with you as said multiple times, but I give up at this point as clearly what you imagine trumps the movie itself.

Get a clue about the embarrassment stuff honestly, if you can't defend a viewpoint without trying pathetic meta commentary maybe take a break and look inward without guessing about others.
I'm with decorative on this one, was fairly obvious to me that Saw was on his last legs and was in no condition to be making a mad escape anywhere.

Bizarre thing to make such a big deal of.
Last legs as in dying? Remember the various other characters in Star Wars who use ventilators and have robotic limbs who conspicuously weren't dying? He never stumbled, just lifted his robes to show robot legs. Where in the movie do we see this interpretation?

And if it was obvious he couldn't make it, why did Jyn spend all that time with him seeing him move around and then ask him to escape with them? And why didn't Saw reply with 'I can't make it'? Why did he say something else entirely, about not wanting to 'run' anymore?

This is what it boils down to. Everything after this is bizarre projection and advice that we should ignore what they're saying.
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You lot are taking it waaaaay too seriously.

His character was crap, but to me, that scene was pretty much, ive done all i can, i dont want to run anymore, youre more than capable and im not in a condition to go, so you go and ill stay back. Its all nitpicking asking why somebody said one thing instead of another to make it blatantly obvious what the situation is.

Oh well, enjoyable movie. I need to see it again soon just for the second half of the movie.
A lot of people can say Disney might end up milking it (and why not given the money spent), but would like to see a Darth Vader solo movie.
Or just redo ep1,2 and 3 haha
The scenes they cut probably make a lot more sense of it, they of course couldn't cut his death though.

It really is a minor plot point either way, if this is the main criticism debate, this film is even better than I thought.
Large parts of this were sloppily put together.

For that scene to make sense, all it would take is for Space Forest to say or for the movie to show that's the reason and not have him exhale that he's "tired" in an unearned world-weary moment of pseudo-drama.

The larger problem here was the sense of 'because drama' with unearned moments. Similarly Jyn and Calassian kissing was not built up in any significant way, but that final 'payoff' was attempted anyway.
Large parts of this were sloppily put together.

For that scene to make sense, all it would take is for Space Forest to say or for the movie to show that's the reason and not have him exhale that he's "tired" in an unearned world-weary moment of pseudo-drama.

The larger problem here was the sense of 'because drama' with unearned moments. Similarly Jyn and Calassian kissing was not built up in any significant way, but that final 'payoff' was attempted anyway.
But they don't kiss...
Fantastic film, really enjoyed it & found it better than I expected. The new characters were once again well cast.

Think they made a mistake not having the opening sequence - it just didn't feel like Star Wars without it & the music playing at the start.

Thought the first part of the film was a bit slow & not really interesting. Once they got to Jedha, thought the film got a lot better.

The final battle was immense. Nice sequencing between the space, ground & Jyn battles & you got a sense of the task facing the rebels and just what an achievement it was to steal the Death Star plans. Killing everyone was the right move, it would've felt 'fake' if Jyn managed to survive, especially with the Death Star there. I liked how 'hopeless' the rebels on Scarif were in that situation but overall they completed their mission & were able to give 'hope' to the Rebels (setting up episode 4).

Glad they went with Tarkin in the film, he was too important not to include. Vader is a badass. I don't think the lack of Jedi/lightsaber battles was negative, actually was nice to see the struggle against the Empire without having a Jedi fighting alongside them.

Overall a very enjoyable film which helps better understand the events leading up to Episode 4. Will be watching it again.
What is it with cute little Home Counties girls saving the universe? This time she had some lispy Spanish barista dude helping her and it just wasn't believable. She was tiny yet she was overpowering stormtroopers in full battle armour with ease.

Who'd win a battle between stormtroopers and orcs? Neither of them can fight for shit. Some blind fella with a stick duffs up twenty of them and she starts slashing them at some point too. WTF is stormtrooper armour made of? Spongecake?
What is it with cute little Home Counties girls saving the universe? This time she had some lispy Spanish barista dude helping her and it just wasn't believable. She was tiny yet she was overpowering stormtroopers in full battle armour with ease.

Who'd win a battle between stormtroopers and orcs? Neither of them can fight for shit. Some blind fella with a stick duffs up twenty of them and she starts slashing them at some point too. WTF is stormtrooper armour made of? Spongecake?
Meringue :D
Genuinely one of the only times ive considered walking out of the cinema. Great work by the director and production team, the rest of it was as bad as blockbusters can be.
Just saw it finally, loved it. Right up there with the last one, both probably my favourite star wars films (I know the originals are classics, but I'm 22 so the older ones being so old really has it's drawbacks for me and probably a big reason why I prefer these... Though the one's in early 2000 are trash).

Some people on here though :lol: Questioning why Forest didn't run. The guy looked ancient, could barelyspeak in the movie and had an inhaler every few seconds. He had no hope of running anywhere pretty clearly and there was no escaping for him. Was pretty obvious.
Was Tarkin that tall in ANH?

It looks like they made him Vader sized in this one. Having met the great man myself many years ago I know just how slight he was around that time.
They say he wore slippers on set instead of the boots he was supposed to have to complete the costume, because he didn't like wearing them. That could have shaved a few inches off his height in the original shots.
Some people on here though :lol: Questioning why Forest didn't run. The guy looked ancient, could barelyspeak in the movie and had an inhaler every few seconds. He had no hope of running anywhere pretty clearly and there was no escaping for him. Was pretty obvious.

I'm still laughing at that myself, the one bloke on here who actually needed to hear it from Saw's mouth as "we absolutely could not come to that conclusion ourselves" :lol:
You lot are taking it waaaaay too seriously.

His character was crap, but to me, that scene was pretty much, ive done all i can, i dont want to run anymore, youre more than capable and im not in a condition to go, so you go and ill stay back. Its all nitpicking asking why somebody said one thing instead of another to make it blatantly obvious what the situation is.

Oh well, enjoyable movie. I need to see it again soon just for the second half of the movie.
A lot of people can say Disney might end up milking it (and why not given the money spent), but would like to see a Darth Vader solo movie.
Or just redo ep1,2 and 3 haha

this. I watched it yesterday, what I took from it apart from the fact that I hate that actor and his accent was all over the place.. was that his character couldn't be arsed to run anymore and was prepared to embrace the end, happy in the knowledge that the girl would take the fight on
Genuinely one of the only times ive considered walking out of the cinema. Great work by the director and production team, the rest of it was as bad as blockbusters can be.

what? I thought this was as 'starwars' as one could ever hope it to be!
Genuinely one of the only times ive considered walking out of the cinema. Great work by the director and production team, the rest of it was as bad as blockbusters can be.

Force Awakens was much more blockbuster than this. Rogue One was genuine Star Wars. It was darker, more gritty, the battle scenes and the x-wings/TIE fighter scenes were much better. TFA, on the other hand, was a clone of New Hope and was just a movie for the fans. It wasn't original in the slightest. Rogue One was much better IMO.
Force Awakens was much more blockbuster than this. Rogue One was genuine Star Wars. It was darker, more gritty, the battle scenes and the x-wings/TIE fighter scenes were much better. TFA, on the other hand, was a clone of New Hope and was just a movie for the fans. It wasn't original in the slightest. Rogue One was much better IMO.

100% agree with this. I would also add in that the actual acting in the movie was a couple of levels above the new characters in TFA. I really despised the Ray character and acting. If it wasnt for Harrison Ford delivering one of his finest performances in years I think that movie would have sucked altogether
100% agree with this. I would also add in that the actual acting in the movie was a couple of levels above the new characters in TFA. I really despised the Ray character and acting. If it wasnt for Harrison Ford delivering one of his finest performances in years I think that movie would have sucked altogether
I thought TFA was a disaster. It's the reason I'm not paying anything to see Rogue One.
This is probably the closest to how I feel about the whole thing (lot of tweets)

In short - a fair amount is contrived, but excelled at Star Wars spectacle.
Force Awakens was much more blockbuster than this. Rogue One was genuine Star Wars. It was darker, more gritty, the battle scenes and the x-wings/TIE fighter scenes were much better. TFA, on the other hand, was a clone of New Hope and was just a movie for the fans. It wasn't original in the slightest. Rogue One was much better IMO.

Disagree quite a bit. For a start this "darker, more gritty" film was only dark and gritty by disney standards. It's still very much a kids film, as you'd expect. Also although TFA was indeed unoriginal it served as a jumping on point for a younger generation who may not have been into Star Wars before and worked well as that. It's not like Rogue One was actually original either, unless you've never seen a war film before. If either film is for the fans then it's certainly this one given its direct relationship to ANH and the return of the of Vader, Tarkin, Leia etc. Vader's slicing and dicing towards the end of the film was a pure fanboi-squeal moment.
Disagree about it being a Kids film. Kids films don't tend to have the entire cast die.

It was a fanboy film as well though. It's exactly the type of film I wanted when I was playing around with awful scratch built lego xwings back in the 90s.

The end especially felt like an Xwing vs Tie Fighter mission. Was awesome.
It was still a 12A rating, the same as some of the Harry Potter films and the Hunger Games (which only got that rating after making cuts). If kids were fine with that film then Rogue One is pretty easy going.
I don't see how this was a kids movie. The entire cast died, cities got destroyed and we saw a lot of people getting massacred.
I don't see how this was a kids movie. The entire cast died, cities got destroyed and we saw a lot of people getting massacred.

The Hunger Games was a kids movie despite being about a load of kids being forced to fight each other to the death. Some kids films are darker than others but they're still kids films. By those standards Rogue One is nothing unusual.
The Hunger Games was a kids movie despite being about a load of kids being forced to fight each other to the death. Some kids films are darker than others but they're still kids films. By those standards Rogue One is nothing unusual.
Rogue One is the darkest Star Wars movie ever (although an argument could be made for Revenge of the Sith). So, if it was a kids movie, then the original trilogy was a babies movie.
Was the blind man's stick special somehow? It had metal bits and lights on the ends and I'm curious to know how a stick duffs up an armoured stormtrooper.
Rogue One is the darkest Star Wars movie ever (although an argument could be made for Revenge of the Sith). So, if it was a kids movie, then the original trilogy was a babies movie.

Yes, it was the darkest kids movie in a series of kids movies. Which is totally fine, I wouldn't expect anything else. I just thought that some of the talk about how dark and gritty it is made it sound like it's unusally so, when really it's only unusually so by Star Wars standards. In general terms though it's a pretty standard 12A kids film.
Yes, it was the darkest kids movie in a series of kids movies. Which is totally fine, I wouldn't expect anything else. I just thought that some of the talk about how dark and gritty it is made it sound like it's unusally so, when really it's only unusually so by Star Wars standards. In general terms though it's a pretty standard 12A kids film.

When the main heroes all die by the end of the film you cannot call it a standard 12A film. The whole point of the Hunger Games was that the kids trying to kill the main Hero all died. There was one character which the Hero liked who ended up dying and that was done in a "sad way". With this film all of the characters you were rooting for were killed. The bad guys won, ok we know in the greater scheme of things the sacrifice meant the Rebels won over all, but would kids understand that completely? Not sure myself.

Rogue One was like what Harry Potter would have been if Harry, Hermoine and Ron were all killed at the end but they still managed to defeat whatshisface.
When the main heroes all die by the end of the film you cannot call it a standard 12A film. The whole point of the Hunger Games was that the kids trying to kill the main Hero all died. There was one character which the Hero liked who ended up dying and that was done in a "sad way". With this film all of the characters you were rooting for were killed. The bad guys won, ok we know in the greater scheme of things the sacrifice meant the Rebels won over all, but would kids understand that completely? Not sure myself.

Rogue One was like what Harry Potter would have been if Harry, Hermoine and Ron were all killed at the end but they still managed to defeat whatshisface.

The fact that the heroes all die in the end doesn't automatically make it much darker and grittier than other 12A films though. In terms of actually watching the film I think younger kids would have a harder time with the Hunger Games despite the main characters surviving, while there are plenty of much darker films where the heroes survive. All of this is reflected in the rating given to it.